yay, i wasn't laughed off the site for that one
Thing is there, is a deadline
Scholastic has asked us to prepare a small video to show at the sales meeting in early August
I'm assuming that's
this August and idk if can be done what with it already mid july.
I'd actually post a full pic myself right now, but I don't have a camera handy; and more importantly my books are 400 miles away at the moment
But yeah if it can be done in time...
Though I must add now: *** I hate thinking
(I feel like a, well, Animorph saying it, but) In any case we have to be careful-too much attention to RAF itself would probably call for a look see, and I don't think the folks at sale would like a site with a stock pile of ebooks
And finally slightly off topic, but who is responsible for updating Animorphs on Wikipedia?! Word of a reprint not spreading!