Can we like, collectively, as a group, make this better? My dream is to have a one-stop portal for every amazing Animorphs fanfic in existence, and there's about 8 years worth of material I am not at all familiar with.
Please go to
this page and recommend your favorite fic, if it's not already on there (and if it is, put a note that just says "iawtc" or something?)
for those unfamiliar, the "edit page" button is in a really weird spot, it's like the fifth button in the second row at the top of the page. And if you've never edited a tvtropes page before, either go to
this page and
this page to learn how to edit examples (tvtropes doesn't use simple html which is so weird and frustrating, but you can also just look around at the formatting once you're in edit mode to figure out how to modify text, which I think is actually easier but w/e)
THIS PLACE HAS BEEN DEAD LATELY AND I DEEM THAT WE ALL NEED A PROJECT TO COME TOGETHER AROUND! Let's find awesome fanfic and become the envy of all other fandoms on tvtropes, yes?