I don't know if I did, so I am now. This is me.
RL name: Matthias. (Not actually, but I use it over my real first name)
Location. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Eh. I am currently 14 and have the mental stability of a abused ****roach.
I first found animorphs in grade four. I was looking through my teachers book shelf, when I saw two books. 2, and 15. I tried 15 first, because my 11 year old brain liked a boy becoming a shark ,then a girl becoming a cat. Go figure. I fell in love immediately. I searched my library for them, all 6 branches, and found only 43 and the TV show. I turned to using inter-library loan and quickly started devouring them, also when I went to other cities. (Every city had them but mine. Go figure) I found RAF like, 2 years ago and joined. Been here ever since.
Personality: I'm bizarre. At school, I', like hot and cold. Going from wild, energetic and happy one moment, the not still, calm and blank face the next. The only people who understand my mind would be Bladeh Chan, and my friends Caleb and David. (Caleb is probably the only human being with a 'brain' like mine) I go off on endless arguements with Caleb, starting on one thing, and drift on towards several other things. We eventually almost forget what we started about the first place, then we remember it again and start all over. It's living hell for any sane person. I am very Patriotic to Canada eh, and own several nice gadgets, like my wireless laptop. I am christian, and am obsessed with Halo.
That's me for now, I'll post more updates in my personal thread.d