Here's something really random for you, though Myitt knows about it. Ever since people started muttering about how cool it would be to have an Animorphs movie, I started recalling this bizarre fantasy I had as a child.
It was basically the back of the first book spoken as a movie trailer, complete with the "In a world..." guy's voice and random trailer scenes. When the cover says something like, "Strange things happen to people. Just ask Jake" it shows him staring up at a landing Andalite spacecraft. And when it says "greatest evil the world has ever seen" the music is building and you see Visser Three stepping gracefully out of the ship. (For some reason. Evil is always dignified in my head, even though Visser Three wasn't.)
And then that Johnny Quest music from the 90's show's opening starts playing. .....hey, it was my frame of reference when I was eight! XD I'm so screwed up. ; )