1. What do you think about the dynamic between Visser's One and Three?
Classically political, and they seem to almost religiously hate here.
HOW did Visser Three uncover all the proves to charge a Visser above his ranking?!
2. Edriss' initial opinions of Earth are quite interesting. For instance, she surmises that the most influential place on Earth is "El lay", among other things. What do you think of her initial opinions? Are they accurate? Or the result of cultural ignorance?
If you are talking movie culture, yeah, I'd go LA Hollywood and all. I guess it was what the Yeerk decided to tap into. All those popular characters and celebrities seem to come from there. Anything either than pop culture, I am forced to disagree.
3. What do you think about Essam and Edriss' relationship? After all, Yeerks don't mate unless they are ready to die, and it is a union of three, not two. With this in mind, was their love for one another purely the result of their human hosts? Or something else?
I thought it was peculiar, how at this stage of the series, KA hammers in that funny fact that Yeerks are intelligent sentient species capable of love much like humans and all. In a sick and twisted way, these two Yeerks WERE vital in the birth of the twins.
One could argue that it was all the host's feelings and everything, but it was the Yeerks themselves who were in direction of the actions. These Chronicles are the biggest proof that the hosts' emotions and sensations seep through to the Yeerk. And even a merciless ruthless powerful Yeerk can succumb to the simplest capabilities.
4. What are your thoughts on Edriss' children?
I am struggling to remember how the boy-twin got to be a homeless-drunk. And I can't recall what happened to the girl-twin (Madra?!). Did she get away?!
5. This is the only time in the series where we see the Animorphs attack without knowing what planning led up to the attack firsthand. Any speculation (like why Cassie is in polar bear morph and not wolf, for instance?). Fanfic challenge: write the book that WOULD accompany this mission, if it existed.
I always tried to picture this, too.
I reckon the Anis would HAVE NOT taken her tip, but Marco would have realized that his mum was in peril and they all would have voted to check it out. Having contacted Erek, he himself might have confirmed it, and by some luck happened to find a way that didn't conflict with his programming to help them get to where Visser One was without any detection.
Given what Visser One knew about them at this stage, I think they opted to go all out. And hence Cassie in polar bear and Rachel and Tobias (most experient in Hork-Bajir-morphs) were tactically chosen to throw enemy forces off.
HOW they got the uncoscious Visser One to the safety holographic zone in plain sight of the Yeerk pool without detection, I DUNNO!! Heheheh!
6. What did you think about the conversation between Marco and Eva?
One of the most sensitive and touching moments in the book! Eva shows to be a strong woman herself, inspite of all the demise she's been through with Visser One. Marco had to make a tough choice for the greater good. I am not sure I could have done the same.
7. The Council pardon both Visser's, giving them a chance for redemption. Why do you think they did this? Do you think it was a smart move, politically speaking?
It was conscienciously merciful on their part.
I think it's as simple as those 'higher minds' thinking that they COULD NOT afford to lose, not one, but TWO of their greatest military leaders. Though, I think they were prepared to do so, they could not kill one of their own forces at THIS stage of the war. For good or worse, those two Vissers have given the Empire results.
What I hate most is that we never get details of how the whole
Anati System assignment went, though we know later on how Visser One fared.
8. Overall opinions on the book? Favorite quotes, scenes, etc.
I thoroughly enjoyed these Chronicles. The cover is c-o-m-p-l-e--t-e-l-y deceiving. But in the end it's worth it, because the reader gets something new and better. That is, we get a lot of insight on the Invasion from the perspective of the one Yeerk who commenced it all. It had lots of reading highpoints: definitely the surprises Visser Three came up with (some of them were like NO WAY! THESE CAN'T BE THE ANIMORPHS! SHE CAN'T SHOOT HER CHILD!!!), but the scene with Marco talking to his free-mum was GOLD! Even if just for that moment.
The trial itself was a good plot for this book. Having said that, I wish there more detail had been given on the Edriss/Eva in Marco's home facade. It's still a little abstract HOW and WHEN the Yeerk came about Eva and for how long she similutated human family living.
And it was a brilliant move on KA to have this book link in plot-wise with the end of
The Proposal. I thought it was refreshing to have this change of pace.