haha, nice one
Jake: Whoa-ho-ho!
Tobias: Yeah baby!
Jake: Damn, that girl is fiiine
Tobias: She's hot!
Ax: I do not understand, how can you tell if one female has a higher body temperature than another?
Jake: Hey, look! That girl's got legs!
Ax: *frustrated* Of course she has legs, every human being has legs, correct? So why shouldn't she have legs?
Tobias: You just don't get it, Ax.
Jake: Yeah, see, Ax, telling a girl that she has legs or that she's hot is a complement.
Ax: It is?
Tobias: Yeah, Earth girls like to be told that.
Ax: Ah, strange.
Marco: Hate to bust your party, boys. But Cassie and Rachel are coming!
Jake: Oh, crap!
Tobias: Rachel's gonna kill me! You don't think she's heard, do you, Marco? Do you?
Marco: How am I supposed to know?
Ax: Ah, yes, Cassie, Rachel. Perhaps I can show them what I've learned.
Tobias: No! Ax, no!
Ax: Rachel! Your body temperature is very high! And Cassie, you have, just as every human being does, legs! In fact, your legs are greater than an average human being because they are short!
Jake: ...
Tobias: ...
Marco: *attempting not to laugh*
Jake: I don't know whether to be grateful or ashamed.
Tobias: Go for ashamed since I think Rachel and Cassie know what he was trying to say...
Marco: You know, for once... I'm actually pretty happy I don't have a girlfriend!
Ax: Rachel, you are also very fine!