I have created my own accent. I don't know why but it just happened. i sometimes sound British (from the Harry Potter books) I sometimes sound regular to any Southern Massechusettsian, I sometimes sound downright weird (from being me). I hate the way some people pronounce idea I-DEE-er. I once went far enough to actually ask my teacher what that meant when she said idear. or whatever. It is a completely differerent word to me and I get really bothered when it is pronounced like that. So just don't spell it like that here please. Now, to not upset the fftopic police I will say something about the question.
No, I do not have any idea which Ax joke in the David Trilogy it is.
Is it the "Tobias is dead!"
"That is bad."
or something like that. Although that wasn't neccisarily a joke, it was an emotionless responce because he isn't very good at emotion, even for his thought to be deceased shorm.
What was it!?!