I'm retyping from memory a fan fic i wrote back when the series was not even close to being over
so here is what i have so far;
Who am I you ask ok let's start from the beginning.
My name is Korrinne-Krattatat-Shatlook, Both my parents died in an accident or so they tell me. I was to little to know. I am what they call a hybrid. Not 100% Andalite but 50%. For this reason I am sometimes shunned by adults, and as I’d like to think admired by the females.
My mother was a researcher up on the shorm mountains. She was doing research on the supposed myth that the ancient Zanelites still existed. And of course she found it to be true. That is how she found my father. My father was a Zanelite. The Zanelites are Andalite looking. They have the hooves and the arms almost the same. There are differences. For instance the fur on Zanelites is long and curly to protect them in the harsher colder climates of the mountains. They lack the stalk eyes and their tails are shorter . they have big eyes and ears and are mostly nocturnal and live in caves instead of in the plains like Andalites do.
My mother spent so much time with the Zanelites she ended up living there for years. And well that is where I came from . I’m half Zanelite hald Andalite so I just look like a long haired Andalite with bigger ears and eyes and a twisted tail blade.
They tell me my parents died after an avalanche in the mountains swallowed them but I don’t think that is very believable. For one if they were taken by the avalanche how did I survive and second. WHY is it that I have an older brother who is just a regular Andalite.
That however didn’t bother me at that age. I believed everything I was told by my uncles.
I lived with my older brother Alafin-Semitur-Frodlin . Alafin was a well respected engineer. He designed Fighter engines.