I've been having another one of my infamous hiatuses lately. As you all may have noticed. Gah, I need to get better at posting that I'm going to leave BEFORE I leave.
Anyway, I'm just posting to say that I finally got a job (whoohoo!), so, where I may have at least been lurking occasionally before, I may not even find time to do that anymore. I still visit facebook from time to time, though, and I think I have a fair number of you friended, so you can give me a holler there if you feel so inclined.
Sorry I'm such a flake, but when I'm as obsessed with anything as I was with RAF, I just don't have the energy to stay interested continuously. I promise I will come back, as I always do. My job is with the Census, so it is a temporary position, and will be over after two months. Sometime thereabouts will probably be when my hiatus ends. Most likely.