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100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« on: April 08, 2009, 11:17:41 PM »
Sharky's questions for OC's list reminded me of a roleplay character "interview" sheet I saw a while ago, so I thought I would post it for one of my characters.  It's really a ton of fun, and it's a great tool for developing a character that you have just the basic traits worked out for.  So I decided to interview Shaliph 443, since I didn't really know that much about her before doing this interview.

Feel free to use these questions for your own characters, and post them here.

Note: The opinions stated in this interview are not a reflection of the writer.  Shaliph may be my character, but that doesn't mean we agree on . . . well, anything.

Part 1: The Basics

1. What is your full name?

Shaliph 443.

2. Where and when were you born?

I was born in the Sulp Niar pool, on the Yeerk homeworld, in the human year 1959.

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

I obviously didn't know them personally, but I've heard from older Yeerks that knew them that their names were Heshat 213, Masier 90, and Garith 804.  I don't have any idea what any of them were like, all I know is that Masier was a sub-visser at one point.  A pretty high-numbered one, though.

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

Oh, want me to list all five hundred and ninety-three?  We would be here all day.

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.

I'm currently stationed on the Hork-Bajir homeworld with Yenlin, Korash, and other Yeerks.  Our current residence is an old, dusty Arn habitation.  Our quarters are smaller than we'd like, but at least it's big enough for three.

6. What is your occupation?

Before I left earth, I guess it would have just been "student."  Yeah, I'd been going to human middle school.  Just trying to 'fit in,' more than anything else.  Hey, we all gotta find our place in this world, right?  Good god, I made a bad choice getting myself stuck as an early teenager!

Now, though . . . I'm sorry, but I can't tell you my current occupation.  Unless you want me to kill you after the interview is over.

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

Well, my nothlit form is that of a roughly 12-year-old girl.  Mixed morph, of course.  I have sort of strawberry blond hair, which has just a slight bit of wave to it, and eyes that are somewhere between brown and green.  I'm 4 foot 11 inches tall (I feel so short when I stand next to Yenlin and Korash), and somewhere around 90 pounds, I think.  No tattoos, no scars, and no birthmarks.  What else?  Oh yeah, style of dress.  I like to wear tight-fitting shirts, you know?  The kind that are a little eye-catching, but not drop-dead gorgeous.  I don't do 'pretty.'

8. To which social class do you belong?

Lower?  Middle?  Depends on whether you're referring to Yeerk classes or human.  I'm pretty much a nobody in Yeerk society (although my connection with Yenlin boosts my status a little bit above the mob of Yeerk nobodies), but as a human, I'd say middle class.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

Not that I know of.

10. Are you right- or left-handed?


11. What does your voice sound like?

A little boyish, but still definitely a young girl's voice.  Pretty bland, actually.  Korash tells me there are loads of kids who sound just like me.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?

"Hmmph," "You'll regret that," "Leave me alone," and "F**k."  And, of course, whenever I utter the word "Andalite" it is with purest disgust.

13. What do you have in your pockets?

The pants I'm wearing at the moment don't have pockets.  But I have a Dracon beam in my hand, which I almost never put down.

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

*snrk*  Quirks?  Strange mannerisms?  Do you really want me to answer that question honestly?  It's not really . . . well, you know.  PG-13.  Um, if you're really that curious, ask Korash.  He knows.

Part 2: Growing Up

15. How would you describe your childhood in general?

Deaf, blind, helpless, swimming around in the Yeerk pool with thousands of my fellow Yeerks.  I can't really complain, though.  At least I got to see the home world, and I wasn't born in one of those sterile tanks on a spaceship.  Actually, though . . . you know, a lot of Yeerks complain about their childhood, but it wasn't really that bad.  Seeing as I am now growing up a second time, as a human, I'm in a good position to compare the two, and I think humans have it worse.  At least we didn't have to put up with that stupid farce they call 'school.'

16. What is your earliest memory?

My first host.  It was a Gedd, and it was marvellous.  The senses were wonderful, but I remember that what I loved most was dominating the Gedd mind with a mere thought.  It was an insane power rush, and it was glorious.

17. How much schooling have you had?

About a month or two of human middle school.

18. Did you enjoy school?

*shudder*  What is wrong with you, that you would even ask that question?  School is where you go to be taught obedience and complacency, not to learn anything useful.  It's worse than Yeerk military training.  What is wrong with humans?

19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

I'm pretty much self-taught.  The various vissers and sub-vissers that I've served under would teach all their underlings the basics that we needed to know for any given job, but a lot of stuff I just had to learn on my own.

20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.

Yenlin 705 and Korash 36.  I'm not sure if Korash counts, since I didn't really know him until later in my life, but Yenlin has been there for me for as long as I can remember.  He's, well, how do you describe Yenlin?  He's confident, maybe a little arrogant (especially now, ever since he became a nothlit as an Andalite), and always stands up for what he believes in.  After the war, he chose to trap himself as an Andalite, as revenge against them, because after all, what would an Andalite hate more than a Yeerk permanently trapped as one of their own?

Korash is more down-to-earth, more laid-back, I guess.  He trapped himself as a human, like me.  Even though I've known Yenlin longer, I can't really get as close to him as I can to Korash, you know?  I guess Korash is just more sensitive, more brotherly.  He's also . . . well, let's just say he isn't an unattractive human.

21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?

Look, I didn't know my parents, and my siblings scattered as soon as we were born, so I don't even know who all my brothers and sisters are.  Hell, Korash and Yenlin and I could all be related, and we'd never know.

22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A Visser.

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?

Well, Yenlin and I made up this one game that I used to really like to play.  We'd both go into one Gedd's brain at the same time, and fight for control.  Yenlin . . . usually won.  But it was still fun.

24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?

I was stubborn, ambitious, and determined.  I think I got it from Yenlin.  I used to try so hard to be like him.  I obviously failed, though, seeing as he eventually became a sub-visser and I didn't.

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

No.  My friends came and went, except for Yenlin, and later, Korash.

26. When and with whom was your first kiss?

Korash.  August 5, 1990.

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

Well, I obviously haven't had Yeerk sex . . . But as a human . . . no comment.

28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.

I was born a Yeerk, and when we got defeated in the war, all of us were forced by the righteous, meddling Andalites to become nothlits.  Hmmph.  Which is why I'm human now.  That's really all there is to the story.

Part 3: Past Influences

29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

The Yeerk-nothlit act.

30. Who has had the most influence on you?

Yenlin.  To a lesser degree, Korash.

31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Hmm . . . well, at least until Project Legacy succeeds, I think it would have to be that one time I fought off the Animorphs from the Yeerk pool complex.  I was assigned guard duty, thinking it was going to be a boring shift, when BAM, there was an attack!  I hit the tiger right in the shoulder with my Dracon beam, scoring the first hit of the battle.  They were forced to flee shortly after that.

32. What is your greatest regret?

Being forced to spend the rest of my life as anything but a Yeerk.

33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

Evil is in the eye of the beholder, my friend.  We all have to do what we have to do to live.

34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?

According to humans, yes.  By the accounts of my own people . . . well, those Yeerks who have turned away from what we truly are may consider me a criminal.  But any true Yeerk would see that I've done nothing to be called a 'criminal' for.

35. When was the time you were the most frightened?

It was towards the end of the war.  You know when the Animorphs crashed that train full of explosives into the Yeerk pool?  I was there.  Yenlin and Korash were, too.  We always feed together, you see.  Yenlin had to nab the first host that stuck its ear into the pool, and then he carried Korash and I out of there in our natural forms.  We were obviously blind and deaf the whole time, so we had no idea what was going on, and it was terrifying.  I'm lucky to be alive and talking to you right now.

36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?

Oh, like I would tell you about that.

37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

I would still be a Yeerk.

38. What is your best memory?

My first host.

39. What is your worst memory?

The moment when the Yeerk-nothlit act was passed, and I realized what it meant for my people.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Pessimistic.  Optimists are brainless morons that refuse to see things for what they really are.

41. What is your greatest fear?

That I might have to watch helplessly as our culture disappears . . . and watch other Yeerks stand by and happily let that happen.  I'm determined to do whatever it takes to stop that from being our future.

42. What are your religious views?

Yeerks aren't big on religion, but I do pay homage to the Kandrona, which is sort of like our version of God in some respects.

43. What are your political views?

Yeerk politics is all that really matters.  That thing that humans call 'politics'?  It's a watered down, pansy version of the real thing.  All those rules and regulations and moralizing just complicate the real picture.  Those who deserve power must seize it, and those who don't get pushed to the bottom of the heap.  That's how it needs to be.  Nice and simple.

44. What are your views on sex?

Human sex is disgusting and primitive, but I suppose it's better than nothing.  What we do as Yeerks, where we fuse three into one, is far more romantic.   It is the ultimate sacrifice for the ones you love . . . there is no higher way of expressing your feelings than that.  I've heard it described as the most beautiful thing one can imagine, feeling your mind merge with the two other beings you love the most.  They say that after you've experienced that glorious ecstasy, you welcome death with open arms, because your life is complete, because you've felt all there is to feel.

I've always wondered, though, how anyone knows that.  Right?  I mean, you die right after, so how can you tell anyone how amazing it was?

Still . . . I would have liked to have had the chance to share that with Yenlin and Korash one day.

45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

Oh, hell yes.  Give me a Dracon beam, and I'll kill whatever my superiors tell me to.  I have pretty decent aim, too, not like some morons who they give Dracons to these days.

Really, killing isn't a big deal.  You're just helping evolution along.  Anything that dies by your hand, clearly wasn't as worthy as you are to live.

46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?

Humans do tons of stupid and inane things, but I wouldn't necessarily call them 'evil'.  Killing without a purpose, though . . . that just pisses me off.  If you don't stand to get a promotion from it, and you weren't acting in self-defense, then you have no business killing anyone.  But that's not evil, so much as just plain stupid.

As for a Yeerk (since I think you just worded that question badly, and you actually meant "any sentient being" rather than "any human"), I think the most evil thing a Yeerk can do is to decide that simply being a Yeerk is evil.  When you turn against everything you are, you are a traitor to each and every member of your race.  Those Yeerks, the so-called "good" Yeerks, those Yeerks who look for a way out of our lifestyle of parasitism, are proving the Andalites right.  They're the reason we're dying.

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?


48. What do you believe makes a successful life?

Power, glory, and the right to live how you want to live, without anyone telling you what to do with your life.

49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?

I'm pretty honest, most of the time.  Sometimes downright blunt.  But I don't like to own up to it when I make mistakes, I suppose.  In those cases, I might hide my thoughts and feelings.

50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

Andalites.  F**king arrogant bastards of the galaxy, think they can do whatever they want and tell everyone else what to do.  And humans aren't much better.

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

Back when I was still a Yeerk, I would have refused to live without a host just so some poor innocent idiot could walk free.  The Yeerks who did that, the resistance or whatever, were idiots.  Our hosts don't deserve that level of respect.

Today, though . . . I would refuse to cooperate with an Andalite in any way.  Do I need a reason why?  They're bastards, that's why.

52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?

I would be glad to give my life for Yenlin or Korash.

I would also willingly die if it meant that the Yeerk empire would get another chance.

Part 5: Relationships With Others

53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?

In general, I respect those above me, I'm ambivalent to most of my peers, and I'll gladly boss around anyone below me.  Yenlin and Korash are, of course, exceptions to this, and I love them both dearly.  I don't think anyone else could ever get that close to me, to the point where I would treat them as a friend, simply because it isn't worth my time.

54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

One person?  You're making me choose one person?  Whatever I answer, I'm going to piss someone off.  So I'm not going to give you a straight answer.  Yenlin and Korash are both equally important to me.  We are what the Yeerks call desani, which literally translates as "life mates", and desani is a word that actually does not have a singular form.  It's taboo to refer to only one of your life mates in that way.

55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

See my previous answer.

56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.

Yenlin and Korash are my only real friends.  I've made a few acquaintances, but nobody else I would really call a friend.  But that's okay, I don't need friends.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.

How many variants of this question are you going to ask?  Geez, see my answer to the last, like, four questions, already!

58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

Holy s**t!  Look, ask one more time, and I'll strangle you.  You know the answer to this question.  Let's move on now.

59. What do you look for in a potential lover?

That's a little better.  I'll let you live.

Anyway, I look for, well, someone like me.  Someone I can respect.  But also . . . someone I can be close to.  That's why I'm with Yenlin and Korash.  Yenlin is like me, and he's someone I can respect.  Korash is someone I can be close to.

60. How close are you to your family?

What family?

61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?

No.  Duh.  I can't start a Yeerk family, since we're all nothlits, and we don't want a human family, because Yenlin would have to be left out of that because of obvious biological restrictions, plus who wants to care for squalling babies anyway?  Maybe, if we can find a way to reverse the nothlit condition, we will start a family.  We won't live to see them, of course . . . but I still want to know that there's a future generation of Yeerks who owe their lives to us.

62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

Probably Korash.  He's just . . . more supportive than Yenlin is.  I guess it would depend on what sort of help I needed.

63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

I would trust either Korash or Yenlin with my life.  I'd probably want Yenlin to protect me, though.  I mean, you don't mess around with that tail blade.

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

Yenlin, Korash . . . and probably nobody else.

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

Elfangor.  When you think about it, it's his fault we lost the war.  He created the Animorphs, and then they, a miserable bunch of kids, somehow managed to defeat us.  And now we live at the Andalite's whim, held prisoner in alien bodies, watching our own people turn against themselves, and watching our culture die.  Augh, I wish I had been Visser Three so I could have had the chance to tear that miserable piece of Andalite scum limb from limb!

66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

I argue when it's to my advantage, but I also know when to be a good little Yeerk and keep my mouth shut.  Well, most of the time.  I have had the occasional issue with authority.

67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

If I can seize a leadership position, you bet I do!  But, in Yeerk society, there are limited opportunities to fill a leadership role, because everyone is vying for those positions.

68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

No.  It's far too easy to get lost in the crowd, and forgotten.

69. Do you care what others think of you?

Doesn't everybody?  I mean, I want people to like me, but I guess it doesn't faze me much if they don't.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

I like to read.  Human books aren't bad, most of the time.  And I really like music.  There's some classical music that's absolutely beautiful.

71. What is your most treasured possession?

This is going to sound a little silly . . . but before I became a nothlit, I had a few cells harvested from my Yeerk body.  You know, in case they found a cure for the nothlit condition.  They're currently being held in a secret, cryogenic storage facility, along with cells from Korash and Yenlin.  The whole thing was actually Yenlin's idea.  Anyway, if that counts as a 'possession,' I'd say it was my most treasured one.

If that doesn't count, I guess I'd have to say something stupid, like my Ipod, or my computer.  I guess I am pretty fond of my computer.

72. What is your favorite color?


73. What is your favorite food?

Chicken parmesan pasta.  If humans know how to do one thing right, it's food.

74. What, if anything, do you like to read?

Mostly informational stuff.  Historical novels, educational books, and the occasional satire or parody.  I have to admit, I was a fan of Stephen Colbert's book.  He just goes through and points out how ridiculous humans are in everything they do, and I loved it.

75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?

Music and books.  Yenlin enjoys a few television programs, but I think all of that is just so banal.  It requires no thought, you know?  You just sit there, and are bombarded by words and images, and you don't do anything.  I don't understand why some people enjoy that.

76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?

Ugh, no.  I never did the oatmeal thing, and that's the only drug Yeerks really have that isn't tied to their hosts.  It's stupid, why would anyone want to do that to themselves?

I guess I was in a drug-using host for a while, so I let him keep his foolish addiction.  But that was just to keep him from complaining.  Because, I mean, he was a voluntary.  When you have a voluntary host, you have to try and keep them happy, you know?

77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

We don't really have "Saturdays" on the Hork-Bajir homeworld, which is where I'm currently stationed.  Their calendar is way weirder than that.  But we do get days off now and then, and some of us go exploring the other Arn cities to see what we can find, while some of us just socialize.  I'm in the first group.  Doing nothing makes me antsy.

Back on earth, I would spend my Saturdays either reading, listening to music, occasionally writing something, or working out plans to bring the Yeerk Empire back.  Most often the last one, I guess.

78. What makes you laugh?

Humans.  Subordinates screwing up.  My superiors screwing up.  Yenlin's jokes about Andalites.

79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?


80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

Listen to music.

81. How do you deal with stress?

If it's something I can't handle myself, I usually go to Korash and tell him about it.  He always seems to know how to make me feel better.

82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

I can be either.  I'm pretty flexible.  I plan things out in advance if I can, but sometimes things come up that you weren't expecting, and you have to be prepared for that.

83. What are your pet peeves?

Andalites.  Humans.  People who think Yeerks are "evil" for being what they are.  Yeerks who think our way of life is evil.  When people leave Dracon beams on the lowest setting.

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?

I wake up, maybe I get ready for school, maybe I decide to skip, depends on my mood, if I go to school, I sit there bored and make faces at the teacher whenever she isn't looking, and if I skip, I might go to the grocery store if there's something I need, or I might do a favor for one of the other Yeerks I know (never hurts!), or whatever.  Then I eat, shower, and go to bed.

Since I don't really have much of a set routine anyway, I don't really care if it's disrupted.

85. What is your greatest strength as a person?

I'm persistant.  I'll get what I want, one way or another, and I don't give up until I do.

86. What is your greatest weakness?

I'm . . . I guess I'm too afraid of being wrong, sometimes.  To the point that I get indecisive on really big decisions.  Sometimes, fear of making mistakes can be a good thing, but my indecision can be crippling when I need to make a snap decision.

87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I wouldn't be a f**king human teenage girl.

88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

A little bit of both, leaning toward the extroverted side.  Well, for a Yeerk, at least.  Among humans, I think I seem more introverted, but I don't know whether that's because humans are just more extroverted than Yeerks are, or because I don't consider humans to be worth my time.

89. Are you generally organized or messy?

I'm pretty organized.

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.

I'm good at getting what I want, doing whatever is necessary to get a job done, and being adaptable to new situations.

I'm bad at making fast decisions, admitting mistakes, and submitting to authority.

91. Do you like yourself?


92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)

I want people to know that there is nothing shameful in being a Yeerk.  We are what we are, and we do what we must do.  Everything deserves a chance to survive, and even animals are allowed to live for what they are.  That's why I fight.

I don't really tell people that, though.  I tend to tell people that "oh, I'm one of the good Yeerks, parasitism is bad, I'm so ashamed of what I used to be, and I'm so very glad that the wonderful and noble Andalites were here to show us a better way."  Total bulls**t, of course, but you'd be surprised how many people I've convinced with that story.  Heck, I'm surprised there are morons who fall for that.

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?

I want to see the Yeerk Empire rise again.

94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Controlling an army of mind-slaves, and . . . whoops you're not supposed to know about that.

95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

I would die with Yenlin and Korash, and in doing so give life to a new generation.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

Yenlin, Korash, and . . . haha, just kidding.  No, I'd probably want to try some human drugs, just to see what the big deal is, maybe get myself totally wasted, and then die listening to Beethoven while kissing Korash.

I can tell you what my final words would be.  "For freedom."

97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

Being responsible for the second rise of the Yeerk Empire.

98. What three words best describe your personality?

Stubborn, ambitious, and dynamic.

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

Ruthless, cold, and stubborn.

100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice...)

You've got the right idea, wanting to preserve your culture.  Maybe you're even right.  But maybe, just maybe, you should try to find another way?  As long as Yeerks are Yeerks, there will be Andalites fighting against you.  You are what you are, and Andalites are what they are.  That's just the way it is.  You can't escape that.  And maybe, change isn't always bad.

I dunno.  I think I agree with you on some points.  Everyone should have the right to be what they are . . . but once that right encroaches on other people's rights, the issue gets a little more sticky.  So I don't know who's right or who's wrong.

Yeah, that wasn't terribly helpful, was it?

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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2009, 11:52:24 PM »
that post deserves a karma.

5149 words, 22604 characters
how long did that take you?

(i promise i'll finish reading it someday!)

Offline DinosaurNothlit

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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2009, 12:20:53 AM »
that post deserves a karma.

5149 words, 22604 characters
how long did that take you?

(i promise i'll finish reading it someday!)

It didn't take as long as you might think.  The questions were already written (and that was a good chunk of the words, right there), and once I got the interview rolling, the answers just kind of flowed.  So it didn't take more than three or four hours, total.

Heck, I might interview a couple more OCs later.  Hmm . . . Zu, Yenlin, or Quahyliera?

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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2009, 01:22:46 AM »
that is one amazing character i like it
Think i'll do Korrinne or Wallkett next


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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 02:44:59 AM »
I'm about a quarter of the way through it with Sonia... Funny, I tried answering this with some of my characters from my original stories, and got nowhere. And yet with a fanfic OC, the answers just roll right off my fingers. *rolls eyes* This proves that I've had Sonia as an OC for WAY too long.
~AniDragon, aka Riona-chan~

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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2009, 03:07:30 AM »

Part 1: The Basics

1. What is your full name?

Wallkett - Druntchly - Flevzy

2. Where and when were you born?

I was born on sector 4  section 24

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

Father :Arath -Druntchly - Yescalin   Fighter pilot / TO . He is nice but can be quite strict.
Mother: Hirenia- Utzai - Flainas     Gardener she is obsessed with grass and I don’t mean to eat it . She likes to watch it grow.

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Nope I’m an only child

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.

I am currently serving as an Aristh on a scout ship named Galaxy wing . I try to avoid important people to stay out of trouble. I’m usually forced to do errands by my father who happens to be the tactical officer of the Galaxy wing so I live in the Galaxy wing

6. What is your occupation?

Aristh of Scout Ship Galaxy Wing

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

Well, ok I have short light blue fur have some patches of darker blue on my back.
My stalk eyes are a little longer than normal so other Arisths in the homeward called me longstalks. I love Driftball.

8. To which social class do you belong?

I guess for now lower since I’m an Aristh. When or If I get promoted I will go up socially I suppose.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

Not that I know of.

10. Are you right- or left-handed?

Uh I have no idea. Right I guess.

11. What does your voice sound like?

Uh…don’t think sound is the right way to put it. But I guess calm and deep.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?

Hmm I believe that will have to be YES SIR  or Yes (insert rank here)

13. What do you have in your pockets?

What? I don’t understand your question

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

Well I have the tendency of staring at other people’s hooves not sure why.

Part 2: Growing Up

15. How would you describe your childhood in general?

Lonely as a little kid but once I went to the Aristh academy it was a lot better. Made close friends, Got into trouble in a very worthwhile way. And many other things I would never regret doing again

16. What is your earliest memory?

Getting lost In the drylands I was so scared untill my father found me. I don’t even remember how I got there.

17. How much schooling have you had?

More than enough. Mechanics , Exobiology , Gardening , Programming , and I had a personal tail fighting techniques instructor.

18. Did you enjoy school?

I  didn’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the time after school.

19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

School , Trial and error , Personal instructors , My father. Uh that is about it

20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.

Hmm Gazeroth. That guy was so smart I wanted to be smart like him but I also wanted to be a famous Prince or something so I usually tagged along with Aximili hoping to get a once in a lifetime chance to see his brother.

21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?

I always got along well with my parents as a young child it was not till now as an Aristh that my father and I have seemed a little distant.

22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I want to be a war Prince with my own personal fighter.

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?

Driftball. And playing with my friends

24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?

Cheerful  , determined , and I admit I used to be a complainer

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

Not exactly popular .my usual group was Gazeroth, Aximili, and Korrinne
Gazeroth was and still is a living library, He has photographic memory and exceptionally talented. His hind legs are shorter than normal so he cannot run very fast.
Aximili was overly quiet and horrible at driftball but not as bad as Gazeroth. He was always trying hard to be just like his older brother though I personally think he secretly wanted to be nothing like him.
Korrinne well he is the most unique guy I have met in my entire life. Long silky fur , the guy cares nothing about school. And lives his days thinking of ways to make our superior’s lives miserable by playing pranks on them. He is the main cause of us getting in trouble at school.

26. When and with whom was your first kiss?

My what?

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

Of curse

28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.

I have no idea what half the things stated are about and I’m not a human ..I learned about them at school.
My father was a big influence. He told me stories of the warriors out in battle

Part 3: Past Influences

29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

Actually becoming an Aristh

30. Who has had the most influence on you?

My father . He was after all one of my early role models .

31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Hmm . . . Beating Akaroth at Driftball.

32. What is your greatest regret?

Not paying as much attention to my tail fighting instructor.

33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

We played a prank on one of our instructors . It was Korrinne’s idea obviously

34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?

No . we did get in trouble for the pranks

35. When was the time you were the most frightened?

When I was a kaffit bird and the instructor figured out it was not a real bird  but one of his students in morph. Than I realized he had no idea what student I was hehe

36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?

Being defeated at Driftball by Kizathyn.

37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

Hmm being able to stand up to Akaroth

38. What is your best memory?

Playing with my friends in the flower meadows

39. What is your worst memory?

Last day of Aristh Academy when each of us was given our assignment. Being torn away from my best friends was hard.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Optimistic I suppose. There is no use in being all scared and worried about bad things that MIGHT happen.

41. What is your greatest fear?

I fear painful death. If I die I want to die fast no slow torturous death.

42. What are your religious views?

Not exactly

43. What are your political views?

Well I don’t care much about politics. But I guess life would be hard without a council

44. What are your views on sex?

Hmm well I suppose there is nothing wrong with it. How else is there supposed to be more of your species. But if you mean it as in just for pleasure I don’t know never thought much of it. Maybe till I get married or something.

45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

I don’t like to but as my instructor once told me “Its all in the swing of the blade” if you kill for pleasure or if its at war or self defense are two different things.

46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?

I have no idea. I didn’t pay much attention in class when they spoke of humans.

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?


48. What do you believe makes a successful life?

Fulfilling your deepest goals in life whatever they might be

49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?

Depends of who I’m with. Some things are just meant to be kept secret.

50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

Hmm I don’t think I do

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

Kill a friend. I can’t do that .

52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?

My friends and family

Part 5: Relationships With Others

53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?

I respect my superiors but also my friends. I am quite polite
54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

Depends. Important in what way. I guess Gazeroth since he is my best friend

55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

My father he is a fighter pilot and a tactical officer

56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.

Didn’t you ask this before?
Gazeroth is my best friend.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.

None yet.

58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

Oh yes I am very much in love. Well I bumped into her one day and her brother challenged me to a tail fight to defend her honor. I got beat up and apologized. We started talking <3

59. What do you look for in a potential lover?

Strong legs , a good personality , a nice tail , and good at subject I’m not good at.

60. How close are you to your family?

I’m close enough I suppose*

61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?

No. not old enough for that yet

62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

Intellectual help : Gazeroth
Strategic help: Korrinne

63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

I would say Gazeroth but the guy lacks the strength to do it so Aximili is more likely to help me

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

My friends, family

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

Akaroth he is so egotistic and proud and loves to start tail fights

66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

I do my best to avoid conflict

67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

Not exactly

68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

No.  I feel uneasy in a crowd

69. Do you care what others think of you?

Yes. That is why I try my best to be good at what want to be good at

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?


71. What is your most treasured possession?

Anold toy my mother made for me when I was a baby I still keep it not sure why

72. What is your favorite color?


73. What is your favorite food?

that nice purple sweet kind with the tiny flowers

74. What, if anything, do you like to read?

Warrior stories

75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?


76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?

No they are unhealthy plus if you use them you are not allowed to be an Aristh.

77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

What is a Saturday?

At night sometimes I like to watch the stars well back when I was in the homeworld I did now I just try to find a quiet corner and send Z-space transmissions to my friends.

78. What makes you laugh?

Korrinne’s humor he is quite good at it. I unfortunately am not that humorous.

79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?

Insults aimed at me but directed at my family

80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

May with the computers on the ship like I’m dong right now

81. How do you deal with stress?

I sleep

82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

I have to have a plan or I can get quite panicky

83. What are your pet peeves?

Anyone touching my ears I just don’t like it

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?

I wake up check if my father needs anything, go eat, get back to the main section of the ship , read my daily duties . Do said duties, report to superior. Yeah that is about it . If that is disturbed I’m happy to get out of daily routine.

85. What is your greatest strength as a person?

I’m very patient

86. What is your greatest weakness?

I’m afraid of making mistakes and messing up in front of my father .

87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would be more heroic, bold, daring, and fearless so can have more of a chance of becoming a price.

88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

Introverted I’m very shy unless I’m playing drifftball. I normally keep things to myself.

89. Are you generally organized or messy?

I'm pretty organized.

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.

Good at Driftball , morphing , and unfortunately grass escape designing

I'm bad at making  decisions, tail fighting T_T ,and exobiology

91. Do you like yourself?


92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)

I haven’t done anything heroic yet . I’m just a kid in a ship dong errands for the people who ARE HEROIC

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?


94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

As a warrior at least

95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

I want to die in my sleep of old age satisfied to have done what did in my life.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

 Save my memories maybe , Tell Kizathyn how I feel about her even if she might want to chop my head off , and drive the ship

97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

I don’t know ……

98. What three words best describe your personality?

Shy, determined , loyal

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

Shy , stubborn maybe idno

100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice...)

We need to stop being shy in public lets work on it together ok =D


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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2009, 08:20:04 AM »
I finished reading it! I love this idea Dino! +1

I started making my own quiz like this years ago but never finished it, not even sure if I still have it now. I'll definitely answer all these later. The problem for me is that my Animorphs fic OC is based on myself (albeit a younger version of myself now living in the Animorph's universe). You'd think this would make the quiz easier, but in a weird way it makes some of the questions more difficult.

EDIT: Okay so I've completed the quiz now, enjoy!

100 questions for Mike from Animorphs Travels

Part 1: The Basics

1. What is your full name?

My name is Mike. I can’t tell you my full name…

2. Where and when were you born?

… or where I live!

Just kidding, I was born in England (in the real world) in 1989.

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

My parents names are Chris and Tina. They’re great parents, but I’d rather not talk about them…

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

My sister Errin who is 5 years younger than me, and my brother Stephen who is 2 years older than me. They annoy me sometimes, but I really miss them…

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.

I live on my own in a house in the middle of the woods next to the Animorph’s hometown. The place has spare rooms in case I have guests, such as the other Animorphs (as the perception filter the Ellimist put up stops anyone else finding my house).

6. What is your occupation?

Animorph/freedom fighter/freelance bum (that’s code for “I’m too young to have a real job and because my school is in an alternate universe I’m not a student right now.”)

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

Average height for my age (13) maybe a little bit taller, medium build. Short, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I don’t have any distinguishing features that I know of, and I tend to dress very casually in T-shirt and jeans or similar. Unless I’m out morphing, then I wear a tight fitting T-shirt and shorts.

8. To which social class do you belong?

Middle class I’d say.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

I’m vulnerable to Kryptonite, don’t tell anyone! *winks*

10. Are you right- or left-handed?


11. What does your voice sound like?

I’ve been told by my fellow Animorphs that I have a slight British accent.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?

I’m sure there are some, but I can’t think of any right now. You should ask my friends, they’re more likely to notice than I am.

13. What do you have in your pockets?

Nothing right now, but I often have my wallet, phone, etc. with me when I go out. Unless I plan on morphing, then I don’t take anything.

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

I have a tendency to over-think a situation.

Part 2: Growing Up

15. How would you describe your childhood in general?

Nothing unusual I guess. Parents, siblings, school, friends, all the normal kid stuff.

16. What is your earliest memory?

Being in our back garden, struggling to walk through really deep snow. I’ve been told I was 18 months old at the time.

17. How much schooling have you had?

More than I would have liked! I’ve been attending school since I was 4 and only stopped recently when I was transferred to the Animorph’s universe. No school for 3 years! Hell yeah!

18. Did you enjoy school?

Hell no! What is wrong with you?!

19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

I guess I have learned a little bit from school. Most of my knowledge comes from friends, family, books, TV and the internet.

20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.

Might sound a bit corny, but I guess the Animorphs have always been my role models ever since I started the series when I was 7 or 8. All of them have characteristics I have myself, or traits I admire.

21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?

I fought with my siblings like everyone else, but mostly we get along great. Same with my parents. I just hope I get to see them again…

22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An inventor or a spy.

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?

Reading, computer games, watching TV and playing with friends.

24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?

I guess I was kinda shy around people I didn’t know. My whole family is very talkative and stubborn, myself included (but to a lesser extent).

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

I wasn’t popular, but I wasn’t unpopular either. In primary school I had two best friends who I spent most of my time with.

26. When and with whom was your first kiss?

It was a long time ago, but I vaguely recall kissing a girl at a party in primary school (I would have been around 7 or 8 at the time). As for a real kiss… non-applicable…

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

I’m 13! Where I’m from I can’t legally lose it for another 3 years!

28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.

As cool as that sounds, I’m not a supernatural being. True I can become any living creature I can touch, but that’s the result of advanced Andalite bio-technology, not magic.

Part 3: Past Influences

29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

It’s a tie between waking up with the Ellimist in front of me and receiving the morphing power from Elfangor on his deathbed.

30. Who has had the most influence on you?

Probably Katherine Applegate. She got me interested in books and animals, and she also created the fictional version of the universe I’m now living in.

31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

So far? Saving a man’s life in the Yeerk Pool. That man was supposed to be doomed to either die or be re-infested, and I saved him from both. It made me feel pretty great. 

32. What is your greatest regret?

Letting Tobias be trapped as a Nothlit, even though I knew it was going to happen…

33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

I don’t think I’ve ever really done anything truly evil; I like to think I’m a good person and I plan on it staying that way. I guess if I had to pick something, it would be the moment when I considered killing Erika down in the Yeerk Pool. She may have betrayed her entire race to the Yeerks, but that didn’t give me the right to kill her. I still have nightmares about what could have happened that night…

34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?

As far as this universe is concerned, the only record I have is my bank account. Also, I’ve never committed a crime.

35. When was the time you were the most frightened?

Walking down into the Yeerk Pool. Nothing in this world can compare with that level of terror.

36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?

It’s called embarrassing for a reason. Mind your own business.

37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

I would have saved Tobias from being trapped as a Hawk.

38. What is your best memory?

Probably flying for the first time. Awesome doesn’t even begin to describe it!

39. What is your worst memory?

Seeing Elfangor murdered by Visser Three.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

I vary between the two, but I try to be optimistic.

41. What is your greatest fear?

Screwing up something so badly that my fellow Animorphs and I all die (or worse, become infested), dooming Earth to the Yeerk invasion and never being able to see my family again.

42. What are your religious views?

I’m not hugely religious, but I do believe in God. I’m not one of those idiots who think that God disproves evolution though; I’m a firm believer in the Theory of Evolution.

43. What are your political views?

I don’t really like politics. All I know is that the system is far from perfect.

44. What are your views on sex?

It’s something I’d very much like to do when I find a girl I really care about. 

45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

Being able to kill and willing to kill are two very different things. In my Jaguar morph, I could tear a person apart if I wanted to, but I wouldn’t. Killing is never okay, but if it’s in self-defence or in the defence of someone you care about, then I think it is acceptable.

46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?

There are so many evil things that some humans are capable of. Discrimination, murder, rape, etc. I think the most evil thing I’ve ever seen a human do is willingly give themselves up to an alien slug and essentially sell out the entire human race. Visser Three murdering a defenceless Elfangor was just as evil, but he’s not even close to being human…

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

Yes, and when I can prove it I’ll let you know.

48. What do you believe makes a successful life?

Being a good person, helping people and enjoying yourself.

49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?

I don’t like lying to people, but it is sometimes a necessary evil. I would never lie to friends or family unless I had very good intentions.

50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

Not really, I was taught to take people (or aliens) as you find them. Some people are good, some people are bad, but you can’t judge a book by its cover.

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

Betray my friends. When I was very young, I once betrayed my best friend’s trust, and it will NEVER happen again.

52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?

My friends and family, or any innocent person who can’t defend themselves.

Part 5: Relationships With Others

53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?

I treat people well unless they give me a reason to treat them otherwise.

54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

I’ve never been good at picking favourites, especially when it comes to loved ones. My family and friends are all very important to me.

55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

I respect all my fellow Animorphs for different reasons. Jake for being the leader, Rachel for being brave, Tobias for surviving all that he’s been through, Cassie for her principles and Marco for being able to laugh in the face of death.

56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.

Back home my best friend is Daniel. I’ve know him a long time and we have a lot in common.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.

No I don’t, but I’m only thirteen, I have time.

58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

No, but I would like to.

59. What do you look for in a potential lover?

I’m a little young to be looking…

60. How close are you to your family?

Pretty close.

61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?


62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

Right now, my fellow Animorphs. Probably Tobias as I know him better than the others right now.

63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

I would trust my fellow Animorphs with my life. In fact, I already have done on a few occasions.

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

My friends, my family, and hopefully the other Animorphs.

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

Visser Three. He’s the most evil being I’ve ever met. He murdered Elfangor in cold-blood and doesn’t even care about his own people. He makes the rest of his kind look like saints in comparison.

66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

I tend to avoid arguments, unless I know the other person is wrong.

67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

Depending on the situation, I can be a decent leader, but I feel much more comfortable having Jake as leader of the Animorphs.

68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

No, large groups make me uncomfortable. I much prefer a small group of friends.

69. Do you care what others think of you?

Despite what they might claim, I doubt there is anyone who doesn’t care what people think of them, at least to some extent.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

Reading, watching TV/movies, playing computer games, morphing.

71. What is your most treasured possession?

My Animorphs book collection. They’re an important part of my life, especially now.

72. What is your favorite color?

Green or blue.

73. What is your favorite food?

Pizza or a good cheeseburger.

74. What, if anything, do you like to read?

Mostly sci-fi or fantasy, but I like a variety of genres.

75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?

Watching a DVD, listening to music, hanging out with friends, or morphing a Harris Hawk and soaring high into the sky…

76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?

I have never smoked or used drugs and I never plan too. I’m too young to legally drink alcohol, but honestly I’m not a big fan of it anyway.

77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

Nothing specific. Since I came to this universe I’ve spent a lot of time watching DVDs, playing Halo 3 and reading my Animorphs books in preparation for my next mission.

78. What makes you laugh?

My family, friends and any funny TV show or movie.

79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?

Any type of irrational discrimination. And Yeerks.

80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

Read a book.

81. How do you deal with stress?

Talk to a friend, watch a DVD, read a book or go flying in my Harris Hawk morph.

82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

I’m sometimes good at improvising, but I like to have a plan. Sadly, my plans have a tendency NOT to go according to plan, so I have to improvise…

83. What are your pet peeves?

Irrational discrimination, long queues, slow/malfunctioning technology (especially computers). 

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?

I don’t really have a set routine, even less so now that I don’t have school or my old friends to hang out with.

85. What is your greatest strength as a person?

I’m very imaginative and have a good memory for detail.

86. What is your greatest weakness?

I over-think, I sometimes lack self-confidence and I find it impossible to let go of things that I’m ashamed of.

87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

More confident around people I don’t know.

88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

A bit of both really. I like time alone with my thoughts, but I care a lot about other people.

89. Are you generally organized or messy?

Based on my bedroom I’d say I’m a little messy.

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.

I'm good at remembering details of anything I’m interested in, listening to people and improvising when my plans go wrong.

I'm bad at making plans that work, letting go of the little things that bother me, and having a conversation with a stranger.

91. Do you like yourself?

Most of the time yes.

92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)

I’ve always wanted the morphing power, and to help people make a difference. If any of the Animorphs asked me, I’d tell them the exact same thing.

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?

To help the Animorphs defeat the Yeerks and see my family again.

94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

With any luck, at home with my family.

95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

Hopefully not for a long time, but when I do I want to die making a difference.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

Make peace with my fellow Animorphs, acquire a T-Rex, go have a “talk” with Visser Three…

97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

Saving lives and making a difference.

98. What three words best describe your personality?

Creative, funny, kind.

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

Stubborn, shy, funny

100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice...)

Hang in there man, you’re doing great! Don’t blame yourself for what happened to Tobias! Keep on kicking Yeerk arse and you WILL see your family again! Good luck with everything!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2009, 11:19:10 AM by Phoenix004 »
Animorphs Travels #1 The Invasion

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Offline Shark Akhrrana

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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2009, 02:28:21 PM »
man I wanted to be taken to the Animorphs universe


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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2009, 02:40:24 PM »
man I wanted to be taken to the Animorphs universe

Go ahead if you want to write your own version. As long as it's not a complete rip off of my fic, then I don't mind. It's not like I own the idea. I started this over 6 years ago and I doubt even I was the first person to think of it.
Animorphs Travels #1 The Invasion

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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2009, 02:53:40 PM »
hehe I wish I could don't have much time to write fics. <_< I'm supposed to be writing a paper right now.
and i meant literally don't think i would write a fic with me in it. But thanks for the offer


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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2009, 02:57:58 PM »
Well it's not me exactly, but the character is heavily based on me. If I'd just started writing it, I probably wouldn't have made myself the MC, but I was 13 when I started it so I think I can be forgiven.
Animorphs Travels #1 The Invasion

RAFcon 2015: It's always Hot Dog Day somewhere!

Offline Shark Akhrrana

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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2009, 03:52:09 PM »
100 questions

Part 1: The Basics

1. What is your full name?

Gazeroth - Flevitz - Mygread

2. Where and when were you born?

I was born on sector 3 section 2

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

Sorry I can’t tell you that <_< its classified   

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

I have 2 sisters and they are quite annoying to say the least.

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.

I’m currently in the home world at one of the few Stations working with some of the local scientists from my sector. But I can’t tell you exactly what we are working on.

6. What is your occupation?


7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.

I’m slightly slanted on the back. My hind legs are shorter than normal its some kind of birth defect but I’m not to bothered with it . I can’t run very fast. But I’m a scientist so I wont be doing much running anyway

8. To which social class do you belong?

Middle class I suppose because I’m a scientist.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

Yes. I’m allergic to several things which is why I’m still in the homeworld and not out there in space.

10. Are you right- or left-handed?

Right handed not that it matters

11. What does your voice sound like?

They say I have a sweet voice

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?

I don’t think I want to say that here.

13. What do you have in your pockets?

Pockets? I don’t have any .

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

I don’t like people staring at my hindquarters <_< its disturbing

Part 2: Growing Up

15. How would you describe your childhood in general?

My life was a bit difficult at school. Couldn’t participate in most of the children games because of my legs. After a while I dealt with my issue and was ok with it. Made some good friends.

16. What is your earliest memory?

Walking in my scoop’s meadow with my father .

17. How much schooling have you had?

More than you can handle I’m sure.

18. Did you enjoy school?

Oh yes I loved school very much.

19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

School and my father. Mostly my father and my uncles count as school. They are instructors.

20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.

My father is my inspiration. And Escafil that guy was a genius not that I ever met him but I read about him.

21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?

My sisters are always annoying  I never got along with them . My parents are another story I get along fine with my father.

22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I am what i always wanted A SCIENTIST

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?

Reading there is nothing better than good reading.

24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?

Not so sure I guess I was boring to most people .

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

Not popular at all. Most avoided me  since my father was the instructor. Walkett  however did like my presence he is quite friendly.

26. When and with whom was your first kiss?

Me? Kiss? Never its not like its biologically possible.

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

Of curse

28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.

I’m not a human or whatever those other things are. I am not super natural in any way. And about influences Like I said before …My father . He showed me everything about nature and science. Of course I took it a step further and became a scientist.

Part 3: Past Influences

29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

The day I solved a difficult …in theory .. That might  get rid of the whole nothlit issue. MIGHT like I said…this is a theory

30. Who has had the most influence on you?

My father . He was after all one of my early role models  like I have explained several times already….I think you need to see a doctor about your short term memory problems.

31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?


32. What is your greatest regret?

Not having longer hind legs

33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

Telling my little sister that I was going to sell her to the skrit na

34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?

Not at all.

35. When was the time you were the most frightened?

When one time Akaroth tried to challenge me to a tail fight. There is no way I can beat that guy .

36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?

I tried climbing tripped and fell…it was painful and embarrassing

37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

My hind legs

38. What is your best memory?

Playing with my friends after school and when I slved that one problem I already talked about earlier.

39. What is your worst memory?

Akaroth trying to fight me …

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Optimistic I will always find a good thing in anything.

41. What is your greatest fear?

I’m not sure..

42. What are your religious views?

Not exactly

43. What are your political views?

Well I don’t care much about politics. But I suppose if it has anything to do with my findings I’ll do my best to allow them to understand how it must be used or not used.

44. What are your views on sex?

Its quite fascinating …in a scientific way I mean. the ability to reproduce is amazing I mean you are capable f creating new life there is nothing more amazing than that.

45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

I believe that everyone is able to kill. But its up to you if you will kill or not. Its all about conscience.

46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?

I think a human is capable of doing evil things just as much as any other species.

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

I believe that to be true yes.

48. What do you believe makes a successful life?

Fulfilling your greatest desires and goals

49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?

I’m honest when it comes to my personal life ..but I don’t talk about my work

50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

Hmm I don’t think I do. Hmm maybe annoying little sisters.

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

Ignore science. I refuse to do it because I don’t think I can

52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?

My family

Part 5: Relationships With Others

53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?

I respect my superiors but also my friends everyone deserves respect…even enemies as hard as that might be its true.
54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?


55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

…..MY FATHER …   <_< are you sure you don’t want to go get treated for bad short term memory

56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.

Walkett is my best friend. He is a great friend.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.

None yet.

58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

Hmm don’t think I have. I have seen some very appealing females but I’m not interested in Love at the moment.

59. What do you look for in a potential lover?

Someone who values my findings and respects science in all its forms.

60. How close are you to your family?

Yes I am very close to my family

61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?

No. not old enough for that yet

62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

Walkett and my father

63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

Walkett because I am not as likely to be able to fight on my own

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?

My friends, family, the scientist , and perhaps other people.

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

Akaroth he is so egotistic and proud and loves to start tail fights. And he tried to fight me because he thinks its my fault he failed a test. Foolish irresponsible idiot

66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

I do my best to avoid conflict.

67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

Not exactly I’m not the social type

68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

No.  I feel uneasy in a crowd I like to do my own things

69. Do you care what others think of you?

I used to not anymore .

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

Math I love equations and scientific  phenomenon 

71. What is your most treasured possession?

Can’t tell you that …hehe

72. What is your favorite color?


73. What is your favorite food?

Any grass will do thanks

74. What, if anything, do you like to read?

Scientific articles by other scientists in other sectors

75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?

not that into music or art  but a good read is always welcome

76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?

Are you kidding…

77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?

What is a Saturday?

78. What makes you laugh?

Korrinne’s humor he is quite good at it. Finding errors in other species ideas of Science

79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?

Errors in my  calculations

80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?

If I do it means there was something I couldn’t solve so I would most likely be trying to solve it

81. How do you deal with stress?

I think about what is stressing me out and try to fix the issue

82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

I have to have a plan if you don’t plan things always go wrong

83. What are your pet peeves?

When others read my material before its complete

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?

I wake up , eat , go to the lab , work on some of the several projects I’m working on, take notes, exchange information with other scientists .  I prefer my routine to stay the same.

85. What is your greatest strength as a person?

I’m very patient

86. What is your greatest weakness?

I’m afraid of making mistakes and messing up in front of a crowd I’m showing my findings to .

87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

… my hind legs …. For the last time …YOU NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION

88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

Introverted I’m very shy .

89. Are you generally organized or messy?

I'm VERY organized everything must have a perfect spot

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.

Good at math , morphing , and of course Science

I'm bad sports , dealing with children , and presentations

91. Do you like yourself?


92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)

I’m not an adventurer sorry. I do science I work in a lab. That is about it.

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?

Getting rid of the Nothlit problem with the Escafil device

94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

As a famous scientist.

95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

I want to die …happy

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

 Save my memories maybe , copy all of my scientific research so others can use it once I’m gone.

97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

I don’t know ……something about my findings I hope.

98. What three words best describe your personality?

Shy, smart, determined

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

Stubborn , smart , slow heh

100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice...)

can you please help me with my homework?


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Re: 100 Questions for your Animorphs OC
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2012, 12:43:29 PM »
Part 1: The Basics

1. What is your full name?

My name is Asar 734. Technically my name is also Eilla-Iskalan-Maheen but that is not really important…

2. Where and when were you born?

Ah this is complicated…. I was born on the Andalite homeworld in the year 1990. By Andalite standards I am little more than a child. By the Yeerk records I forged for myself after the incident I am roughly two cycles old…and still a child, now by the Yeerk standard.

3. Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)

I don’t know which three Yeerks formed the Tri-parent that spawned the Yeerk I acquired, I am not even sure which Yeerk’s DNA I have an exact replica of…my mother is dead and I no longer acknowledge my father as a parental figure. If you must know my father was a moderately well known War-Prince named Jazimil-Escari-Foray. My mother, Elvana-Brilla-Coraff, killed herself when she thought my father was dead after the battle above Earth. Some mother. I was briefly raised by my relatives before coming to Earth. Then all of this happened…

4. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

I was an only child. I did have a cousin I was fond of though, Sirena-Sirinial-Ethereal.

5. Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.

I currently live in an angsty teenage girl who enjoys making my live a living Hell whenever possible. With the exception being every 72 hours I must go to the Yeerk pool. Smelly, crowded, and my God is it loud! But the Kandrona rays are great, I really see why Yeerks like them, now that I am one myself.  My host Brooke, aforementioned angsty teenager, lives in a small suburban neighborhood with her single mother and ten year old brother.   

6. What is your occupation?

Imitating Brooke’s everyday life, complying with whatever orders are given to me, no matter how stupid, attempting but never succeeding in catching Andalites, plotting revenge, trying to deal with Brooke, thinking lustful thoughts about my commanding officer, actually that last one is more of a hobby… 

7. Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
My physical appearance isn’t as impressive as it used to be. I am now a three and a half inch grey green slug. Very hard to distinguish from the thousands of others in the pool really. I used to be rather attractive, or at least that was what I was told.
My host Brooke is a rather pretty by human standards. She has a heart shaped face, and tells me that she has very clear skin for her age. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her lips aren’t full but they are nice looking. Brooke has a scar on her knee from a poorly preformed maneuver in the silly Human sport called “Cheerleading.”

8. To which social class do you belong?
That depends on which species classes you are referring to. As an Andalite we were probably upper class. My father was a hero, my mother was a dutiful trophy wife. In Yeerk society? Definitely lower class. It seems to start that way for everyone though. You have to earn your place in the Empire, and I am. Slowly but surely. As a Human, using the term loosely as I am living vicariously through Brooke, probably somewhere in the middle.

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

As I am a Yeerk now I do have a weakness for Instant Maple Ginger Oatmeal. I try to stay away from the nasty stuff. Ugh!

10. Are you right- or left-handed?

Brooke is Ambidextrous but she prefers to use her right.

11. What does your voice sound like?

High and a little singsong or so I’m told.

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?

“Oh Crap.” “What a Dapsen!” “I’m gonna kill him.” “Oh for the love of-“

13. What do you have in your pockets?

Brooke and I are preparing for bed so PJ’s=No pockets.

14. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
I like to stare at Brooke’s boyfriend’s butt. It annoys her A LOT. Of course there’s nothing she can do about it. *smirk*

Part 2: Growing Up

15. How would you describe your childhood in general?

Miserable. My father was never home and my mother really never cared much for me. My father wanted a son but he got me instead and after my mother thought he was dead I was just an unwelcome reminder that I had never really lived up to any of their expectations. 

16. What is your earliest memory?

Elfangor. He was a hero even then but even so he was nice to me. He came to visit my father, his uncle, often and he would run with me sometimes. That is one of the few things I disagree with the Yeerks about. Elfangor was a good man.

17. How much schooling have you had?
 Seventeen years of Andalite schooling and about a year and a half training as aYeerk…

18. Did you enjoy school?

Yes and  no. I was not allowed to go to the academy because of a health complication, yet another embarrassment to my father, so I was schooled at home. I enjoyed school on the days I could learn by myself. When mother was off planet studying a new plant species or something… otherwise no.

19. Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?

I'm pretty much self-taught.  I learned a lot from watching the warriors tailfight. I can…well could, beat my father-though he’d never admit it. I have very good accuracy with a Dracon beam, though it still leaves room for improvement..

20. While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.

Elfangor mostly…my other role models (Vexic, Ziyam, Torias and Odrett) don’t really count because I met them just a year ago…

21. While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
I didn’t get along with my parents very well so I usually tried to get away by myself or go play with Aximili as much as possible.

22. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A warrior, but those dreams are gone. I have…different  goals now.

23. As a child, what were your favorite activities?

Running, aggravating my parents, tail fighting, aggravating my parents, flirting with Andros, aggravating my parents, etc. (Do you see a recurring pattern?)

24. As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?

I was stubborn, rebellious, intelligent, and determined. I was also angry. I didn’t realize that at the time though but I repressed that anger and it came out it small rebellions until finally- I snapped.

25. As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?

No.  I had only one friend and she probably thinks I’m dead. The sad thing is my father probably perpetuated that rumor. Better that she knows that than what really happened. *eyeroll*

26. When and with whom was your first kiss?

Ziyam 973 October 4, 2010

27. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?

Well, I obviously haven't had Yeerk sex . . . I’d be dead! I am still was a virgin as an Andalite too before all this happened. And yes Brooke is still a virgin. We are all virgins here you PERVERT!

28. If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.

I was born an Andalite, trapped later as a Yeerk. I am now living inside a human and the tale that leads up to this whole affair is far too long to answer in just this one question.

Part 3: Past Influences

29. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?

Becoming a nothlit. It showed me the true character of some of the people I’ve known for the better part of my life and just confirmed what I’d suspected about others. Becoming a Yeerk has truly opened by eyes…so to speak. I have seen a side of the Yeerk Empire that I actually do like. In fact, most of the time I am proud to call myself a member of the Yeerk Empire.

30. Who has had the most influence on you?

Negatively or positively? Negatively, probably my father. Positively, either Ziyam or Vexic…

31. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

I have no idea…I haven’t achieved a whole lot yet.

32. What is your greatest regret?

That I never told Sirena goodbye and  the fact that even if I could now she wouldn’t know who I was.

33. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?

I constantly wrestle with the decision I’ve made. I don’t want to make Brooke a slave but I have to. I have stolen her body from her and that is the most atrocious act I have ever committed.

34. Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
My people consider me a traitor. I would not kill myself or allow myself to be killed when becoming a nothlit. So by Andalite standards yes. The records will show that I died in disgrace.

35. When was the time you were the most frightened?
That’s a difficult. I have been frightened on multiple occasions. Probably after my father disowned me…I had not yet considered the Yeerks my people yet and I was alone in a sea of the enemy, my people had abandoned me, and I basically had no one. I am still afraid sometimes. But I have found something better to live for.

36. What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?

Oh, like I would tell you about that.

37. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?

I would ask the Ellimist or whoever is doing this to go ahead and make it so that I was actually born a Yeerk.

38. What is your best memory?
Infesting Brooke for the first time. After all the fear and despair is was like a lungful of air to a drowning person.

39. What is your worst memory?
When Andros recoiled in disgust when I tried to touch him. I was promised to Andros by my father so by Human terms he was my fiancée. He called me a <Yeerk!> and fled as if I were contagious.

Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

Pessimistic.  I tried to be an optimist but I realized it’d never work…

41. What is your greatest fear?

That I will be revealed as a nothlit. The people I have befriended in the empire would hate me. And I’d probably die.

42. What are your religious views?


43. What are your political views?

Yeerk politics are much different than what I was used to as an Andalite with all the rules that were imposed. In the empire there are really only a few rules:
1.   Follow your superior’s orders without question unless you want to die.
2.   Do not sympathize with a host species-or your enemy.
3.   Do whatever it takes to advance in rank, just don’t get caught.

44. What are your views on sex?
THERE YOU GO AGAIN WITH THE PERVERTED QUESTIONS!! I’m not telling you. All I’ll tell you is that I do have two other Yeerks that I do love very much and wouldn’t care I were going to die if they were with me.

45. Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?

Yes. I have been trained to been to kill on command by both my species. I would love to get my hands on Andros right now…but I probably wouldn’t kill him…right away.

46. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?

Kill without purpose. Killing that is not used to protect those you love or yourself is evil.

47. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?


48. What do you believe makes a successful life?

Being happy where you are and loving those who are with you but always aspiring to reach higher.

49. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?

I'm pretty honest, most of the time.  Actually I’m pretty blunt a lot of the time…I usually don’t beat around the bush. If I have an opinion, one that won’t get me killed, I will state it.

50. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Andalites. I hate the fact that I actually was one of them. 

51. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?

Assist the Andalites. WHY?! Have you not been listening?!

52. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?

I would be glad to give my life for many of my comrades.

Part 5: Relationships With Others

53. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?

I am respectful to those who deserve it. Those in authority have obviously earned their place through some action or another. I do not tolerate those who excessively torture their hosts. If I’m rude to you that’s probably why.

54. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

One person?  You're making me choose one person?! I love both Ziyam and Odrett. I loved Ziyam first but they are both important to me. Vexic and Torias have been very good friends to me as well.

55. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

See my previous answer.

56. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.

Vexic and Brilla probably. Vexic is level headed and will always give me the advice I need to hear, even if I don’t always want to hear it. Brilla is just plain fun, but is smarter than she looks.

57. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
I used to have a fiancée but I really hate his guts so please don’t make me describe him. You might get several expletives in the process.

58. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

Yes. I fell for my commanding officer and one of his fellow Sub-Vissers. *sigh* It sucks. They both outrank me, and love to tease me!

59. What do you look for in a potential lover?

 I look for someone who has similar qualities to myself.  Someone I can respect.  But also someone that is less serious than me. Ziyam is a lot like me and I respect him. I respect Odrett too but he’s a lot less serious than Ziyam and I. He brings me out of my shell and makes me laugh.

60. How close are you to your family?

What family? What is this “family” that you speak of…?

61. Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?

No. I can't start a Yeerk family and I wouldn’t want to start any other type of  family since I couldn’t do that with the ones I love.

62. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?

Probably Ziyam. But if I were in trouble with the Empire I’d most likely turn to Odret. He’s just a lot more lenient about stuff like that than Ziyam.

63. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?

I would trust most of my friends to protect me. Probably Vexic more than Torias in a firefight though. Torias isn’t as good with a Dracon beam.

64. If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Ziyam, Odrett, Vexic, and Torias. Maybe even Brooke…

65. Who is the person you despise the most, and why?

My father. Or Andros. It’s a toss up…

66. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

I argue when I know I can win, but I also know when to be a good little Yeerk and keep my mouth shut. 

67. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

Depends on who I’m with. If I’m with fellow underlings I seem to fall into a leadership role with them. I guess I have a commanding personality. But when I’m with Ziyam and the others? No. Too many leaders already!

68. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

No.  I’ve never liked crowds, and I still don’t. I guess there are some lingering Andalite traits after all…

69. Do you care what others think of you?

My friend’s opinions are really the only ones that matter. Besides that I really don’t care what anybody else thinks.

Part 6: Likes And Dislikes

70. What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?

I like Human music. I like to walk in the mornings, even though Brooke hates me for it. I like to dance as well, especially with Ziyam or Odret.

71. What is your most treasured possession?
I really don’t have one…

72. What is your favorite color?

Red or Black. (Hah! That’s amusing…those are Visser three’s colors.)

73. What is your favorite food?

I like all Human foods! Human tastebuds are simply amazing! I couldn’t ever choose just one food. I have recently acquired a taste for fries dipped in a chocolate shake. Brooke’s mom thinks it’s gross.

74. What, if anything, do you like to read?
Brooke likes fantasy. I have recently acquired a liking for the human books entitled ‘Manga’. Brooke has made me swear not to read them in public.

75. What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?

Music and books.

76. Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?

Ugh, no.  I’ve never done the oatmeal thing and Brooke has never tried Drugs or Alcohol. 

77. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
Doing Brooke’s homework or on a date with Ziyam.

78. What makes you laugh?

Humans.  Visser Three screwing up. Visser three putting his hooves in his metaphorical mouth. Torias’s jokes about Andalites (after all I know that they’re mostly true….)

79. What, if anything, shocks or offends you?

Sadistic and unessacary torture of a host who has already given up.

80. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
Read the forbidden Manga!

81. How do you deal with stress?

If it's something I can't deal with on my own I’ll go to Vexic or Torias for advice. If not I’ll go outside and look at the stars. It is very pretty where Brook lives. Peaceful…

82. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?

PLANS! Give me plans! I hate not being on a schedule. I have a built in clock for Pete’s sake!

83. What are your pet peeves?

Do you have to ask? Let me give you a hint. It starts with an “A”

Part 7: Self Images And Etc.

84. Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
My normal day is pretending to be Brooke…I wouldn’t mind a day just being me…. but if you’re talking Yeerk stuff it goes: Report. Get yelled at for not catching Andalites. Watch one of your fellow subordinates lose his head and hope to a human deity you’re not next. Go to the pool if you need it…hang around with Ziyam and the others. I like that routine mostly…so I wouldn’t appreciate it being disrupted.

85. What is your greatest strength as a person?

I'm persistent.  I'll get what I want, one way or another, and I don't give up until I do.

86. What is your greatest weakness?

I get angry pretty easily…I hide it well but I still…

87. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would be a Yeerk by birth not by 2 hour default

88. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

Introverted. I guess having a secret life and past will do that to a person.

89. Are you generally organized or messy?

Very organized. It drives Brooke nuts. She often wonders if it’s possible for Yeerks to have OCD.

90. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.

I'm good at getting what I want, doing whatever is necessary to get a job done, and being able to make snap decisions.

I'm bad at admitting mistakes especially to those I respect, I am bad at being objective about Brooke and probably any other host I’d ever take in the foreseeable future,  and I cannot aim a Dracon beam worth crap. Good thing I’m friends with Vexic!

91. Do you like yourself?

At first no, but now I’ve grown very comfortable with who I am.

92. What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons...)

I want people to know that there is nothing shameful in being a Yeerk. Andalites, my former people, treat being a Yeerk as if it’s some sort of disease. As someone who has seen both sides of the issue I can actually side with the Empire on this. Yeerks have as much right to see and to feel as Humans, Andalites, or any other species you care to name. I may not agree with all their methods of gaining said rights but I understand and empathize. 

93. What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
I want to become a Sub-Visser and I want to kill my father. Not nessicarily in that order.

94. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

There are too many variables in my current situation to determine that.

95. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

I would die with Ziyam and Odrett either in battle or giving life to a new generation.

96. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

Ziyam, Odrett, and . . . haha, just kidding. I’d probably tell Odrett what I am…I don’t know about Ziyam but I think Odrett might accept me.

97. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
Bringing my two species closer together.

98. What three words best describe your personality?

Stubborn, confused, lustful (at least when Odrett and Ziyam are around)

99. What three words would others probably use to describe you?

Flippant, strange, and stubborn.

100. If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice...)

Stick with it. Odrett will accept you if you are brave enough to approach him with your secrets. He could help you with a lot of your problems. I don’t think killing your father is the best solution but if you feel your honor has been wounded that deeply. If you claim your identity as a Yeerk you should let go of the need to defend your honor. That’s an Andalite thing. If you really want to kill him just wait until they attack then its not vengeance. It’s self-preservation. Don’t give up on the Andalites just yet. Not all of them are bad…only 95% of them are arrogant buttholes…
What is the most horrific thing my mind can conjure up? What is so horribly terrifying that it sends me screaming in the opposite direction...Visser three in a fluffy pink bathrobe. EVIL SHOULD NOT BE CUTE DARN IT!

Follow your dreams! Except for that one where you're naked in public. I don't think anybody is ready for that...