The ending.... I'm in the group who think that it should've been more than that.
But I'm ok about the deaths. If Applegate decided to stuck to the hard core reality, I suppose the Animorphs have been all dead earlier. I'm surprised they had managed only to lose one of them. Sometime throughout the series I felt weird that coincidences happen all that smooth. Everyone is alive and ok after some disastrous mission. I usually hide behind the plot device shield, and reassure myself that this was intended to be a children book so she could let some unexplainable facts go. It's almost relieving that one of the main chara dead (Rachel died as a human, fortunately). Tom's death was a horrible one, poor Tom, still had a Yeerk stuck in his head, but...
It's feasible. I can accept it. Sure there's many way to avoid both deaths but I won't complain about it.
I won't complain about their lives after the war either. It could go whatever way and the effect would still be the same. The kids saved their Earth, they're worthy of whatever life they could live after their struggle.
What's disturbing is their relationship. I, as many of the people in this forum, also couldn't believe that Tobias would leave Ax just like so only because he's depressed after Rachel's death. I find no logic in his action. He lost Rachel, yea, the one who care about him deepest, but he still have his friends. And Loren, if you want to count her. She may have no real bond between him but she's his own real mother for crying out loud. Is Tobias really that weak? I don't get it.
Jake and Cassie. I understand that the guilt-ridden Jake couldn't find his way around Cassie anymore, but what about vice-versa? After all they've been trough for like, forever, had their lives changed like, together, Cassie simply moved to another man? That's so wrong.
Then about them meeting The One.
Well, did all of them died fighting this creature? The probability is high, look at what it did to freaking Ax, that could fight best in his own Andalite body. What chance a bunch of morph-capable human and a hawk had? This bad assumption pissed me off. It's just... after the Animorphs completed their purpose on the series and survived, they're going to be killed and absorbed into some kind of evil enemy which we know nothing about?
Why, it was the freaking end of the book and Ax's final appearance was as an alien mutant driven by an unknown force worshiped by desperate Yeerks. Nooooooo.
There's nothing I can do about it anyway, I'll have to accept it and move on. Sorry for my selfish rant, I really need to blurt it out.