2 words: Who. Cares.
(For the forgetting a hyphen)
I'm the only one on RAF at the moment who should care whether it's a hyphen, a space, or a compound word!! And the ony reason for that is the spelling test I have tomorrow is compound words that are either hyphinated, spaced, or one word. Grr, so aggrivating!! I don't understanf the meaning of Spelling. I get an A+ every semester anyway because I'm gonna be an author when (or if I get my way, before) I grow up! And, I've come to discover this is what Spell Check is for!! Not that I need it...
Rant over.
I think it has potential but, drugs? 16-17? Half the fun of the Animorphs was that they're just these innocent kids who aren't totally mature yet. And they're not supposed to be mature yet either because they're only, what, 13-16? They mature over time, sure, but I found the series slightly less interesting as it went on. As the plans got more desperate. Less childish. More serious and fate-of-the-world big. Although I knew it had to go like that it was just a little less appealing... But drugs? Honestly? So, plan making Jake on an acid trip? Reckless Rachel high on crack? I mean, really?