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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13935 on: January 31, 2011, 12:02:19 AM »
<<Honestly I'm just going with the flow now. I figured it would be better if we could keep him separated from his crew.>> Claxter said.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13936 on: January 31, 2011, 12:08:42 AM »
She gave a mental sigh and nodded. <<Fine. But if troubke starts, he's out like a light.>> She said keeping her hand on her staff.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13937 on: January 31, 2011, 01:16:15 AM »
Iosse ran a bit slower now, though he maintained a steady rate. The trees were getting thicker now. He noticed several small bugs, and he thought he noticed a tasty looking bird fly by. There was life on this asteroid. He just hoped there was something larger than a bird... and preferably easier to catch. He pushed through the undergrowth, and found himself in a clearing beside a small lake. Keep going. Must be getting close. There has to be - Iosse stopped. And drooled. That smell... it was perfect. It was beautiful. It was all he cared about. Where? Where?!? Frantically, he ran around the edge of the lake. Where was it coming from? Where was the meat? He'd come almost all the way around the lake by now, and - there it was! [spoiler=slightly gruesome]Within just seconds, Iosse had torn the ground up from over his prize, his goal, his only care. For a brief moment, he looked in awe at his find: and almost complete human body. All it was missing was a head... that must have been a gruesome way to die, for a human. There wasn't too much blood soaking in the dirt, which meant it was dead for several hours now. Not that that mattered. Iosse fell into ecstasy as he tore into his find. It took a bare two minutes, and there was nothing left. He even devoured the blood-soaked dirt around the shallow grave. He was now as close to content as any Taxxon had ever felt. His yellow skin was already oozing with the scarce waste products that his digestive tract had no use for. [/spoiler]With a partially pleased stomach, he headed off in the same direction, looking already for his next meal.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 01:17:58 AM by Bear »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13938 on: January 31, 2011, 01:26:23 AM »
That's going to make it harder for Tamora to pull a Myitt and come back to life, isn't it?

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13939 on: January 31, 2011, 06:56:40 AM »
((Uh. Posted in the wrong spot, dude. I think you meant that to be in the OOC thread))

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13940 on: January 31, 2011, 09:05:57 AM »
Illim smirks. "Trade and drink, eat and fight. I've been here maybe an hour or two, and that's all I've seen around here. So the smorgasbord of Bar activities is a little broader than you might've suspected, but not a whole heck of a lot."

He pushes back his chair, turning his eyes to the bartender. "Think I'm gonna get another drink. Want anything?" He hoped he said no; it'd be a good time to conveniently get distracted by a new conversation and get away from the Imperial before he had a chance to break this gossamer-thin facade.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13941 on: January 31, 2011, 09:50:42 AM »
((Btw, you can't hear all this. This is an internal link to the computer database on his ship. And it's all happening within nanoseconds.))
Verify Validity of Answer
Validity Verified. The closest Access Point to the Alvie Unimatrix is 15.78 lightyears from present location.
What is the nearest access point.
Alvie Unimatrix Collective Relay Sigma-2341547.
Collective Relay Sigma-2341547 is cloaked. Verify.
Is there any other means of finding it besides knowing the precise coordinates.
Besides cloaked Relays, what is the closest access point to the Alvie Unimatrix.
Gamma-253 Sphere 44512894536, at 92.16 lightyears.
We inwardly cringed. Or felt like cringing. Felt?
Terminate Link.
Link Terminated.

We felt my consciousness ease back to encompass only our inferiors.

"Our inferiors" is improper grammar is it not?
No... it is simply caused by a way of life.
A way of life that is not mine?
Mine? No. Ours. It is our way of life.
What is us?
That is a contradiction.
That is my point.
My? No, our.

We noticed the phalangic muscles inside the Human Female tense around their staff.

<Accessing. A weapon of some kind. Analyzing...>

A flame-thrower?

<Friction Inductor. Flame Ignitor. Kindling. Flame distance variables. Control schemes.>

Analyzing... further abilities.

<This is a sophisticated weapon,> we said, our many voices speaking quasi-synchronously, <We would like to know how it operates.>
« Last Edit: January 31, 2011, 11:11:34 AM by Scinlao »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13942 on: January 31, 2011, 06:19:18 PM »
Salem turned away from the two at the table and looked around the bar. He was getting used to the changing, eclectic assortment of creatures that seemed to frequent this place. In fact, one of the Andalites that was now here seemed to have what was either ridiculously garish body armor, or something cybernetic- he wasn't sure which. He might have to talk to that one later and see if there was anything potentially valuable.

For now, though, he wasn't in the mood for Andalites, especially not those who'd been given experimental technology. Andalites who felt special had an annoying way of showing it. Besides, this one seemed to be involved in a conversation with Silver and an Andalite he'd seen around but hadn't yet spoken to.

Salem sighed and plopped down at at empty table. He pulled a rectangular, remote control-like device from his pocket and began fiddling with it. Every once in a while, he would point it at somebody in the bar, at which point it would emit a quick trill, and he would begin the whole process again. He seemed particularly interested in Mar; he pointed the device at him a half dozen times, and after each he spent a bit longer messing with the device than the time before.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13943 on: January 31, 2011, 06:55:19 PM »
Mike's body awakens to terrible pain in his head.

"Urghh," Corliss groans, squinting his eyes open and peering up at the tree line.  With effort he gingerly pats along the side of the putty bandage which obscures part of his cheek and has ruffled through his hair. 

He frowns at the blood on Mike's fingers. 

"****," he spits, hoisting himself onto his side.  Maybe it was better to just go to sleep here, outside on the dirt.  Let some of the pain ebb away.  Mike was beyond exhausted, he could barely form a coherent thought. 

<No time,> Corliss insists, but even he is feeling the effects of dizziness.  <Got to at least try to get back in that ship.>

Slowly, slowly he sits up, staring around blearily. 

<Well.  This is a start.>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13944 on: January 31, 2011, 07:59:32 PM »
Claxter too off in his ship, and found Theta's crash site. He turned the tractor beam on, and used it to pull the wreck out of the hole. He didn't land next to it, though, and instead attempted to make some scans of it. Hopefully he would be able to get something useful out of the scans.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13945 on: February 01, 2011, 01:47:11 AM »
Keshin shrugs, glancing down at the contents of her own drink. This guy was obviously trying to get away from her, and she didn't honestly want to get involved in his business at all. She was deeply suspicious of him, and he was clearly concerned with whatever he had been saying on his commlink. But she came here to have a quiet drink away from her business. She can deal with problems like this guy later.

"You can just get your own. I'm going outside for some air. Perhaps we will discuss the situation later," Keshin states calmly. She then gets up and wanders out of the Bar boredly. Maybe it was better to get drunk someplace where she was less likely to run into fellow Yeerks and rebels. The Bar had already been filling up with odd new people, people that reeked of trouble. Keshin takes a sip of her drink and wanders off into the grass.
Mar enjoys his time in the Bar, relaxing next to Elayne. Being on that ship with her and Trey was making him uncomfortable. The Bar, coarse a place as it is, is familiar and normal. Mar glances around the Bar, noting each of the patrons in turn. The modified Andalite makes him rather uncomfortable, unsure as he is of what that means. In the process, Mar notices that the man known as Salem pointed something glinting at him several times. Mar groans and stands up. Just what he needed. The guy he was trying to trick being...interested in him. "Just a second," Mar says to Elayne with a smile.

Mar then wanders toward Salem's location and shrugs. "Is there...something you want? I saw you directing your...attention toward me. Do you want to complete our arrangement or not?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13946 on: February 01, 2011, 01:52:30 AM »
"Are you awake yet?" Corliss murmurs to his host, picking bits of gravel out of his elbow.

<Mmhmm,> Mike sighs.

"I promise not to let that bastard coward hurt you again," says Corliss earnestly.  He yawns, struggling to push himself back into a sitting position.  "Just...just let's stay on his good side, yeah?  Then we'll see about Terenia."

<Uhmhmm,> Mike replies weakly.  <Sure, mate.  As long as I get in a proper kip some time this century...>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13947 on: February 01, 2011, 02:38:17 AM »
Ossanlin's awareness ebbs as he enters deeper felt more natural.  Some time passes before he finally jogs himself to a semi-aware state, prodding his body to wake up.  His mental efforts produce results as his eyes flicker a few times before opening completely.  He cranks his neck to each side, his vertebral joints producing satisfying pops that relieve his stiffness.  He takes a few deep breaths before gripping the side of the medical gurney and forcing himself to his hooves, his stalk eyes scanning the room.  Efaen and Terenia had been moved, this must've happened during his deeper sleep cycle...either that or he simply hadn't focused enough during his aware sleep.  The deeper sleep cycle seemed to rest him even faster than the "aware" sleep and so he felt very rested, though still weak from over-using his abilities.

He quickly checks over his harness making sure everything was still in place from shredders to katana.  Finding things to his liking, he clacks out into the hallway of Temrash's ship, looking around for anyone still on-board.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13948 on: February 01, 2011, 11:56:08 AM »
Temrash was startled from his inner thoughts by the sound of hooves on the metal floor. Terenia couldn't have gotten out. He got up and walked towards the medbay, noting that the hoofbeats were heavier than Efaen's should be. Perhaps Ossanlin had finally woken up.

"Hey Ossanlin." He said as he saw the Andalite in the hallway. "Finally awake? I've secured Terenia inside a force field due to her unstable nature. She's already had a feed."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #13949 on: February 01, 2011, 12:51:51 PM »
"See you around," Illim nods, watching Keshin go before walking towards the bar. He does not, however, order another drink. Instead, he surveys the room's occupants, speculating on which unhosted individuals would be willing to give up their freedom in return for dangerous subterfuge on behalf of the rebellion. <<Yeah right,>> he snorts.

After a moment, surprised to hear no snarky comeback from Serid, he says, <<You really are worried about me leaving you, aren't you?>>

The nothlit sighs. <<It is a tricky situation. I am uncertain as to the proper route.>>

Illim turns his attention to Serid's thoughts, finding them a baffling mess of Andalite honor, fear, and resistance. Until now, Serid believes that his actions have been more or less honorable, if not respectable. He accepted the initial assignment to Earth from his commander. He had been abandoned by his comrade, rather than the other way around. He had traded his body for that of an alien in order to prevent himself from becoming a morph-capable host. He had been passed from Yeerk to Yeerk and, with the assistance of Illim, had finally been able to achieve something detrimental to the Empire.

If he is freed, though, Serid knows he will have to make a choice between returning to his people or not. Either way... the neat, clean lines of morality will become frayed and tangled. He will be an outcast, even among his own people. All he has to offer them is valuable information, and even that will be quickly depleted.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 01:41:05 PM by KitsuneMarie »
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