<<This arrangement,>> Serid tells Corliss after watching him eagerly rifle through his memories, <<is strictly temporary. I understand that few Yeerks have the opportunity to infest an Andalite, but please focus on the task at hand.>>
With the practiced ease of a longtime host, he guides more recent memories to the forefront of his mind: Illim speaking with Myitt, Derrel's hesitant agreement to accept Illim into his head, Serid's tumultuous reunion with Tora, Myitt's sleep-hazed instructions from her Bug Fighter.
Of course, other memories are ripe for the picking, including his initial revulsion at being infested by the morphed Tora, his despair as she abandons him in the Yeerk Pool and his frightened determination to become a nothlit rather than a second Abomination, Illim's giddy excitement as he completes his deadly Gleet Biofilter, Serid's first step onto the lush grass of a Dome ship, watching a young Tora attempting not to look bored in the Academy, Serid's heart racing as he and Illim escape Earth after being dismissed from the Peace Movement, hours of Imperials cataloging every nuance of his memories, and his parents' pride at his acceptance into the military.
The memories are complex, filled with emotion-laced thought-speak conversations and views from four angles, filled with fear of dishonoring his race and of his own emerging sympathies for some Yeerks. Bitterness towards what has been done to him, made all the more biting after his recent conversation with Tora.
Serid feels a smirking satisfaction that his memories will reveal a new side of Ertoran, one she has not likely shared with her rebellion friends. He wonders if Corliss will now share his own revulsion of her.
Illim gives Terenia a halfhearted smile. "It's no trap. He's got the Dracon," he waves vaguely towards the now-infested Serid.
He starts to drum his fingers on his arm nervously as he waits for the verdict. <Yeah, reckon you're right,> he tells Derrel in response to his comment. <Hangin' in there? Look, I'm sorry about this... I really do think we're safe, though. Assuming this Corliss fellow doesn't, you know, decide I'm public enemy number one.>