Author Topic: Animorphs: Redux  (Read 10071 times)

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Offline Kitulean

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2008, 02:42:51 PM »
Couple revelations here, including Melissa's battle morph.

Chapter Eight

<Oh, god, Rachel... I never... never knew....> Melissa's voice was as filled with wonder and amazement fifteen minutes later as it had been when we first started out. Far from her normal quiet self, every few moments she blurted out a new thing she had seen or realized. Everything surprised the girl, from the way her feathers adjusted to the wind, the way she could recognize people so far below us that to a human they would be indistinct blurs, or even the way her eyes seemed to notice movement of any kind. Her awe filled thought-speak voice continued. <I never knew it was this amazing. You can see... everything. You can go anywhere.... I love this. It's incredible.>

It really is, too. You know everything you've thought about how cool it would be to fly? Forget it, because it's so much better than that. It's better than anyone could possibly imagine. Nothing, not skydiving, not hanggliding, not basejumping could ever come close to the feeling of spreading your wings and launching into the air under your own power. It is one of the most incredible, free feelings that anyone could ever feel, and when I'm flying I think the morphing power is worth it.

So I understood exactly what Melissa was feeling as we winged our way toward the Gardens. Once we were sure she had a handle what she was doing, we had all spread out, to the limits of  our thought speak range. We didn't want some random bird watcher to alert the media about seeing seven birds of prey flocking together. Only Cassie stayed somewhat nearer to Melissa, flying higher in her osprey morph so she could keep an eye down on our newest member and give her tips. <Let the thermals carry you. Don't worry about controlling every little thing.> She reminded her as we grew closer to our destination. <Just fly and let the bird brain handle most of the details.>

<Bird brain? What does Marco have to do with this?> Rachel shot out quickly, flying off in the distance to my left.

<Oh hah. But hey that was pretty quick. Good job> I had to compliment her as I began to drift lower to get a better look at the Gardens while we moved over it. Below, I could see that the crowd was probably at its highest point of the day. School was out and it wasn't late enough for dinner yet. Which meant we had an entire park of kids about the same height as the one we were looking for. Hopefully we'd be able to find the Chee who were supposed to be watching him.

<Thanks.> Rachel arced around the park on the other side. We spread out so that the park would be easier to search. Erek had promised to get to the Gardens as soon as he could so that he could direct us to his friends. Until he got here, we continued to scan the crowds. It was more difficult for Jake, Ax, and Tobias, since they had never gotten a good look at the guy, so they had to go by our description and keep asking one of us to check someone that could have been him.

It never was though, we searched until we saw Erek arrive at the front gates. Jake muttered, probably more to himself than any of us. <Should've done seagulls.> It was true, the little scavenger birds were everywhere, flocking all around, even landing right next to the people in the park. We never would have been  noticed. <Ax, how long have we got?>

<We have been in morph for forty seven of your minutes, Prince Jake.> Ax was in his northern harrier morph, staying higher than the rest of us and more towards the back of the park.

<Dude, they're everyone's minutes.> I told him for what had to be the nine thousandth seven hundredth and twenty third time. <You're here on earth with the rest of us. Trust me,  we know what you mean by minutes. We aren't going to suddenly think you mean Ferengi minutes and be completely confused.>

<Do the ferengi have different minutes?> Tobias wondered aloud. <I mean, I'm sure one of their rules of acquisition probably had to do with taking other people's minutes...>

Rachel cut in, sounding annoyed. She wasn't happy that we couldn't figure out where David was yet. <Congratulations, you're both incredible dorks. Mind if we focus on the real aliens now?>

Jake interrupted. <Erek's with the woman eating that giant ice cream cone Ax wanted earlier. I guess she's the chee. They're looking.. where...> His small falcon darted across the sky to see what lay beyond the tall ride that was blocking his view.

Cassie, who was closer to that area, responded while gliding a bit lower. <It's the reptile house. David must be inside.>

<Oh yay.> Rachel's tone grew dark. <Cuz we all know how much I love reptiles.> She paused before adding for Melissa's benefit. <Turns out I'm allergic to crocodile dna, it was all kinds of messed up.>

<Allergic to DNA?> Now Melissa sounded nervous again. I could see her small merlin on the left side of the park as she did a slight climb to see where Rachel was.

Rachel reassured her quickly. <Don't worry, it hasn't happened before or since. It was just a lot of uncontrollable morphing. Now let's go get David.> She started to swoop down toward the reptile house.

<Um. Rachel?> Melissa's asked hesitantly. <Wouldn't... a... bald eagle charging into the reptile house at the zoo be kind of... umm... obvious?> She sounded like she wasn't sure she should be the one to question Rachel's tactics.

<I like her.> I commented easily. <She has sense. Rachel, take notes.>

Rachel started to retort about something else she'd take, but Jake interrupted. <Cassie has an empty exhibit for us. Follow her down, one at a time. Marco first, then Tobias, Ax, Melissa, Rachel. I'll bring up the rear. Erek'll bring us the clothes he came with.>

We found the unused exhibit and a couple minutes later most of us had demorphed, and in Ax's case remorphed, except for Melissa, who didn't have a morphing outfit. She perched on a log that looked like it was for some kind of snake to coil around and watched the rest of us. <So it has to be skintight?>

"Yeah." I said with a forlorn look at the incredibly unstylish outfits most of us wore. "And apparently Rachel's the only one that's allowed to one that looks decent." I tried one more time to press a topic I kept losing every time. "Which brings me back to--"

Rachel interrupted. "No costumes, Marco. We're not the X-Men."

"Well no duh!" I cried while pulling the plain white tee shirt out a bit. "Who would mistake us for them? We don't look like superheroes. We look like refugees from a late night exercise infomercial.>

Jake stepped over to the gate to let Erek in. He commented while taking the bag that the android passed him. "That's because we're not superheroes, Marco." He said this with a sort of tired patience, the same way he always said it.

"We change into animals and fight alien monsters, Jake." I retorted. "What would you call it, exactly?"

"Like you said at the beginning of all this." Jake replied with a grin as he tossed me a pair of jeans. "Idiot teenagers with a death wish."

I groaned and started getting dressed near the front of the cage while the girls changed at the back. We waited in our motley collection of Goodwill clothes for a minute until Melissa finally emerged with the sweats and baseball jersey that Erek had scavenged for her. She blinked at the logo on the front. "I'm not even really into baseball. What's a ummm..." She turned her head a little to read it. "... Oriole anyway?"

Jake and I both looked at each other and shrugged, and Tobias answered. "The bird on the top of the logo. That's an oriole. They're actually pretty cool. I see them sometimes, checking out the feeders ahead of the hummingbirds." He offered helpfully.

"Thanks, Tobias. But if the ornithology lesson is over..." Jake spoke mildly while standing near the gate next to Erek. "We could go... I dunno... stop David?"  He waved his hands like it was a crazy suggestion and then started out.

Hesitantly, Melissa tried to keep the peace by offering. "Um. At least we learned something?" She was the third out the gate, after Cassie. Tobias was going to be keeping an eye on the building from above, in case David ditched.

"Yeah, we did." I agreed while following Rachel a second later. "We learned that Jake would rule at scrabble. Ornithology, dude? What happened to 'bird'?"

"You really want the bird?" Jake asked as we approached the reptile house. "Cuz I could give you the bird."

Melissa whispered something to Cassie, and Cassie nodded. "Yep, they really are always like this."

<Be careful, guys.> Tobias cautioned while he flapped hard to get into the air. <If David can morph he could be anything in there. Keep your eyes open.> He disappeared over the roof of the building a second later.

The six of us made it into the building then. Erek waited outside, since his programming forbid him from direct confrontation. Like most reptile houses it was semi-dark in the regular area where the visitors stood so that it was easier to see into the exhibits where the snakes and other reptiles were. The place was quiet. As someone less paranoid might have said, too quiet. There didn't seem to be anyone in here at the moment, which was kind of weird.

"So... where is he?" Rachel asked while she stood near the python cage, half watching the lazy snake inside and half searching the empty room.

"In here... somewhere..." Jake turned in a circle and took in each exhibit slowly. "Something has to be out of place. David!" He tried calling. "Come on, we just want to talk. Let's do this the easy way, just project your thoughts to us so we can talk to you." He turned again, trying to see something, one of the animals that looked out of place against the others.

It happened too suddenly to react to quick enough. Ax was leaning over the railing of one of the snake exhibits while we talked about how to figure out which animal was David. I was mostly around the corner of the small loop at the end of the room, near Melissa who was next to the exit door. From the corner of my eye, I saw something strange. On the top of the glass walled exhibits opposite where Ax was, between them and the ceiling there was a space. Something glittered there and I saw the movement, turning to take it in before yelling. "He's on top of the--" It was too late though, as a lion leapt down from the top of the exhibit, slamming into Ax and knocking him over the railing and into the glass with a sickening crash.

Cassie, who had been next to Ax spun and yelled when she saw what had happend, but the huge cat took a quick swipe and smacked her upside the head, knocking her senseless. The lion roared and a thought-speak voice crowed. "Hah! Two down! You're not turning me into a rat this time."

Jake, who had shouted at Cassie being smacked unconscious and was already halfway to tiger stopped at that, a look of confusion on his face. "Huh?" That bit of hesitation was all David needed, because he was on Jake a second later with another roar. Outside, people were screaming. For a second I wondered if anyone would come in and see all this, then I realized that the odds of any human running toward the sound of the enraged lion were pretty low for now. David quickly took part of Jake's head in his large maw and glared at Rachel, who had made it all the way into Grizzly by this time. <You demorph now, you psycho!> He cried at her with a furious, and possibly terrified tone. <Or Cousin Jake gets to find out what happens when he bites down on someone. You too.> He directed Jake. <Demorph, demorph now!>

Three things struck me then. The first was that David knew more about all this than we thought he did. The second was that he seemed to be at least partly insane, talking about things we couldn't understand. The last thing I noticed was that he hadn't paid the least bit of attention to Melissa or myself. I checked quickly, and yeah, we seemed to both be out of his direct line of sight. Cautiously, I stepped back to where she was huddled near the door.

"Melissa." I whispered quietly. "In a second as soon as they're demorphed, he's going to let Jake's head go. As soon as he does, we've got to jump him. You have a battle morph, right?"

She looked torn, and scared, and I caught her shoulder to make her look at me. "Melissa, please. Focus. We have to help the others, okay? It's going to be all right. We can take him if we work together. Now morph." I suited action to words, and felt the familiar changes as I made the switch to gorilla and felt the massive strength that came with it.

Once I had finished, I checked the scene around the corner. David had Jake and Rachel, both fully human, pulling the unconscious Ax and Cassie into the middle of the hall. He was still ranting about not being trapped on an island, or something. The morphing cube must have done something to his brain, because the guy had completely lost it.

<Ready?> I asked while looking back to check. When I saw what Melissa had morphed, I raised a gorilla eyebrow. <Huh. That definitely gives me an idea...> I tested one of the railings and smiled. <Yep, definitely. Rachel's busy, so I'll say it. Let's do it.>

A moment later, after I had ripped the railing free with a horrible wrenching noise that made David spin around as quick as his four legs would let him, Melissa and I came around the corner. I held the ripped up railing in one hand while sitting on Melissa's back. <So it's not the traditional knight in shining armor and brave steed.> I remarked casually. <It's still awesome.> Then I lowered the metal railing like a lance, and we charged the temporarily stunned lion.

And really, wouldn't you freeze if you saw a gorilla charging at you riding a bull hippopotamus?

Offline Kitulean

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2008, 09:55:08 AM »
Chapter Nine

I saw the lion's eyes go wide as David took a reflexive step back. His thought-speak voice was full of confusion. <Seven? No... no, what happened to--> We reached him then and I swung my makeshift lance with all the strength that my massive gorilla arm could manage. If you've ever seen a gorilla, you know that's a lot of strength. A gorilla could twist a foot thick steel rod in half and play horseshoes with it over the length of a football field. They are pound for pound the best mix of strength and dexterity that can be found in the animal kingdom.  Combine that with the force from a charging hippo, which makes a lion seem puny.

So, when the ripped up railing hit David, it snapped in half. The railing simply couldn't take the strain that my strength had forced on it. The blow lifted the lion off its feet and hurled it through the glass of one of the lizard cages where it lay on its side, bloody and unmoving.

I dropped down to the floor and knuckle walked to the edge of the fence, staring at the still lion. <Melissa, check on the others. Jake man, you both okay?> There was no answer for a moment, and I looked back to see Jake and Rachel both taking a couple of cautious steps away from the hippo, which was looking at them like a mother bear might look at a human poking her cub with a stick. <Uhhh... Melissa?>

Tobias's voice came then. I guess he had landed on the roof. <Guys? What's going on in there? I heard a roar. Did we get him?>

<We have a uhh... situation with Melissa.> I responded while taking a step over sideways, nearly putting my foot down on a few lizards that were scattering and running for freedom. <She lost control of the morph.>

<How big of a problem is it?> Tobias asked, sounding like he wished he was in here to help.

<Um.> I looked at the massive and temperamental creature. <Big. Just a minute, we've got to try to talk her down.>

The hippo grunted and made an angry wheezing sound, opening its mouth wide to show all four of its foot long tusk-like teeth. Here's the thing about hippos that I found out later. You may think they're cute, fat, and harmless, but they're not. Some people consider the Hippopotamus to be one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. They get to be around thirteen feet long while standing about five feet tall at the shoulder, and can weigh up to four thousand pounds. They are also one of the most unpredictable and violent animals around. Some predators may attack one of the young, but nothing but a well armed man hunts the adult bull hippo. The only enemies they have besides humans are other bull hippos.

"Melissa..." Rachel was saying while taking another step back. "It's the animal mind taking over. Melissa, it's me, Rachel. You have to take control back. You have to calm down. It's okay. You are human. You are Melissa Chapman. Come on, think about gymnastics. Remember Fluffer McKitty? You love that cat. You're Melissa."

The hippo that was Melissa wasn't buying it, and with its mouth open over three feet wide, began to charge. A full grown hippo can run for a short distance up to thirty miles an hour, easily outstripping the average human. I lunged and wrapped my broad arms around the back of the hippo and hung on for dear life. Now, a gorilla is unbelievably strong. But it isn't strong enough to stop a four thousand pound hippo in a charge. I could however, slow it down. <Guys, get out of the way! I can't hold this thing.>

I was ripped off my feet then, as Rachel and Jake took advantage of the slight delay to throw themselves over the railing into the fake foilage. That puny railing wouldn't stop the hippo any more than it had stopped me from tearing it up, but maybe them being out of sight would calm the thing enough for Melissa to regain control.

Instead, it turned back around after its short charge and tried to bite me in half. I barely managed to hurl myself backwards before the thing would have taken my arm off. <Melissa!> I yelled out in near a panic as the beast tried to run me down this time. <Melissa, stop!>

Just as the hippo had me backed to the edge of one of the cages, it stopped and looked confused for a moment. A confused, somewhat frightened voice asked. <Wh-what? Marco... what did I.... what... happened?>

The hippo was already starting to shrink, and I breathed a sigh of relief. <The animal instincts just took over. It happens sometimes if you're not used to it. Rachel, Jake, come on, it's okay.>

They both emerged slowly and Jake slipped under the railing. "Uhhh, Melissa, don't demorph all the way yet." Jake brought a groggy Ax and Cassie around. Meanwhile, Rachel collected Melissa's clothes that she had dropped by the door and helped her dress after demorphing. I took the time to look back to the cage where the lion had been hurled. Sure enough, David had disappeared. He could have morphed any of the little lizards that even now were running off into the zoo.

Once we were sure we weren't going to find any more clue of where he had gone and had picked up what remained of the rest of our clothes, Jake directed us all to leave and get back to the empty exhibit before zoo security managed to show up. While Tobias lamented that he hadn't followed any of the lizards that emerged from the building, Rachel tried to tell him he couldn't possibly have known which one was David.

Melissa sat dejected on the same log she had perched on earlier. "I'm sorry, guys." She pried a piece of bark off the log and started to pick it apart with her fingers. "You had him and.... and I couldn't.... I didn't even know I was human. I couldn't think. The hippo, it was.... so mad... so angry. I just..." She sighed again and said for the fifth time. "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, Melissa." Cassie tried to make the girl feel better. "Everyone has problems at first. We should've let you morph before and get the hang of the hippo before taking you into something like that. We've all lost control before, even in life and death situations. It happens to everyone sometimes." She put a hand on Melissa's back and scratched her leg.

"Yeah." Rachel was at the edge of the fence, looking torn between being angry about losing David and making her friend feel better. "Besides.... he can't hide forever. The Chee'll pick him up somewhere, or Tobias will see him from the air." Tobias had taken off to do a sweep around the alleys and other places near the Gardens where David could demorph, and Erek had agreed to have the rest of the Chee keep an eye out for the guy, including by his house. Somewhere, we'd pick him up.

<As David has acquired the ability to morph, he will be much more difficult to capture.> Ax was in northern harrier morph, since we needed to leave soon and in any case, anyone who happened to walk past might be suspcious of a few kids hanging out in an empty exhibit with a bird, but they would down right freak if they saw an Andalite.

"Too bad we don't have a way to find morphing energy." Jake said thoughtfully while watching the sky for a sign that Tobias was coming back with news. It was a futile hope, and we all knew it, but he kept looking up anyway.

"Yeah..." Rachel turned back to the rest of us with a sigh. "We need a veleek." We stared at her, most of us remembering the collection of tiny alien creatures that had formed into a giant buzzsaw tornado of death and ripped through half the city hunting us awhile back. Blanching at the memory, Rachel shook her head. "Kidding... mostly."

"What was David talking about?" Cassie wondered aloud. We had told her what the boy had said. "A rat trapped on an island?"

Jake looked to Ax. "Could the box have messed with his mind when it connected to him to show him how to use it?"

Sounding doubtful, Ax answered slowly. <It is.... possible... that the tutorial of the escafil device might have... imparted strange memories into the mind of the human boy, but that is extremely unlikely, Prince Jake. And the memories you describe do not appear to be andalite memories, which would not make sense.>

"Whatever his problem is," Rachel stepped over to where Melissa was after another glance out to the reptile house where park workers were still trying to figure out what had happened. "he has to be stopped. He could blow everything."

I waved a stick in the air randomly. "If that punk runs to Visser 3, or gets himself seen morphing, we could all be dead in a couple days. We have to find him fast."

"And then what?" Cassie asked softly from where she sat next to Melissa. Her hand idly rubbed at her jeans while she quietly questioned our next actions. "What do we do with David after we find him?" That stopped all of us as she looked at each person. "We obviously can't make him promise not to do anything. He's already violent. And he's probably not going to want to help, not with that reaction. So... what do we do?"

After we were all silent for a minute, considering what none of us actually wanted to consider, Jake cleared his throat. "We'll work through that once we have an idea of where he is. We can't forget about the real mission either. All the world leaders out at the Marriott. We've only got a couple days before the big talks, and the yeerks might strike before that. We need intelligence, because we can't go into this blind."

"David's a threat right now." Rachel argued. She ticked the points off on her fingers. "He can morph. He knows our identities. He can find out where we live. He could lead Visser 3 right to our houses."

"You're right." Jake seemed torn as he gripped one of the bars on the edge of the cage. "We can't ignore either problem. So we're going to have to split up." He sighed slowly. "I know it's late, and I know we're all tired, but we can't stop right now. There's too much at stake."

Sounding apologetic, Cassie shook her head. "I have to get home. In fact I better catch up with my mom before she leaves. We have this big family dinner thing tonight. I'm like... beyond dead if I miss it, and I don't think you want me grounded for the next few days."

Jake nodded after a moment. "All right, Cassie heads home. The rest of us split up. Marco, you and Melissa go with Ax and meet up with Tobias. The four of you get a look at the resort. See what kind of security they've got set up already. Try to find us an access point. Maybe Ax can see if the yeerks have moved anything special in yet. Rachel and I will help the Chee look for David."

"First." I interjected. "We'll stop by the mall and get Melissa a morphing suit. Then we'll go start playing Rainbow Six on the resort."

Jake nodded at that, satisfied, and we all morphed to bird except for Cassie, who collected our abandoned clothes and stuffed them in a zoo visitors bag. A few minutes later the rest of us took off, splitting into two groups and heading in different directions. I saw Cassie heading to her mother's car and she waved.

There were three things that I didn't know as I flew away from the zoo parking lot with Melissa and Ax to find Tobias. First, David hadn't morphed a lizard. Second, Cassie had been scratching at a fly earlier. And finally, what I didn't realize as we left her to climb into her mother's car, was that Cassie as I knew her, I would never see again.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 10:14:08 AM by Cerulean »

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2008, 04:00:58 PM »
Chapter Ten

The next day, thankfully, was a weekend. It was a tired bunch of kids who dragged themselves into Cassie's barn early in the morning after a restless night of wondering if we were going to be dragged from our beds by armed hork bajir any second. I'm not sure about the others, but I know every single creak and sound had me sitting bolt upright in bed. It was nerve racking and terrifying, worrying about what David was doing out there. Melissa hadn't even arrived yet.

Jake and Rachel hadn't been able to find him, even with the help of the Chee. It was like the guy had simply disappeared. There was no sign of him at all.

While Cassie sat on one of the barrels and ate an orange, with Rachel and Jake leaning tiredly on the wall on either side of her, I explained what we had seen. "Well, the good news is that if we pull this off, we will never have to worry about getting stuck in that Rainbow Six level again, because we'll be infiltration gods."

<What is this rainbow, and why are there six of them?> Ax wondered. <Is this a naturally occurring human phenomenon?> He stood in one of the horse stalls, so that it would be easier to hide if we were interrupted. We were all paranoid this morning.

"It's a game." I explained. "You know, a video game."

<Ah. Yes, I understand now.> Ax's stalk eye swiveled to the ceiling where Tobias perched. <Tobias has explained the concept. It is the large black machine that human children put the shiny metal into and compete to see who may twist the knobs and push the buttons most quickly while shouting words that they are not supposed to say until the adult proprietor tells them to quiet themselves. Then the children laugh, and it is apparent that the one who has attracted the attention has won the game.>

"Yeah, something like that." I said with a shrug, then yawned. "Except most of these games are played at home."

Now Ax looked confused again. <But if there is no adult proprietor, how does a person know if they have won?>

"That's what parents are for." I shrugged again and stepped over to one of the cages where a fox lay on its side, breathing shallowly. "What's up with this guy?"

I looked over my shoulder at Cassie, who winced and pushed a wedge of orange into her mouth, chewing slowly before answering.. "Dad found him by the side of the road. We don't know what's wrong with him yet. He's supposed to check him out today, so we need to hurry and get out of here."

Jake paused in mid yawn and then nodded while pushing off the wall. "All right, so what exactly did you see for security, guys? Wait, first, where's Melissa?" He began to pace while he listened, with an intently thoughtful look.

"She's got a special gymnastics class this morning." Rachel answered with a grim smile. "I'm supposed to be there, but I'm blowing it off. She can't, because it's at the school and her dad's working in his office. He gave her a ride." She shuddered.

Jake looked to the silent Cassie for a moment before asking. "How's she taking it?" Rachel had gone home with Melissa the night before when we met up for a couple minutes.

"Not very well." Rachel answered with a long sigh. "She wanted to know how she was supposed to sleep at home and know those things were in her parents heads. She wanted to know how you stop yourself from trying to rip the slug right out of Tom's head."

Rubbing his hand over his eyes, Jake shook his head. "It's not easy. I just hope she can keep it together." He looked to Cassie, who gave him an encouraging smile, and then he stepped over and picked up the shovel from the day before. While he absently washed the thing with the hose in the corner, Jake asked. "All right, we'll fill her in. What'd you guys find?"

<The better question is what didn't we find.> Tobias responded from his spot in the rafters. <We've got Secret Service, the protection services from every other world leader, the local cops, the national guard, hotel security, and that's just the mundane security measures. We didn't get too close, but Ax says it looks like the yeerks have added bio-filters at each entrance.>

"How can they do that?" Rachel wondered while flinching at the memory of the device that protected the yeerk pool entrances by attacking anything with DNA not programmed into it. "I mean, they could program it for all the resort staff and anything, but if someone new walks in they get disintegrated. How could the Yeerks explain that, or risk it?"

Ax answered her. <It is more likely that the Gleet Bio-Filter is programmed to allow all human dna, but no small animals such as bugs or any of our other infiltration creatures. They are disguised as metal detectors, but we observed a mouse killed while attempting to enter the building through them.>

"You mean Tobias observed." I corrected with a glance upwards. "He was hungry."

<And now I've eaten.> Tobias responded coolly. "Can you guess what comes after eating? You know, while you're standing directly below me? By the way, I think Melissa's on her way. That or there's a really lost merlin searching for work as a farmhand. I don't thinks she's completely sure of which place is Cassie's.> It made sense, the girl had only been here a couple times before this had happened, back when she was a closer friend of Rachel's, and the day before she had understandably been distracted.

"Point taken." I stepped to the side anyway and looked at Jake. "So we can't get in through our normal ways. Even the windows are covered."

Jake nodded and then glanced up. "Go guide Melissa this way." After Tobias had flapped up through the opening in the ceiling, he looked over to Ax while tapping the shovel against the dirt absently. "Do you have any idea of how we can beat the bio-filters and get inside?"

Ax hesitated before answering. <I am not certain, Prince Jake. If we do not morph into a human capable of passing through the machines, I don't believe it would be possible. But we may be able to find an entrance that the yeerks have not covered.>

Jake dug the shovel into the ground a bit and leaned on it. "What do you mean? And stop calling me Prince."

<Yes, Prince Jake.> I could have sworn there was a flicker of humor in Ax's eyes then. <I mean it is a very large facility. It is inconceivable that the yeerks could cover every possible entrance with the devices. We may also be able to make our own entrance in a remote part of the hotel.>

Tobias and Melissa entered the barn then, and the smaller bird flew to the floor and began to demorph. Melissa emerged in the gymnastics leotard that she was using as her morphing suit. She looked exhilarated after her first solo flight. "That is so awesome." She sobered a little then and breathed, still smiling in a way I hadn't seen her do since even before we met Elfangor and this all started, back before she realized that her parents didn't seem to love her. Something had changed in her in the last day. She had a purpose now, a way of helping, and it had reinvigorated the girl. She was still very quiet, but she seemed more alive than before. "What's going on?"

"We're just discussing how to enter the resort with all the security." Rachel responded while stepping over to hug the girl. "Are you okay? How was gymnastics?"

"It was uhhh... hard." Melissa responded quietly, glancing at the ground in hesitation. "How do you do it?" She looked up to Jake. "How do you sleep with that... that thing... in your brother? How do you sit at the same table as him? I couldn't... sit there... last night. I told them I wasn't hungry. I... don't think they noticed."

"Because I have to." Jake held the shovel tightly in one hand while he looked to the girl. "Because if Tom had the slightest hint that I knew what he was, we'd all be caught. I'm sorry, Melissa, but if you want to help your parents, you have to keep it together around them and not let on. It's just something you have to do."

"She is." Rachel retorted, sticking up for her friend. "She's handling it. It just takes some time to get used to." She looked like she immediately regretted the phrasing.

"I won't ever get used to it." Melissa spoke in close to a whisper. "But I'll handle it." When she looked up, there was the exact same determination that had been on every one of our faces during this war. "Because I have to. Because they're my parents, and I'm going to help them." Even as quiet as her voice was, there was a determination that I recognized, because I felt the same way about my mother when I thought of freeing her.

Jake looked satisfied as he nodded. "Okay. Now we need to find our entrance. Which probably means a new morph." I expected him to ask Cassie if she had any ideas, but he looked to Ax instead. "They'll probably strike when all the leaders are together, which means at the banquet on monday night. We need to scout that room out today, which means getting in there as soon as possible."

"What about David?" Rachel demanded. "Did you just forget about him? We have to find him before he does something stupid."

"No we don't." Jake responded quietly. When we all looked at him, he took a breath. "Because he already did something stupid." With no further warning, Jake pivoted and brought the shovel around in a homerun swing for the fences. The metal head of the shovel slammed with incredible force into the side of Cassie's face with a crash. She was spun and knocked to the ground with a cry as Jake flipped the shovel around in his hands and pushed the blade of the shovel against her throat. "Isn't that right, David?"

The rest of us stared in stunned incomprehension for a moment, until Cassie started to laugh a little. Her face was bloody and bruised from the shovel, and she was a stiff with the edge of the shovel against her throat. Still, she chuckled. "How'd you figure it out, Prince Jake?" She said it mockingly and I realized that Jake was right. That wasn't Cassie, it was David.

"You made three mistakes." Jake gritted his teeth and kept the shovel where it was. "First you called the fox a him and said your dad picked it up. Cassie's been caring for that fox for three days, it's a female and her mother brought if from the Gardens where it was sneaking in. Second, you didn't talk or ask about Melissa's feelings about all this. Cassie would have." He paused then before finishing. "And the last mistake you made was assuming I didn't know my own friends. Now..." He pressed the shovel down tighter. "Where is Cassie?"

"Oh..." David answered cagily. "She's around. She's busy." Cassie's eyes bulged a little as the shovel was pressed tighter to her throat. "What are you going to do, mighty Jake? Are you going to order psycho Rachel to kill me? Is that what you're going to do?"

Rachel, looking furious, almost pushed Jake aside as she glared at the form on the ground that looked like her best friend. "Where is she, David!? Where's Cassie? What the hell did you do with her?"

Before David could respond, Tobias said tersely. <Cassie's dad's coming out here. I don't think you want him to see... this.>

Growling, Jake raised the shovel just slightly. "Morph. I want you to be something small. A bug of some sort. Do it, David. We'll talk about this later. You're going to tell us where Cassie is. Ax, join Tobias, you guys head out, we'll join you in the field." Ax began to morph even as Jake finished. Before he could flap up, Jake leaned over and whispered something to Rachel, who moved to Ax and passed the message along.

Raising an eyebrow almost challengingly, David slowly looked to Rachel before starting to obey. Cassie's form shrank and changed. Suddenly we realized he wasn't becoming himself. He was going straight into ****roach form. With a startled look, Jake glanced to Ax for answers before asking for himself. "How... how are you doing that?" He demanded from the boy. "You can't morph straight from one morph to another."

There was silence as David shrank from Cassie's body straight into the small bug, then as the tiny creature waved its feelers around, he responded, sounding amused. <You can't. I can. A little gift from a friend to even the score. It is six... I mean seven to one.> He paused as though considering something. <Actually, what do you know? I do mean six.>

Rachel furiously raised her foot to stomp down on the bug, but Jake caught her knee. He nodded for Ax and Tobias to take off, and they did. "Where is she, David?" He sounded more angry than I had seen him before. His lips were tight and his hand shook a little as he stopped Rachel from squashing the ****roach.

The door opened before David responded, and Jake put the shovel aside, then stooped, picking the bug up in his hand and holding it tightly. We all looked to where Cassie's dad stood in the entrance. The man smiled while he stepped inside and headed for the fox cage. "Hey, guys. Where's Cassie? I need her help with this girl."

"Uhh." Rachel winced and looked to Jake, who shook his head blankly and just held his hand in a tighter fist.

I sighed and spoke up, since lying to adults seems to be my specialty. "We were just looking for her. We're supposed to meet for..." No way he'd believe homework study. "... she's supposed to help us get into the Gardens so we can try that new roller coaster."

"Oh that one's great. You've gotta try it out." Cassie's dad grinned before sobering with a cough, like he realized he was supposed to be the adult. "But you know Cassie isn't supposed to take advantage of her mother's work to get her friends inside. You'll have to pay like everyone else." He paused before offering. "Maybe she realized that and is going to meet you inside. If you see her, tell her that I need her help."

"Sure, yeah." Jake nodded and started for the door with the rest of us following him out.

Melissa hesitated, like she was distracted by something, and then moved. As we passed outside, she spoke quietly. "He's... talking to me. He says you don't accept new people, that... he's... just defending himself."

Rachel growled. "We don't accept psychos that kidnap our friends." She glared at Jake's fist. "Where's Cassie, David? Where is she?"

The response was a moment in coming. <What makes you think I'll tell you?>

"You won't have to." Jake's knuckles were white from resisting the urge to squish the bug in his hand. "We'll take care of that. Ax and Tobias are already working on that. We'll find our entrance, then meet them and take care of this."

Feeling left out, I shook my head. "What do you mean, Jake? What are they doing? I thought you sent them to the field."

Jake responded calmly. "I just wanted David to think that so he'd think he still had an advantage. Ax and Tobias are going to Erek's house to get something."

"Erek has some kind of mind reading device?" I felt like I was being slow, missing something obvious.

"You might say that." Jake looked at his fist and smiled grimly. "He's supposed to be a controller, so he has access to the yeerk pool. If he can get down there, I'm pretty sure there's a yeerk down there that would like to know if something happened to Cassie, and would be glad to sort through David's head to find the answer." I realized he was talking about Aftran, the yeerk that Cassie had sort of made friends with, who claimed not to want to dominate humans. Aftran had kept our secret after pulling them from Cassie's mind, and had released the young girl who had been her host.

<No!> David cried out from inside Jake's hand. <You can't make me a controller. You wouldn't! You'd ruin everything! You can't do that! You can't cross that line! You can't!>

Shaking his head, Jake closed his eyes before holding his hand up to stare at the creature in his palm. His voice was hard. "You attacked Cassie, David. You crossed the line first. You made us your enemies. Now you can deal with it." He looked to the rest of us. "Let's go. We'll carry him with us. And we'll get answers... one way or another."
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 04:57:31 PM by Cerulean »

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2008, 01:36:27 AM »
This is the most amazing fanfic I have ever read. PLEASE continue please please please!

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2008, 05:28:22 AM »
Whoa! I just read the entire thing in one sitting. My eyes are freaking out :P

Anyways, great fic! It's awesome! Go Jake with the shovel! That part was heaps cool.

Keep it coming, I wanna read some more!
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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2008, 12:03:18 PM »
Not only is your story awesome (I also loved the shovel part!) but so is your avatar and your new Supernatural signature! That's one of my favourite quotes!  :)

Anyway, looking forward to seeing more!

I also love your new sig Claire!
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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2008, 05:05:38 PM »
Hey guys! Thanks a lot. I loved Jake taking David out with the shovel too. That was fun. Here's the next bit, where we end up in even more trouble.

Chapter Eleven

<Jake man, are you sure about this whole yeerk thing?> I asked as the four of us flew toward the resort. Rachel had the matchbox containing David in her beak. I had a feeling that it was hard for her not to just swallow the thing and be done with him. The feeling came from my incredible intution and from her telling us exactly that repeatedly. <Call me paranoid, but I don't really like the idea of having a yeerk in the head of someone who morphs better than we do. And speaking of which, how does he ignore the no going from one form straight to another rule anyway?>

<I did. During the crocodile crap.> Rachel's voice came from her position to the right and below me. On Jake's order, Rachel was flying close enough to the ground that David wouldn't have time to get into a bird morph if he slipped free, but high enough up that he'd probably kill himself if he fell from that height. He could always go from ****roach to fly, but if he went from something small to something smaller, we could probably catch him easily. That's why Jake was flying above and behind her in perfect dive position. Nothing David could possibly morph to would beat a peregrine in a dive.

I adjusted my flight to bring me closer to Rachel's left side, though still a good hundred yards off. <David isn't morphing uncontrollably. He's going straight to one form into any other one he wants. Explains how he disappeared so quick from the reptile exhibit. So what about it, Jake? The yeerk idea... it bugs me. How do we know she won't take this plump prize and run off for a promotion straight up the yeerk military. Hell, they might throw her a parade for something like that. Or whatever yeerks do.>

<Aftran could have turned us in before, Marco. She didn't, and she's the best chance we have at getting the answers out of David's head.> Jake sounded strained, and I knew how hard it was for him to maintain focus on the mission with Cassie missing.

Melissa flew ahead of all of us. I didn't know if that was because she remembered the way to the resort best from where we were or because she felt like talking about what to do about Cassie was more something the rest of us should talk about. Either way, we followed her all the way to the Marriot and I still had no idea if bringing the yeerk traitor into this was a good idea. Jake definitely thought it was, but there was no telling just how out of his mind he was right now. He and Cassie had an almost thing going on, and not knowing where she was or what had happened to her was making him crazy. I just didn't know how much it was affecting his judgement.

The resort stretched out below us. Everywhere you looked there were men in suits with radios in their ears talking to their lapels. The beach practically crawling with secret service. <Okay, guys, I know this is supposed to be a secret summit...> I just had to observe. <But it hasn't even started yet and there are probably news stations in Lithuania who have gotten word that something's going down.>

<Yeah, it isn't very... subtle.> Melissa agreed as she banked to the left to circle around toward the back of the resort where the golf course was. <There was only half these guys yesterday when we were out here. And it was almost impossible to get in then. Now...> She trailed off, sounding doubtful.

<And there'll probably be twice as many tomorrow.> Rachel's voice was grim. <They're not taking any chances. Which would make me feel a lot better if half those guys weren't yeerk puppets by now.> She followed Melissa around in a wide turn, with Jake and myself bringing up the rear.

We were halfway around, at the far backside of the golf course when it happened. At first it just looked like a heat ripple in the air above us that caught my eye. Then the ripple moved, and I got an idea of just how large it was. That's when I remembered where I'd seen that sort of ripple before. <Jake, look up. We've got company.>

The others craned their heads up and Rachel explained for Melissa's benefit after sighing. <Cloaked ship... big one... what are they doing?>

We flew in a quick circle, getting an idea of just how big this thing was. It was at least three times as large as the resort itself, and as it lumbered through the air, it became obvious that the central building of the Mariott was its destination. It wasn't that we could see the ship itself, but we could make out where the air didn't seem quite right as it moved through it. If we had been human, we wouldn't have seen a thing.

Finally, the four of us landed on the course at the farthest hole from the rest of the hotel. After demorphing, we peered up into the empty sky where we knew the ship was. "So we have a giant hostile alien ship settling into position over the building, and Will Smith is nowhere in sight." I looked back toward the sky thoughtfully. "I think we're gonna have to handle this one ourselves, Jake."

"Too bad." Rachel spoke while she held the matchbox that David was in tightly. "Because he's almost as cute as you think you are."

"I beg your pardon." I retorted, affronted. "No one's as cute as I think I am. It's a statistical impossibility. The only thing cuter than I think I am is how cute I really am."

"Congratulations." Rachel rolled her eyes as she pushed the matchbox open. "I think your ego just violated several laws of physics." She reached inside and plucked the ****roach out, tossing him into Jake's waiting hand. "What do we do with the turd?"

Jake was watching the sky as his hand closed around David. "If the yeerks are up there, we can't fly around scouting the place out. They'll have eyes on the building. We've got to get closer without flying, and find a way in that isn't a window or a door." He paused before looking down at his hand. "Are you ready to tell us where Cassie is?"

David was silent for a moment, and then he spoke with a voice brimming with arrogance. <Let's just say she's safe and she'll stay that way as long as I do. But you do one thing to me and she'll-->

"Shut up." Jake's hand shook a little and he glared at the bug. "Just shut up until you're ready to talk about where Cassie is. Marco." He gestured and I saw a coke bottle leaning against the tree where someone had left it. Walking over there I bent down and picked it up, offering it to him. Jake took it and dropped David inside before screwing the cap back on.

Finding himself trapped in the bottle, David sounded indignant. <Hey! What are you doing? You can't leave me here. What if you don't come back? I can't just be a bug trapped in a bottle!>

"Maybe you should've thought about that before." Jake replied coldly as he pushed the bottle under some weeds. "We'll come back for you, and find out where Cassie is. Right now you just stay put. If you're lucky we'll make it back before your two hours are up. If we don't..." He trailed off there, and I knew that missing Cassie was getting to him. The urge to choke answers out of the little rat had to be getting harder to resist by the minute, and it was probably a good thing that David didn't exactly have a neck to wring at that moment.

David was silent, and that unnerved me. I thought he should have been trying to make a deal or at least cursing us right then, but he was quiet, which in some way was worse. It meant he was thinking, or he already knew something we didn't.

Melissa and Rachel were looking to the sky when they both pointed suddenly. "Look!" Melissa cried out in that tone that just screamed that something bad was about to happen. Jake and I both looked up and sure enough, there was an odd yellow light in a nearly perfect circle all the way around the resort. It was obviously the edge of the ship.The light was only visible for a few seconds, and then it faded.

"What.... was that?" Melissa asked softly, sounding worried. "That's umm... probably not good, huh?"

"Well it's definitely not good." Rachel replied while she started to step over to where the edge of the light had been. "Whoa... it's all staticky." I could see the ends of her hair sticking up a little, and stepped after her. The strange feeling spread over me as well, like when you rub your feet all over the carpet and just before you go to touch something.

Jake and Melissa both followed us cautiously, and just as Rachel was about to take another step forward, a thought-voice speak cried out. <Stop! Don't move closer!> At first I thought it was David, but then I saw Ax and Tobias landing about ten feet off ahead of us. Ax immediately began to demorph. <Do not step closer to the emnek field.>

"The what?" Jake asked as he stepped beside Rachel. "What are you two doing here? You're supposed to be at Erek's." Reflexively, he started to step forward, but Rachel grabbed one of his arms and I took the other to stop him. As frantic as Ax had sounded to make us stop, it was probably a good idea to listen.

<Couldn't find him.> Tobias replied. <The Chee seem to be out for now. The house is dark and no one answered.> He perched on a rock nearby, watching us. <We came to meet you here and saw that light. Ax-man's been freaking out ever since. He said we had to get down here before one of you touched it.>

"Touched what?" Rachel demanded. "The light is gone. There's nothing here. Just a weird static feeling."

Ax had finished demorphing by then and he trotted up to within a couple feet of us. <That is a side effect of the emnek field.> His voice was strained. <They shouldn't have had something like this. How could they have stolen it from the homeworld? They had just begun experimentation on a field half this size when our ship left dock. The yeerks couldn't have found a way to double the size without resolving the power to mass ratio of--"

Jake interrupted, sounding testy. "Ax! What is it? What is this emnek field? How dangerous is it?"

Ax looked like he was searching for words for a moment. <There are times on my homeworld when... our morphing technology is... unwanted. There are certain Andalite high command secrets that should not be accessed by other andalites, and even though no andalite would ever betray our military secrets, it was deemed... important to have a defense. You must understand it was only a measure to be taken on the highest classified materials that even knowing about could be dangerous to a young andalite off... exploring his new ship.>

"Yeah we get it, andalite espionage never ever happens. They just had to protect things in case never became almost never." Rachel spoke dryly. " Let me guess, you were just exploring and found one of their little test fields accidentally so they had to explain what it was so you didn't blow their secret new defense.>

<I...> Ax swiveled a stalk eye to stare at her for a moment, then sighed. <Yes, that is fairly accurate. I probably wouldn't have even been told that much, but my brother was a  Elfangor said that the field wouldn't be perfected for some time. I can't understand how the yeerks could have it here.> He sounded hurt, and worried.

"So... ummm..." Melissa spoke the question we were all wondering. "What exactly... does it do?" She didn't look like she wanted to be anywhere near the field, even from what had been described already.

<If an unauthorized specimen moves through the field, the static feeling is a warning to turn back. If you take one more step forward, you will be scanned. If the scan detects more than one type of dna within you, it will... eliminate you through the same disintegration method used in the bio-filters at the entrances.>

"Wait..." I looked up and then back to Ax. "You're saying the yeerks just completely closed off the resort? No one with extra dna in or out?" Ax's look was enough of a reply, and I groaned. "Ohhh great. So we're stuck in here and Ax and Tobias are stuck out there."

"Which means even if we knew where Cassie was, the rest of us couldn't get to her until we get that field taken down." Jake clenched his fist and glared back at where he had left David.

"And..." Rachel finished. "They probably won't take the field down until after the banquet. Which isn't until Monday night."

Melissa took a reflexive step away from the field and away from the static feeling. I followed suit, just to be safe. She shook her head. "So we're stuck here today, tomorrow, and monday? How.. my parents might notice that. And how can we hide in this place that long with all this security around?"

"Yeah..." I sighed. "The Chee'll cover us at home if Tobias and Ax get to them. But we won't last an hour out here with all the paranoid guntoting guys swarming this place, let alone three days." I looked to Jake. "What do we do?"

Jake was quiet, lost in himself for a moment, and I nudged him until he answered. "Huh? Oh, we...." He sounded strained. "Ax and Tobias go find the chee and get us covered at home, then find Cassie." He stared imploringly at Tobias and Ax. "Find... Cassie. Figure out where she is... please. We'll.... we'll follow the plan for now. We'll find our entrance, get inside, and scout it out. After that... we'll have to find an empty room to hunker down in." He sighed. "Which means bringing David with us."

"Awesome." I replied and looked at the resort. The others all looked at me like I was crazy, so I shrugged. "I always wanted to get a suite here. They run for like a thousand bucks a night. Now we've got an excuse to stay here for three days? This mission's looking better already."

"Let's just find our way in." Jake clapped his big hand on my back. "Before Marco says something else about liking the mission and the resort blows up or something."

"Oh yeah." I replied sarcastically. "Because every time I'm not terrified of a mission, it must be cursed."

Which, naturally, is the moment that someone yelled. "Andalite!"

The voice made all four of us hit the ground. We practically fell into the small ravine  on the edge of the treeline where we had been talking to Ax and Tobias. We threw ourselves down so fast that I had to spit dirt out. I hissed. "So should I just go back to hating every mission and thinking we're going to die every time we poke our heads out?"

Jake lifted his gaze over the tip of the ravine, and I followed suit. We saw nine armed men running up to where we had just been. Ax and Tobias had both vanished already. One of them was calling in to report while the others began to sweep the area. A second later the man with the radio turned to his companions. "The visser wants this entire place swept. Inside and out, in case others got in before the field came down. Any animal you see, you toast it. Nothing living gets out of this area."

Quietly, Jake answered my last question. "Couldn't hurt."
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 05:46:27 PM by Cerulean »

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2008, 07:58:21 PM »
Sorry for the longer delay than there has been. Here's an extra length chapter to end this book for you, and as in the real series, it's a cliffhanger.

Chapter Twelve

With the human-controllers about to search the entire area, we had to get out of there fast. But we had to do it in a way that wouldn't attract attention and would get us far enough away within the time that we had in morph. Plus there was the fact that Melissa only had a couple morphs.If we wanted to start a fight, there was almost no doubt we could take them, but everyone else on the grounds would be alerted. And if hiding out for three days here when they didn't know we were there would be hard, doing it when they were hunting us would have been impossible.

We watched them start to spread out, and Jake was quiet before hissing to Melissa. "Go small, the bug morph. Ca--" His throat caught for a  moment. "Cassie got you a bug morph, right?" When Melissa nodded, Jake turned to Rachel and me. "While she's doing that, you both do your rat and mouse morphs. Melissa and I will hitch a ride on each of you." His urgent whisper grew more quiet as we heard the man crashing through the trees off to our left, and we all started to morph.

I felt the changes begin and scrunched down deeper against the dirt while the controllers continued to sweep the area. The first thing to change was my nose, which immediately shrank into a tiny pink dot. Then my ears ballooned out like dumbo's and perked up. So I had a little pink mouse nose and giant ears completely disproportionate to the rest of my body, which was mostly normal.

As soon as she saw that, Melissa had to cover her mouth to stop from giggling. Her silent laughter stopped however, as soon as she began her own morph. Her skin blackened and cracked like it was burnt, and she started to cry in surprise but I managed to get a hand up to cover her mouth. We both shrank at almost the same rate, and even as my hand began to shrivel into a much smaller paw, she got control of herself and nodded.

Black gossamer wings pried their way out of her back, and I quickly stuck my teeny rat tongue out at the girl and crossed my already beady eyes to make her focus on me instead of what was happening. Becoming a fly is never a happy process, but if Melissa could actually see herself, it would have been much worse. As it was, all she had to witness was her hands changing in front of her and the sound of her organs and bones grinding.

It was much easier to hide now that we were getting so small. The small ditch that was barely able to hold the four of us was suddenly more than large enough, and the leaves that moments ago had been smaller than my hand were now as big as a car. The noises of the searches grew louder as my hearing grew more accute, but I knew I was getting safer by the moment.

Thankfully, my own morph was one that I'd done before. I'd morphed the mouse along with Ax to sneak into this girl's party when she forgot to invite me. Only it turned out she didn't forget so much as refuse to since she held a grudge over something I was totally way less mature. As soon as they found out I wasn't coming, every other girl in our class blew the house down in a collective gasp of disappointment. Or maybe the veleek tore through the roof, I forget which exactly. 

By then I was almost completely a mouse. There was only two things missing, and then I felt the odd sensation of my long tail swooshing out of my butt. That was one thing down, so the only thing missing were the mouse instincts, which-- RUUUUUUUUUNNN! FOR THE LOVE OF CHEESE, MICE BABES, AND ANNOYING SCREECHING OLD LADIES RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! FLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DE! - Oh there they were.

The second the panicky mouse instincts kicked in, I nearly darted out into the open in my frantic attempt to run away from whatever I was running away from. Luckily I retained enough of my own senses to restrain that urge, and instead began to quickly sniff the air all around me like a hyperactive, well, mouse. There was another creature behind me, and I spun around to find Rachel in full rat morph. Her nose sniffed me quickly as I sniffed her. We circled a little warily. She was bigger than me, but was she an enemy I could run from?

<If you two are done?> Jake's voice cut in and I saw two miniscule houseflies sitting on an suv sized twig next to us. Sadly, my first instinct was to check if they were food, but I curtailed that quickly enough. Jake went on, sounding tense. <We need to get out of here before those guys fry you two. Come on, I'll take Marco. Melissa, you grab onto Rachel.> One of the flies shot off the twig into the air at his words and then came at me. The mouse brain screamed bloody murder at me for sitting still, and I knew Rachel had to feel similarly. But I stayed in place and flinched as Jake perched on my back, clinging to my fur with his little fly legs.

<All this rat wants to do is find something to eat and hide, preferrably at the same time.> Her voice sounded a little shaky, and I knew the fear of being caught wasn't helping the terrified prey instinct. But she stayed still and waited while the other fly took off from the twig. It overshot Rachel by a good two feet and then spun around in a complete three sixty in mid-air before shooting straight up into the air. The fly passed between two close branches and flipped around again before descending in a display of aeriel acrobatics that would make any trapeeze artist quit in shame. Finally, Melissa's voice came through. "Whoooooaaayeeaaahh! Holy crap, holy crap, jeeeeze!" The fly found the middle of Rachel's furry back and landed, as Melissa continued. "That's incredible, that's... the fly, it... it..."

"Flies?" I supplied, bemused. She was right though. They may be small and disgusting and not really get all that far in the long scheme of things, but for their relative size, nothing can dance through the air like a fly. Up, down, forward, backward, hovering, upside down, any direction you've thought of the fly can do. And it can go from one to another immediately, without a half seconds pause. The most advanced acrobatic flying machine man has ever built looks like a lumbering jetliner next to the fly. 

Rachel and I moved to where we had stashed the bottle with David in it and began to nose it forward, rolling it along the ground while the ****roach inside remained silent. I had no idea what the boy was up to, but the longer he was quiet the more suspicious I got. He didn't even complain as he was jostled and tossed around inside.

<Don't worry about it, Melissa.> Rachel told her friend. <We know exactly how you feel. It's amazing how well those little bugs move. Now hold on tight.> She warned and then darted forward through the underbrush. I followed just behind her and we ran, avoiding the lumbering humans where we had to. They had weapons that could fry us in an instant, but the mouse and rat instincts working with our human brains made it easy to stay out of their sight. It was a little harder having to go slow enough that Jake to stick to my back, but we still managed it.

It took about forty minutes of flinching behind every tree and bush and hiding under any clump of grass that stuck up higher than the rest, but we finally made it to the edge of the main building. Rachel and I huddled against the wall while we panted and sniffed the air. Jake took off and flew up a bit. <I think we're near the service entrance into the kitchen. Let's see if we can get in that way.>

Under Jake's direction, we crept along the wall. Rachel pushed the bottle from the end, sliding rather than rolling it. As we moved, David finally broke his silence. <You know...> He said almost too casually. <I could easily call out for help from those humans. Or just yell 'rat!' and destroy your chances here.>

<You could.> Jake responded with forced calm. <But if you do that, we're just as likely to be squashed or captured as we are, if not moreso. You're already a bug under glass. I think if we had to get caught, knowing you're on that pier with us might make me feel at least a little bit better.>

<Maybe.> David's tone was annoyingly cryptic, and he fell silent again. I wasn't sure why he stayed quiet, or even why he had willingly gone into ****roach morph when Cassie's dad had been at best a minute away from the barn. Maybe he was just a coward at heart and wasn't willing to take the beating that Jake could have given him with that shovel before the man would have gotten there. Or maybe he wasn't ready to test that Jake would risk him getting away rather than testing Cassie's dad with the truth, or even taking him prisoner as well. Someone as crazy as David had already shown himself to be probably didn't think along the same lines that we did.

We hunkered down in the tall grass near the kitchen door where a black suited man stood on guard duty. It took almost ten minutes of waiting, and Jake was about to get cause a distraction when the door opened and one of the kitchen boys stumbled out carrying a pot of dirty grease. He almost dropped it and the security guy grabbed the other end and helped him lug the thing a few steps away around the side of the building. It was the only opening we needed, and Rachel and I darted up the little ramp, shoving the bottle along with us.

Just inside the doorway, the kitchen was a madhouse. People were walking every which way, and it was only going to be a matter of seconds before we were noticed. Luckily, the door a few feet away was open partway and we darted to it after knocking the bottle ahead of us. Then we slipped inside just as the back door opened and the kitchen boy came back.

Within, we found ourselves in something just over the size of a closet. White uniforms were hung up or folded on nearby shelves. Melissa and Jake flew up, buzzing to the top of the small room and then down again to check it out. <I think it's big enough for everyone...> Melissa reported after flying the length of it. <Barely. We could take the clothes anyway...>

<Great.> I responded and started to demorph. The process was slow, since we had to be careful not to squish each other or knock anything over and attract attention. Eventually though, we were four very cramped teenagers in a tiny closet space that somehow seemed a lot smaller now that we were full size. I grunted. "This is so not how Agent 47 does i-oww!" I hissed in pain, because someone's elbow had just dug into the side of my head. "Watch it, that's my ear you just gouged."

"Sorry." Melissa whispered and edged a little to the side. I could see her blush even in the very dim light, and was about to tell her it was fine when Jake started passing around white shirts and aprons.

It was tricky, but somehow the four of us managed to circus act our way through pulling on  the new clothes. It involved a lot of hissed cursing and a few bruises, but we made it. After we were sorted, Jake put his hand on the knob. "Someone grab David and let's get out of here."

Melissa was next to him and nearest the side where the bottle was. She awkwardly leaned down and picked it up, then stayed like that for a long moment. Then she straightend up quickly and held the bottle up with a gasp. "He's gone!"

That made all three of us whip around and nearly kill each other in the close confines of the closet. Jake snatched the bottle and stared at it, then held it out for us to see. Sure enough, the lid was off and there was no sign of the ****roach. "Damn it!" Jake looked livid. "How the hell did he.... how... he must have... while we were changing."

"But..." Rachel shook her head. "How did he get the lid off?" She looked as confused as I felt.

"I don't know..." Jake tossed the bottle down. "But we have to find him. Now. Come on." He pushed the door open and the four of us stepped right out into the brightly lit kitchen. Luckily it was so busy no one noticed us. We scanned all along the floor as we moved quickly past the tables and sinks, but there was no sign of the little ****roach. Or the big ****roach, for that matter.

We slipped around a lunatic chef screaming at someone for adding too much pepper into his pan of somethingatini and found our way to the hall. Just down from there, one of the black suited security men disappeared through a set of double doors. We looked up and down the hall almost frantically, then snapped back around at the sound of a muffled cry. It wouldn't have carried much further to anyone else, but we heard it.

Immediately, Jake started to run that way, gesturing for us to follow. "Come on, if he acquires a secret service man, he could just have us all arrested." We sprinted after him to the doors and pushed through. I wasn't sure what we were going to say or do if what was in that room wasn't actually David, but we went anyway. The idea of how dangerous the kid would be with the authority of the secret service behind him was enough to propel all of us right through the door.

On the other side, we found some kind of general conference room. It was mostly taken up by a large oak table with high backed chairs all around it. The walls were lined with elaborate glass windows. On the other side of the room past the table and near the coffee machine, David stood with his hand on the security man's forehead. The guy was kneeling as though he had been forced there somehow. We all came up short as the door fell shut behind us.

"David..." Jake spoke through gritted teeth, as he stepped around to the right. I followed him as Rachel and Melissa moved to the left along the other side of the table. I tried to see what was holding the security man in place, but he just seemed to be kneeling there from the boy's hand touching him. Jake went on, obviously struggling to stay calm. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Educating you." The response from David was just as cryptic as he had been through all of this. I saw Rachel start to morph Grizzly since she and Melissa were both out of the kneeling man's line of sight, behind him. David obviously noticed and laughed. "Gonna sic your cousin on me now?" He turned to glare angrily at Rachel. "You couldn't finish me when I asked you. You were too much of a coward, and I'm not giving you another chance."

He called Rachel a nasty name, and she almost leapt across the table at him. Jake and I were moving on his other side, but then we all came up short. Something was happening to the security man. The skin of his forehead seemed fused to David's hand. The boy lifted his palm and more of the man's forehead swooshed up between his fingers. The guy screamed as his eyeballs were drawn up to the top of his skull. His entire body seemed to be being drawn up into the boy's palm. While the four of us stared in horror, the man's head was swallowed completely into the hand, and the rest of his body was following quickly.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" Melissa was the one who found her voice first. She sounded mortified and terrified at the same time. It's a feeling I know well. Her fingers clutched the edge of the table as she stared with the same terror and confusion we all felt just then.

"I'm acquiring him." David's voice was dark, and he whipped around to glare furiously at Rachel as the last of the man's body was absorbed into him. "Because you couldn't do your job! You couldn't do the one thing I ever asked you to!" Jake had made it around the table as David stayed focused on Rachel. "I begged you to end it and you didn't! Now Crayak owns me!"

Rachel's voice held no end of disgust and anger at the boy who had just murdered in front of us. "What.. the hell.... is a Crayak, you psychopath?" Fur kept rising on her skin, and I realized she was going all the way to grizzly this time.

David started to answer her when Jake leapt at his back. Almost impossibly fast, the boy whipped around. He morphed directly into the security man that he had just acquired and caught Jake's arm, whipping him around and slamming him down into the table. He'd gone from completely himself into full secret service morph in the time it took Jake to jump at him, and now he shoved his arm down hard against Jake's throat. "Little different with the shoe on the other foot, isn't it!?" Now he was the one holding Jake down.

Rachel was still morphing grizzly and I started to go gorilla, not that I knew how much good it would do against someone that could morph that fast. We didn't even know what kind of animals he already had, or what else he could do.

<Take him, Marco!> Almost, but not quite fully bear, Rachel lunged at the boy. Before she had crossed half the distance between them, an Andalite tail looped out from David's back and slashed her across the stomach three times in rapid succession. With a mighty crash, the bear fell into the table and smashed it, then lay still with a weak groan.

I took advantage of what I thought was David's distraction to try to grab his arm and lever it off of Jake by hurling him across the room. I got his arm all right, but then he morphed it around my grip into a giant pincer claw. It looked like a crab's claw, only much larger. Before I could pull back, it latched onto my arm and then tore through the ligament and muscle. There was a searing, unbelievable pain and a second later the claw cut right through my massive arm. I screamed out loud and in thought speak through the pain and then stared dumbly as it fell to the floor. I stood there, a one armed gorilla in shock for a second until David hit me with that same claw. The force of his blow worse than a truck and I was hurled backwards like a ragdoll, already falling into shock from the sudden loss of blood.

As I fell to the floor on the other side of the room, I could see Melissa frozen in shock, still fully human. I lay helplessly on the floor, bleeding out through what had once been my right arm. Rachel in bear morph was in worse shape than me, her heavy body heaving with her efforts to breath and stay conscious. Jake was pinned under David's arm, his face white as he fought against the lack of oxygen. He had been held in place against the table effortlessly while David had dispatched both Rachel and me as easily as he could have kicked aside a few kittens.

My vision was already going dark, filled with blotches I couldn't see through, and it was getting harder to keep my eyes open. <How....> I managed to get out, wanting to know how David could morph like that, how he was able to do everything he was doing.

"How?" David laughed, having removed the andalite tail and the giant claw. He looked like an ordinary thirty something year old fit man now, as he stared across the table at the paralyzed Melissa. "I told you how. I am Crayak's servant. I am the one animorph who saw beyond the war! I am the one of you who wasn't tricked by Jake's lies! I am the one human who Crayak cares enough about to grant me the power to do what I have to do! I am the one who is going to remove the yeerk infestation and the animorphs at once. I am the one that He sent back to finish the work here."

There was a silence, and then in words that seemed to fill the room in a way that I was sure that I would never understand, just before the darkness fully claimed me, David pronounced. "I am The One."

To be continued in Book 21: The Threat.

My name is Jake...

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2008, 10:11:22 AM »
Awesome plot twist man! Can't wait for the sequel!
Animorphs Travels #1 The Invasion

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2008, 10:13:38 AM »
"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2008, 04:56:00 AM »

I hate my memory, I can't remember a single thing about The One. I'll re-read book 54 sometime soon, methinks :P
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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2008, 07:21:12 AM »
Don't feel too bad Claire, we basically don't find out anything about The One. I do love the David is The One and Crayak's latest tool plot twist though, very unique.
Animorphs Travels #1 The Invasion

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2008, 02:29:46 AM »
Awesome! I'm glad you guys like the idea of David being The One. And yeah, we got almost no information on him before, but David seems to fit well enough into the tiny amount we know. Here's the first chapter of the next one.

The Threat

Chapter One

My name is Jake. And that's about all I was going to have time to explain if I didn't figure out a way to stop David from choking the life out of me. His arm was like a lead weight pressing relentlessly down on my neck. I had just seen him take down Rachel as a grizzly and Marco as a gorilla with barely an effort, literally while holding me with one arm.

You know the story, or you should. If not, that entire last paragraph probably confused the heck out of you. The short of it is that my friends and I are fighting a losing war against a race of parasitic slug creatures called Yeerks. They crawl into a person's head and literally take over. They control your every movement and word. They decide what you look at. You are a prisoner inside your own mind. It's sheer and utter torture. I can say this without a doubt, because I have been there. I was a controller, what we call a person who is taken over by a yeerk, for a very brief time. My brother Tom is also one of them. I swear every time I see him that I will free him someday. That's what a yeerk does, it takes over a person completely. They could be in anyone you know. The teacher that you like, the coach that you don't, or even your mailman. Anyone could be a controller.

The five of us, me, my friend Marco, my cousin Rachel, her friend Cassie, and this other guy Tobias were walking through the construction site next to the mall when an alien ship landed. The dying being onboard, an Andalite named Elfangor, told us about the yeerk invasion and gave us the power to morph into any animal that we can touch. That is our only weapon in this battle. We've been fighting ever since. We found and were joined by Elfangor's little brother, Aximil. We call him Ax. Somehow, it was decided that I was the leader. I'm still convinced I got the job because everyone else was able to say 'not it' faster than me. But I do what I can, and I try to keep my people alive and sane. Sometimes sane is harder than alive in this war.

For months, that was it. The six of us against an all but invisible alien invasion. Then, a couple days ago that changed. The blue box, the device that was used to give us our powers was found by a girl named Melissa. She was Rachel's friend, or at least she had been before Rachel, along with the rest of us, was so distracted by the war. I guess she was an okay girl. She was usually quiet, and it was kind of easy to feel bad for her since we knew both her parents were controllers.

Melissa found the box, and then a boy named David stole it. We retrived it just before Visser 3, the leader of the yeerk invasion force on earth and the only Andalite-controller in the galaxy would have taken it. Melissa saw us demorphing, and we had to explain things to her. She promised to keep our secret, and then chose to fight alongside us, something she could do since we had the box. We gave her the morphing power. And it was a good thing we suddenly had a new ally, because our friend Erek, part of the android race called the Chee, let us know that a summit meeting of all six top world leaders was taking place in our town in a couple days at the local Mariot. We needed all the help we could get to stop the yeerks from infesting them.

That wasn't even all our problems. Somehow David took the morphing power from the cube. At least that's what we thought he did, but now I'm not so sure. He attacked us, and ranted about a being named Crayak that we've never heard of. But more confusing than that, he was able to break the rules of morphing. He could morph straight from one morph to another, which wasn't supposed to be possible, and he could combine them, morphing only partway or one specific bodypart. That shouldn't have been possible either.

David also did something to Cassie. She was missing, and he posed as her, but we found him out. We had no idea where she was, so when we had to go on our mission to find an entrance into the Mariott, we brought him with us. Four of us went, me, Marco, Melissa, and Rachel. Tobias and Ax were supposed to find our one yeerk ally in this war so we could get answers from David's head. We thought he was our prisoner, but he was playing us. As soon as we arrived and were trapped inside the grounds by the yeerk field that would disintegrate us if we crossed it, he turned on us. He escaped and we found him in one of the conference rooms of the resort literally absorbing a secret service agent into himself. He wasn't acquiring the body the same way we did. Somehow David was taking the entire animal or person into his own body and shifting to that whenever he wanted to.

He had changed into Cassie before, and the implications of that terrified me. Was she trapped inside of David? Was there a way to free her? There had to be. That was all there was to it. We had to find out what this Crayak thing he kept ranting about was, and we had to free Cassie and anyone else David had absorbed. First though, I had stop myself from passing out.

Rachel was down and so was Marco. I was pinned against the table, and Melissa seemed frozen in a panic over what she had just seen. I couldn't really blame her, since I was pretty much in shock too. Rachel and Marco had both gone down in seconds, with barely a hint of effort from David. I didn't even know how much longer either of them would survive with their bloodloss unless they came to enough to morph out. I would have yelled at them to do it, but I couldn't breath through the arm choking me.

It would have been nice to expect Melissa to back me up, but she was an unknown. She'd only been in one battle with us and she lost control of the morph which led to David getting away. It wasn't her fault, but still, I didn't know how she'd act now. I had to move. "Egghhgn... David..." I managed to say, and I felt his arm relax very slightly. He wanted to hear what I had to say. I forced my head up enough to look at him and saw the arrogant glower from the face of the secret service man that David had morphed into. I matched his glare with mine and forced the words out slowly. "I bet... all your morphing tricks.... didn't teach you... to take away your weak spot." As his eyes opened slightly in confusion, I drove my knee as hard as I could up between his legs, slamming it into the space that no guy in the world will ever ignore being hit in.

As David's eyes shot open in agony, I shoved my arms out hard and caught him in the shoulders. He was in too much pain to focus on morphing anything for the moment, and I took advantage of that to get to my feet. "Rachel!" I yelled, not caring who heard at that point. "Morph out! Marco, morph out! Do it!" Even as I spoke, I started my own battle morph. Orange fur sprouted up all over my body and I started to contort as my spine changed, becoming more suited for something on four legs instead of two. I started to grow bigger, ripping through the cheap kitchen aid clothing we'd stolen. It was slow, all too slow. David, tears in his eyes from the pain, was already starting to change himself. He was starting to get bigger, and somehow he always seemed to morph faster than we could. Even staggered and half crippled by the blow I'd inflicted, he'd be done long before I was.

I was only halfway through the morph when David staggered to me. He was half in the form of the security man and half something I didn't even want to think about, some strange predator gorilla creature. The inch long canine teeth that filled his mouth as he grimaced seemed to drip saliva as they anticipated the killing bite. I was helpless, still midway between boy and tiger when he leaned over me and snarled. "Morphing, Jake? Morphing to the tiger. I beat the tiger. I can beat it again. I beat you. I beat all you. Then you cheated. Keep morphing, Jake. Keep morphing so I can kill the tiger. Can't kill humans, but I can kill the tiger. Do it. Morph!"

He was rambling again, about things I didn't even know about. His words didn't make any sense, because he was talking as though we'd fought him before, which prior to the zoo yesterday, we hadn't. I never fought him as the tiger. He was clearly insane, and I briefly felt a little sorry for him before remembering what he had probably done to Cassie. Then I got mad again and started to finish the morph to tiger. He wanted a fight, I'd give him what he wanted. I'd rip and tear at him until he begged to tell me where Cassie was. I could even feel the predator's grace of the tiger, the calm of the perfect hunter. I wanted that confidence right now. I wanted to lose myself in the tiger's instincts so I could make David hurt.

But as I  morphed, I felt David's grip on me get tighter. He was fully in the form of his strange predator gorilla now, as he put his foot on my neck, the neck of the tiger. I tensed and tried to roll to my feet, but the foot held me in place as easily as he had held me on the desk. David crowed. <You see, Crayak!? He's not that unbeatable! I've done it easier than the last time! I told you I could beat him again! He's pathetic, look! Look at him, he can't even move!> I struggled and kicked but it was ineffectual. I saw familiar black spots as my vision started to go out. David leaned down, as though eager to watch the pinned tiger's struggles. <I bet you'd like some help right now, huh Jake? Too bad you let everyone down again. Too bad you failed again. Too bad-->

He was interrupted by another thoughtspeak voice. <You know what, David? You're a real jerk.> And then Melissa in the form of some kind of doberman, lunged right over the desk and latched onto the same spot that I had kneed earlier in his other form. Her teeth clamped onto the gorilla creature there and David let out an impossible howl of agony in both thought speak and outloud. I couldn't imagine the pain he was going through just then, but I didn't care. I scrambled to all four paws as his foot lifted form mine and instantly took a quick slash at his stomach. My claws ripped through him as he staggered and almost fell.

Melissa growled and clamped her jaws tighter against the gorilla creature's sore spot, and I heard flesh tearing as David's howl of agony echoed over the walls. His arm came up finally and slammed into the doberman, knocking it across the room with a yelp. But I was on him then, clawing and slashing at every bit of the little psycho I could reach. Blood poured from my claws, and I ripped into his shoulder with my teeth. Then he managed to push me away from him and across the floor. I rolled and sprang back to my feet, teeth bared. David, injured and staggering, looked around the room. Rachel and Marco had both managed to demorph, and Melissa had picked herself off the wall and was pacing back toward us. Taking in the odds, David chose to turn and hurl himself out the window, morphing into something small as he went.

Rachel ran to the window, starting to grow larger as she moved. I shook my head and began to morph out. <No, wait. Security's coming. Melissa.. where did you get...> I turned in her direction.

Sitting on her haunches, Melissa tilted the dog's head up to me and panted a little. <I couldn't sleep last night so I went for a walk. He belongs to our neighbor's down the street, I thought he might be useful because.. .well he always scares me, so he might scare the bad guys.> She paused, and then added. <Are dogs always this... incredibly happy, or is that just me after biting that turd?"

"Pretty much always." Marco answered, shuddering from the thought of what had almost just happened to all of us. "But the big grin on the rest of our faces? That's from the bite." He reached down and scratched Melissa behind the ears, and she perked up in enjoyment.

We heard running footsteps, and Rachel turned from the window, furious. "He's getting away! What do we do? Jake, he..." She looked too shaken to say the words fully. "He morphed Cassie... if he... if that man... is how he... acquires... Cassie might..." 

"Stop it, Rachel. We'll save Cassie. We will." By then I was fully myself. Standing quickly as the tromping footsteps of panicked security grew closer, I looked to Melissa. "I need you to get out there and distract them. Have fun, they won't shoot a dog, they'll just try to catch you. Run around and lead them away. We'll meet you... on the seventh floor, by the ice machine, okay?"

She hesitated, looking doubtful, which was a feat for a dog, then she agreed. <Okay, Jake... Rachel... Marco. Be careful.> Then she scrambled around and barked loudly before tearing for the doors. She went through them into what sounded like an entire herd of security men, barked loudly again, and then we heard her running away down the hall while the men chased her.

"Now what are we doing, dude?" Marco asked while checking the door to make sure we were alone temporarily.

"David's trapped here by the yeerk force field the same as we are." I answered. "He can run, but we're going to find him. And when we do, we're going to make him tell us how to help Cassie. If he really absorbed her. If he really took her into himself...." I paused, then looked to them both squarely. "Then we will rip her free of him, no matter what it does to him in the process."
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 02:48:18 AM by Cerulean »

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2008, 07:00:56 AM »
Chapter Two

It took a good twenty minutes to find our way up to where I'd said we would meet Melissa. We had to wait for the security and resort employees to be drawn away by the cavorting and running dog, and then we went slow so we wouldn't run into anyone else. The last thing we wanted to try to explain was why three kids in gym shorts and a leotard were sneaking around the hotel. It was too bad the hotel had been cleared out of guests, or we could have posed as kids heading out to the pool. As it was, we barely managed to stay out of sight and get all the way up

"This place is impressive." Marco remarked while he looked around the hall as we slipping into the small area where the ice and soda machines were. "Remind me to come back here once they're accepting real guests again."

"How are you going to afford it?" Rachel asked. She was drumming her fingers along the machine, peeking out into the hall for any sign of Melissa. "You can't sell your brain to science, they'd charge you some sort of pollution tax. And you don't exactly have the free time to get a job."

Marco groaned. "Awww man, you see, Jake? This is what I'm talking about. This whole animorph thing isn't just a life and death struggle for the planet, it interferes with my ability to start saving up money for a real car."

"Marco..." I shot him a look. "We can morph into birds and fly. What do you want with a car?"

He looked exhasperated, like I was slow. "Duhhh, we've been through this before. Birds can't cruise for chicks. Birds can't rev an engine and scare slow old women into the other lane. Birds can't feel the wind in their hair as they shoot down the freeway. But most of all, there is no room in the bird for the hot girl screaming over the radio about how amazing the ride is."

"I've seen you drive, Marco." I told him flatly. "The only thing any girl in your car would scream is 'oh god oh god why are you on the sidewalk and what did we just hit'." I laughed a little as he elbowed me, then we both looked up at the sound of running feet. Rachel ducked back inside just as the heavy doberman trotted into the space with us.

A minute later all four of us were huddled in the relatively small area, keeping an eye out for anyone coming our way. Thankfully, with the resort all but deserted except for the first couple levels, we were fairly safe for now. Melissa had led everyone in circles for a while before hiding in one of the maid carts. After that she just ran up the stairs when no one was looking.

Rachel voiced the question we were all thinking. "How do we find David?"

Marco added. "And find a way to save the world leaders. Don't forget that part." He was sucking on an ice cube he'd taken from the machine. "Man I wish Ax were here. He could do some andalite tech stuff and get free soda from this thing." He swatted the side of the coke machine. Ax and Tobias had been left outside of the forcefield that the yeerks had erected around the building, trapping the four of us inside.

"That's not important now." Rachel argued. "Did you see what that jerk did to that security guy? He morphed Cassie before. If she's trapped... inside...." Her voice faltered a little, but her angry glare remained steady.

"It's still important." Marco shook his head. "If we don't stop them from infesting the world leaders, our entire ballgame is gone. I mean, not to say Cassie isn't a priority, but we still--"

He was cut off by Rachel punching the soda machine. "Dammit, Marco!" She was seething. I knew she wasn't really mad at Marco, but he was a convenient target for her worry over her best friend. "We save Cassie, and that's it. That's our job now."

When Marco opened his mouth to object again, Rachel started to grab for his collar angrily. They were both interrupted by Melissa, who spoke quietly, almost to herself. "Can you just both be right and let us figure out how we're going to save Cassie and stop the yeerks?" She paused, realizing our attention was on her, then shrugged a little. "I mean that's what we have to do, right?"

"Melissa's right." I said, taking charge. "We have to stop David and the yeerks both. We don't know why David's here, or why he can do what he's doing. What we do know is that we can't sit here by the soda machines all night. We need to get into one of the empty rooms." I took a breath, and then stepped into the quiet hall. "I'll do a small morph and get into the room, then let the rest of you in. Once we're out of sight, we can decide what to do."

It didn't take long to get into our temporary home. The room was pretty big, by hotel standards. It was larger than the ones I was used to staying in. There were two king sized beds on opposite sides of the room, with a heavy dresser in between them. A large screen flat panel television was on the wall. Needless to say, Marco wasn't exactly suffering. He was flipping channels on the television, while glancing at a room service menu with his feet up on the bed. "Now this is what I'm talking about. This is how we should be living."

I just shook my head at him. "You can't order room service, Marco. They know there's no guests here. Get serious, we've got two different missions. We've gotta pull them both off somehow. It'll probably involve splitting up, so I need to know who wants to search for David, and who wants to scout the banquet room."

Rachel, who was standing by the balcony, spoke up firmly. "I'm going after David." The look on her face challenged if we wanted to argue with that. None of us did.

Finally settling on an NBA game, which he muted, Marco nodded. "I can take Melissa and we can scout around downstairs, get the layout of the place and try to figure out how the yeerks are gonna do the snatch." I opened my mouth hesitantly to object. I wanted to help Cassie, but I thought I should be where the yeerks were. Marco just tossed the remote at me. "Give it up, Jake. You know you won't be able to focus on the yeerk plan while you're worried about Cassie. You'd just stare at the room with that big dumb head of yours while you obsess over pretty dark eyes and--" He stopped talking as I threw the remote back at him.

Sitting cross legged on the other bed, Melissa fidgeted with her hands nervously. "I can go with Marco... I guess..." She didn't look like she wanted to leave Rachel, since the other girl was pretty much the only one of us she'd known before all of this started. It had only been a couple days, and she still wasn't exactly comfortable with the whole thing.

I hesitated, then finally agreed. "Fine, but be careful, both of you. We can head out later once things calm down." Rachel started to object, and I shook my head at her. "David's not going anywhere. Not with that forcefield up. He's as trapped as we are. We have to wait. For now, we need to call Erek and get some of the chee to play our parts for a couple days."

Melissa looked to me while folding her hands in her lap to stop her compulsive fidgeting. "When you say play our parts... what do you mean, exactly?"

Before I could explain, Marco beat me to it. "You saw Erek. The rest of the chee are like him. Canine androids. They'll put up a hologram of you over themselves and basically be you while we're gone so that your parents and teachers don't know you're missing. It's convenient, but it's also a pain, because the Chee have this obsessive need to clean everything and my dad keeps getting used to it."

Smiling a little bit, barely visible with her chin in her arms, Melissa's tone was half serious. "But my room is already clean. Maybe they can clean out the garage. You know, if it makes them happy." I thought it was good, both that she was starting to be comfortable enough with us to joke, and that what was happening wasn't completely freaking her out. Or if it was, she was dealing with it, which is all any of us did.

Marco grinned back at her. "They do love cleaning out garages. Ask Jake's dad. He thought Jake was trying to bribe his way out of a bunch of D grades or something the last time we had to get the Chee to cover for us. Oh, and if your dad hates cleaning the gutters, they..." He trailed off then, realizing he'd spoken without thinking. "Ahhh, hell. Sorry, your parents aren't..."

"Way to go, Marco." Rachel shot him a glare while moving over to the bed with a concerned look. Both of Melissa's parents were controllers, and had been for some time. She had only just found out about them when all of this went down, but it had been clear to her for a long time that the people who were supposedly her mother and father no longer cared about her.

"It's okay." Melissa shrugged again and took a breath. She looked shaken, but tried not to let it get to her. "You can't keep walking on eggshells around me. My parents are... yeerks."

"Controllers." Rachel supplied, quietly while sitting on the bed.

Nodding, Melissa went on. "They're controllers. I want to free them, but right now we have to deal with this. I can... focus on this." She smiled again, an expression that seemed foreign to her face, and leaned her head on Rachel's shoulder. "Besides, I don't know if I could sleep at home again right now, knowing what they are. So this... you know... maybe being stuck here is a good thing?"

Looking from Melissa to Marco, I nodded and walked to the phone on the desk by the television. "Let me call Erek's place so our parents don't freak out. Then--"

"Then," Marco interrupted. "We find one of the four hundred and twenty channels on this thing that doesn't have anything to do with aliens or morphing, and raid the minibar for anything worth muching on. It's time for some black zen level vegging." He unmuted the tv, and then complained as Rachel snatched the remote from him.

They argued over that while I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone to call the King residence. After that I called home to tell my folks that I'd be there in an hour or so. My dad answered. "Jake? Where are you?" He sounded strained. "Is Rachel with you?"

I blinked and looked that way. "Yeah, She's here, why? What's up?" From the bed, Rachel looked up, confused.

My dad said something to my mom about Rachel being with me and how she should call Rachel's mom. Then he got back on the line with me. "Jake, you and Rachel need to come home right now."

I clutched the phone a little tighter. Had David done something? "What happened, Dad? What's going on?" Now Rachel was standing beside me, trying to hear with her head down by through the reciever.

There was a pause, and then my dad answered slowly. "Hurry up and bring Rachel with you, Jake. Your cousin was hit by a car. It's... really bad."

That threw me. "What? Hit by a car? Who?"

If anything, his voice was tighter. "They were out riding their bikes. The van couldn't stop in time." He paused and then coughed to hide his choked voice. "Jordan and Sara, Jake. Jordan's in critical condition. Hurry. Get Rachel back here. We don't know how much time there is until..."

He trailed off, and I raised my gaze to Rachel. Her eyes were wide with shock, so I knew she had heard. Her voice was thick with emotion. "Jordan..." Her sister was two years younger than she was. Sara was a couple years younger than that. "I have to go to the hospital. I have to go. I have..." She wasn't even thinking anymore, on her way to the door. Melissa and Marco had both stood quickly, confused.

My dad was saying something, but I didn't hear him. I stared after her. "Rachel... I don't think you can..." I looked out the patio doors, toward the invisible forcefield trapping us here.

Rachel was in my face in a second. "My sister is dying in the hospital and you want me to stay here?!" Her face was livid, and I knew she wanted someone to be furious at. She needed something she could affect, something she could do. It was all she could manage not to break down where she stood.

Feeling incredibly pained, I dropped the phone back to the receiver, and slowly put my hands out to Rachel's shoulders. My words felt hollow, and evil. This was her little sister. This was Jordan. "I think you have to, Rachel... I don't think you have a choice."

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Re: Animorphs: Redux
« Reply #29 on: October 13, 2008, 09:39:29 AM »
Now that was an unexpected plot twist! Nice work!
Animorphs Travels #1 The Invasion

RAFcon 2015: It's always Hot Dog Day somewhere!