Yeah, of course I do. Well, some of them. And I only bring one with me.
If I'm bored during like, I don't know, study hall. It's an hour and a half long, (it seems like it never ends!) and if I'm done with my homework that's what I'll start doing, I'll start reading to pass the time.
Plus, bringing a book with me helped me find the person that might give me more animorphs books. (she says she owns 1, 2, 3 and 54, I don't know what else, but there's got to be more than that) This is how I see if there are any more people out there that know them.
Oh, and I forgot one, a little girl that I met a week or so ago. She likes warriors but she claims to have 6. (I showed her a picture of the book on the computer, "the one with the fly" she said)