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About the RAFCasters
- Current RAF Name: Duff
- Animorphs Role: Jake
- Real Age: 19
- Bio: Tim was born and raised in Massachusetts, and grew up as an insane Animorphs fan. Currently, he plays Marco in RAF's audiobook project, he's written several Animorphs fanfics (on RAFClassic), and is involved in at least one Animorphs RP on RAF. He also goes to college part-time, and works part time at a restaurant. He enjoys writing, hockey, movies, reading, video games, running, and saying inappropriate things at awkward times.
- Current RAF Name: ANna BaNAnA
- Animorphs Role: Rachel
- Real Age: 15
- Bio: Anna lives in Minnesota (the awesomest state ever) and started reading Animorphs around grade 5, starting with book #2. Anna likes to read, bike, swim, watch movies and listen to music. Her favorite types of movies are horror and action. And her favorite type of music to listen to is heavy metal. She also does Rachel in the audio books.
- Current RAF Name: ANItiger13
- Animorphs Role: Marco
- Real Age: ?
- Bio: Ken is the youngest of the bunch, and was often made fun of for having a high voice (we've heard he's gone through puberty since). He was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and proudly wears his Cheesehead title. Ken is an actor, writer, psuedo-musician, and a film-maker, and wants each of those to be careers later in life. Ken is considered funny by most, but just obnoxious by others. Probably more than the people who consider him funny (so he says).
- Also, Ken enjoys long walks on the beach, and HATES people who randomly say "Oh my god! You killed Kenny!" (bastards).
- Current RAF Name: mrlarry
- Animorphs Role: Aximili-Esgarroth-Isthill (being the only alien in the group, country-wise)
- Real Age: 20
- Bio: Matt was born in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, but grew up in a small town called Lismore. His "talents" include singing, acting, percussion, graphic design, and film editing. He is currently studying for a Bachelor of Theatre Studies at the University of New England in Armidale.
- Matt has rarely ever seen kangaroos, and has only ever ONCE seen a koala.
- Current RAF Name: FrogTobSieMist
- Animorphs Role: Tobias, Cassie, and the Ellimist, all in one
- Real Age: 23
- Bio: Proud to be an AniFan from the first book, Froggi, as she's more commonly known, was a So. Cal. Native, born and raised in a beachside town (that was way too large for her liking) somewhere in Los Angeles County. She now resides in Missouri, and enjoys it much more. Froggi is an anthropology major with a specialty in Archaeology, and has been on two digs in her short career (more than most grad students can brag about :P). She also wasted a year-and-a-half working in an independantly owned German auto repair shop, giving her the quirky (and often obscene) sense of humor most people hate about her...err...love? Hobbies include traveling, digging up dead people, making fun of Porsche owners, web design, reading, writing poetry and fanfiction, singing to herself in the car, whistling at her bird (her pride and joy), bumming around online, drawing/sketching, crocheting, furniture building, photography, and a variety of other artsy-fartsy stuff.
- No, she does NOT surf, nor does she talk like a "Valley Girl"....unless you piss her off.
Fifth RAFCaster