Animorphs has inspired me many times over the years, from career choices and pet names to fanfics and god awful rip off story I attempted to write when I was 13... *shudder*
Since you mentioned English papers though, I did actually do a book report on #26 back in high school. We got to choose a book and then give a review of it in front of the entire class, and my public speaking skills were even worse back then. Thankfully being something I enjoyed so much distracted me enough to get past my nerves, and I believe I scored highly if memory serves. I do recall having to somehow do a brief summary of the entire Animorphs plot (never an easy task as you all know) followed by a synopsis of that particular book (it was always one of my favourites) and a reading from part of the story. I read out Jake's description of a Howler the first time they meet one, as I enjoyed the description and attention to detail.