1) Kells! Miss you! *glomp*
2) I'm not going to write out Resseliss's ssssssslurrred Taxxxxxxxon ssssspeak. He's hard to understand. I prefer not to be.
3) I'm not sure yet who this version of Varit's human host was, and whether or not they've survived (if they have, I may have him/her alive on the Tyrennian already). I'm thinking whoever it was would only be a part-time host, and Varit would still have spent most of his time in the pool on base. He's not exactly a leader within the Rebellion. I'm open to suggestions here. Jessi, if you want to assign a dead character or a living one, or even pick a random name, go ahead. I'm assuming Keslin would know who Varit's host was, and would probably not know Varit all that well, but we can play whatever dynamic you'd like.