However, tobias being a nothlit serves some important purposes in the storyline (a warning about the two hour limit, a physical representation of the risks they take every time they morph, etc).
Actually, Tobias isn't stuck as a hawk BUT I'm keeping the two-hour limit.
The limit is perfect for tensions-filled scenes. The audience will be thinking 'Will they make it out before the clock is up?'
In the first movie, I'm gonna use the time limit to make the audience worry about a captured Rachel in cat morph.
Therefore, bada-bing bada-boom, the movies shouldn't be made.
The wnhy do people bother making film adaptations at all? These movies aren't JUST for fans of the book. Other people who haven't even heard of Animorphs before should want to see and enjoy these films. It's a business where money must be made. I hate to break it to you but Animorphs is, never was and never will be a Harry Potter.
And really, as I've noticed this solely based on the opinions you've express in this forum, everything you took out of the story was everything you hated in the story, not b/c it doesnt "fit". Lol. You hated the whole complexity issue of Animorphs.
That's not true at all.
This movie would be your own personal movie and yours alone, without any acknowledgment for the fans.
But I have acknowledge the fans BUt ia lso acknowledge the non-fans who may want to see these movies. They're not for you and you alone. At least I considered non-Animorphs fans.
Tobias an orphan, not son of Elfangor? Marco not the son of Visser One?
Nothing personal. It just wouldn't ftr into a film series. Notice that my TV series DOES have include this storyline because of all the room there is for it.
Let me guess, Ax wont even be Elfangor's brother?
There's absolutely no reason whatsoever why a movie or a TV show wouldn't incllude the fact that Ax and Elfangor were brothers. Where would you think I'd do that?
When you're adapting books to film format, there's always a way to make things fit.
Sure...if a movie is 6 hiours long. You sound like a bitter Harry Potter fan bashing the films.
At the end of this first movie you've proposed, Tobias could easily get trapped in a morph. And it would underline the 2 hr limit warning. And yes, that would "fit." It isnt distracting if it comes at the END of the film. HINT HINT.
And in the NEXT films? Like audience memebrs would stand a talking bird throughout a film. A talking bird that mopes and flies around and can't do much in a guerilla war against an alien inavsion?
Use the time limit to create tension-filled moments where the audience wonders if an Animorph will demorph on time and that's it.
The other two movies sound like a major flop for Disney.
1) Who said anything about Disney?
2) Why do they sound like flops?
Dude. You NEED to chill out. It's not serious.