All titles subject to change.
Book MCDXVI (1,416): "Run, Run As Fast As You Can . . ." -- The Running Compulsion is cast.
New chapter.
What Cloak Can and Can't Do
"Fuel for Code New Haven," Itemsmith said. "Was I vague in my explanation?"
"I meant what is the fuel meant to
do for Code New Haven?" Saffa said, with a note of annoyance (which Itemsmith found amusing).
"Sumthin' spectacular," Itemsmith said, vaguely. It was almost as if he was deliberately not answering her question, and Saffa picked up on this at once. But she wasn't about to let this go, she wanted answers -- all this ambiguity left a lot to be desired.
"That's not answer," she said, to which Itemsmith smiled. She found this rather frustrating, and even more so that her frustration amused him.
"Oh, come now," he said, in a gentle chiding tone, like someone too eager to get into the Christmas presents. "You don't want to ruin the surprise now, do you?"
"Surprise?" Abby interjected, over Saffa's annoyed growl. "You don't even know where to get its fuel."
"Oh, Cloak just contacted me a few moments ago," he said, "that's how I knew you lot would be here. He said that he'll be bringing the fuel."
"And if he doesn't?" Parker asked.
Itemsmith shrugged, "I've learned that when Cloak says he'll do something, Veil or not, he'll do it, or die trying."
"That doesn't really fill me with too much confidence," Yarin said.
"Really?" Itemsmith said, sounding genuinely surprised. "Truth Dreamers are usually very good at such predictions."
"What's a Truth Dreamer?" Leatherhead asked.
There was a reason why Cloak never piloted any of the ships that he's been on. He was basically flailing about, trying to direct the Drej mothership to the appropriate coordinates. He found himself having a new respect for Yarin, as this was clearly one of the things he could not do. At least, not do well.
Remember me . . .
He found that the mothership moved like a drunken cow with a very bad stumble, and he wasn't too pleased nor enthused about it. He didn't know too much about what all these controls did, and there was no guidebook or anything.
Though I have to say goodbye . . .
And the fact that nothing was labelled clearly, if they were even labelled at all. Then again, he didn't know if the Drej could see as he and Realm Walkers did. But Cloak did make the ship move forward . . . like a shrunken geriatric driving a car. It wasn't exactly pleasing progress.
Remember me . . .
Cloak rushed to make the ship go faster -- at this rate the RAFians and Itemsmith would like be dead by the time he got there. He cursed aloud about it, wondering if Yarin would have had an easier time with this. The controls were different from his ship, from what Cloak remembered -- starkly different.
Don't let it make you cry . . .
But Yarin always seemed to have a proficiency for piloting ships -- although he couldn't remember him ever piloting any other except his own. At least, not without a scathing critique of the other ship. Cloak felt as if he was just flailing about with no real progress to speak off. It really shouldn't be this difficult, he felt.
For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart . . .
Cloak was starting to wonder if this was just a forgone conclusion. A challenge that was beyond him. He really hadn't thought this through, he acknowledged. But how was he to know that the Drej queen was metaphorically the entire brain of the entire species? He should have took that into consideration, though.
I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart . . .
The ship shuttered suddenly, and Cloak felt it immediately. He didn't know what happened -- did he hit some sort of space debris? Was someone attack this newly-derelict ship? He would be so screwed, as GH would put it, if he was under attack inside th ship. He could barely make the ship go forward, to a certain set of coordinates, much less activating the weapons. For all he knew, the weapons were tied to the Drej queen's life like just about everything on this Veiled ship is.
Remember me . . .
The ship shuttered once more, and, if it had any inerta dampeners onboard, they died with the Drej queen. But this was progress. Cloak could feel the speed picking up. But not by much -- but it was certainly better then the slowest crawl that he was at before. Now they were at a slow cruising speed -- but it still wasn't fast enough.
Though I have to travel far . . .
Unfortunately, Cloak couldn't remember what he did to speed up the ship. It was instrumental for his plan as well. Code New Haven needed fuel. And he had it right here.
Remember me . . .
And not only the ship, if it proved insufficient, he had an idea for one that should prove suitable and sufficient. And he knew that his friends would try to stop him if he went through with it -- another reason why he had to do this bit alone. Not to mention . . .
Each time you hear a sad guitar . . .
Not to mention that Truth Dream . . . it was rather uncharacteristicall
y explicit, almost as if Destiny (he fought a chill going up his spine from the tip of his tail) was trying to communicate with him directly. This aspect alone was incredibly terrifying, and what he was meant to do was incredibly daunting. He wasn't afraid of what he had to do, but it was a lot.
Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be . . .
There -- that combination of switchs and buttons! That was how he would speed up this jalopy! He managed to make the ship go at a decent clip, ignoring minor hull damages. The ship needn't be pristine when he arrived at Code New Haven.
Until you're in my arms again . . .
He managed to imput the coordinates into the ship, and the ship, listing uncomfortably to the right, took the coordinates and planned out a path and automatically took the path. With Cloak urgingit along between sixteen and twenty times.
Remember me . . .
He contacted Itemsmith to get Code New Haven ready . . . to accept its fuel.