His intelligence? Yeah, that's the problem with bigots though. Their intelligence tends to fluctuate.
New chapter.
"You haven't any right to undo my righteous works!" Jaxur declared.
"Rights?" Cloak growled. He glared at Jaxur, and he was at least two feet shorter than the Realm Walker, but was fairly tall, for a human. "You want to talk of rights?"
"Oh, here we go," Faerie sighed, rubbing her forehead slightly.
"What right have you,
Knight, to throw sentient beings into the void?" Cloak growled, advancing menacingly towards Jaxur. "What
right do
YOU have to marginalize, demean, terrorize, and even
kill nonhuman sentient beings?"
Please,"Jaxur said, rather stupidly dismissive, "it's not like they feel
pain. It's not like they're
"He's not very smart, is he?" Cerulean said, with narrowed eyes.
"My money's on 'no'." Faerie commented.
"I cannot
fathom how any being could be so crass . . . so inhumane . . . so arrogant . . ." Cloak said, laying a delicate emphasis over every single syllable. "So . . . intellectually barren. . . . So
dare you." Jaxur said, apparently not understanding that he had no leverage here. "How
dare you speak to your superior like that, beast!"
Despite himself, Cloak snorted back a bark of laughter, which was better than Faerie, Cerulean, and Rocklobster who burst out in giggles at the sheer absurdity of this statement. "
Superior? Seriously, Knight?"
"Mankind was given divine dominion over all beasts," Jaxur sniffed rather haughtily. "And all creatures who are not human are beasts. Thus, I have divine dominion over you."
"Are you
trying to be ridiculous?" Faerie asked. "I mean that sincerely. Because you simply cannot be
this stupid."
"Just return my projector, and I'll forget your transgressions," Jaxur said. "I might even consider to forgive such treachery."
"It's not treachery," Rocklobster stated, not having put up a holographic human disguise, because he simply did not think to do so, at the time. "Treachery is delibrate disregard of trust or faith -- you have neither trust nor faith in us. Or perhaps you mean we violated your confidence? We never had it to begin with. I repeat, we commited no treachery."
"Silence, inconsequential hunk of metal." Jaxur said, dimissively. "I'll forgive your treasonous actions and spiel -- just return my projector!"
"Our actions aren't treasonous," Cerulean pointed out, "we were never aligned to your cause, nor did you have any authority over us."
"I have divine dominion --"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah -- blah blah blah-ity blah." Faerie said, with her usual acid wit and irreverent sarcasm. "Just because you claim something, and use religious mumbo jumbo to attempt to justify it, doesn't make you
right, Knighty-Knight. Fact is, you cannot demand anything of us."
It was at the point Jaxur decided to drop all pretense, drop the whole veneer of religious dogmatism. He simply demanded, "Give me back my projector."
"No." all four said.
Jaxur would not be denied, he removed his helmet. Another foolish move on his part -- the RAFians now could ID him, and they did. The man who had a habit of impersonating a soldier, impersonating a general. John Jacob Jaxur. The fact that he was a Knight was hardly surprising.
Jaxur ordered, "Give me back my projector.
"If it's yours, Jaxur,
truly yours," Rocklobster said, having uncovered an engraving upon the projector when he was operating it. "Then why is 'Property of Dr. Emil Bradford Goode' etched in its underside?"
Jaxur's eyes widened a bit at that, but his constant refrain only changed very slightly. "Give it to me!"
"No," Cloak said, very firmly. He addressed the Chee without even looking. "Rocky, step away from the projector."
"Cloak, I thought we weren't giving it to him." Rocklobster protested.
"We're not," Cloak replied, quite seriously, as Rocklobster backed away. Cloak looked intently at the projector, cooled down after its rather brief use. Cloak hesitated for only a moment before he pulled back his arm and slammed a tree trunk-thick tendril of scarlet and gold energy down upon the machine. It was nothing more than twisted circuit boards, metal and plastic casing. Cloak used his Mastery over the Metal element to make it even more irreparable. "Nevermore will you be meddling in forces, with places, that you ought not."
DARE YOU!!" Jaxur shrieked.