I was just going through the old books and I stopped on The Underground and The Unknown, notably Cassie and Rachel books. And as I read through them I realized just how interesting the chemistry b/w Rachel and Cassie was.
The two girls were total opposites, extremes in the spectrum. Cassie the pacifist and Rachel the aggressor. One hated clothes, the other adored shopping. One kept her cool while the other usually blew up. How these two became best friends? It baffles me. But it makes their relationship fascinating to read about. And I noticed that as the war neared its end, the less agreeable the two became. Rachel going for the active approach, Cassie knowing what she had to do, but still seeing another way out that didn't involve all-out killing. And those two ideas clashing constantly. It would have been nice to have a book near the end of the series. One with just the two of them on a mission, and working out their differences.
Anyway, I just want to reminisce on their lighter moments, when they were just two best friends who always made me laugh(Marco and Jake also had great chemistry) when I read their adventures together. In The Underground, (the oatmeal battle lol), Rachel was walking around the Yeerk Pool blasting people away (Rachel's train of thought was always wandering into strange scenarios that involved her doing something stupid) and she couldnt find the other Animorphs. But when she finally knew their locations, except Cassie, she said something interesting. She said she had to "stifle a cry at the thought that Cassie could be hurt." In a way it was nice to see that touching side of Rachel. A side she rarely brought out.
Then of course much later when Visser Three clearly says "Everyone stays where they are! If the person beside you moves, destroy them!" And Rachel pulled out her Dracon beam to which Cassie replied "Get ready for what....where did you get THAT?"
Other funny quotes. Rachel: Oh man, am I glad to see you! How did you get here? Cassie: How did YOU get here?" Rachel: Never mind. I'm in trouble." Cassie: "I'm SO not surprised.
The Unknown.
Rachel: See, Charles smiled at you." Cassie: He called me CARLA." Rachel: Has he ever even spoken to you before?" Cassie: No, I guess not. Rachel: SEE? Progress."
And their quarrel about Cassie's clothing was quite amusing as well. When Marco burst out with wide-eyed wonder. "way way too much wonder." : "Who is this vision of loveliness? This fantasy come true? Excuse me, but are you Tyra banks? No, no you can't be any mortal girl. So much perfection could never be achieved by a mere human. You're an angel descended from heaven! I mean, they say clothes make the man, but these clothes make you an angel!" And then Cassie calmly pulls out her homework and says, "Are you done?"
The Reaction
Rachel and Cassie are in the bathroom, with Rachel burping a giant crocodile from her back.
Cassie: I don't have a morph that can beat a crocodile! NOTHING can beat a crocodile!
Rachel: Then get out!"
Cassie: I can't! You're blocking the door with your crocodile tail!"
Rachel: Then get in the stall!"
So Cassie gets in the stall and suddenly we hear her thought speech. "Rachel, what if the croc attacks the bear?"
Rachel (suspicious): Cassie, are you morphing in there?
Cassie: Um...yes!
Rachel: Cassie, what are you morphing?"
Cassie: Um...um...a squirrel!
Rachel (disbelief): A squirrel? A squirrel!?
Cassie:It was all I could think of!
And yet when that crocodile turned and attacked Rachel in bear morph, Cassie still jumped in to try and save her, even if all she could do was cover its eyes with her squirrel paws.
At the end of that book, Cassie actually morphs Rachel, and does it cleverly, i might add.
Rachel: Good job, sister.
Cassie: Oh good, you're back. Im having the worst time trying to control this morph!"
Rachel: You're having trouble being me? What could be so hard about that?"
Cassie: This brain of yours, it keeps trying to get me to do really dumb things."
Which would explain the reason why Rachel was always conjuring up crazy ideas, especially in her narrative.
And I think one of my favorite moments would have to be in the #19 The Departure. The Animorphs had just discovered that Cassie had given her life and became a nothlit (as a caterpillar) to make peace with Aftran/Karen. And when Rachel found out...
Jake: Cassie! Cassie, demorph!
Rachel (crying):"Cassie! Oh, God, no! Cassie!
Ax showing up: What have you done Yeerk. I'll destroy you for this!
Rachel(bellowing): No! NO! This Yeerk is mine!
Karen runs off. Rachel (morphing grizzly): Let her run. Let her feel what it's like to be helpless. I'll deal with her soon enough.
(Side note. She scared the shi* out of me with those words. An angry girl who was barely in high school with that much power and was already good at killing. Imagine being the object of Rachel's wrath. Yeah...
And so later, the Animorphs decide not to undo Cassie's sacrifice. Now that i think about it and try to relate it to reality, I realize The Departure was probably one of the most beautiful Animorph stories KA ever wrote. No wonder she claimed it was her favorite.
So Rachel appears later crying, after each Animorph makes the decision to let Aftran go free. And she takes the caterppillar/Cassie from Jake and says "Cassie was my best friend. I'm not going to be the one to call her a fool. I'll carry her. I'll keep her safe."
Ax also made an interesting observation in The Sacrifice, when discussing the difference b/w Rachel and Cassie. He noticed Rachel's aggressive and ruthless behavior, and Cassie's kindness, which he mistook as a weakness. He questioned whether the Rachel's of the world were more dangerous than the Cassie's. The aggressors, the tyrants, those who were ruthless, over the kind-hearted, amiable, prone-to-do-good-in-the-world peace keepers. And in his observation he concluded it was the Cassie's that could cause great perils, using Andalite Prince Seerow as a comparison. Cassie's kindness could've been dangerous, although she meant well. But I personally didn't see it that way. Cassie was kind and followed her instincts. Instincts that were usually right.
Ironically, Aldrea chose to inhibit Cassie's body over Toby and Rachel, two fierce warriors.
If there's anything anyone else would like to add, feel free. I'd appreciate it.