Author Topic: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*  (Read 7667 times)

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Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2011, 11:22:28 PM »

Hell, even THAT'S too light a punishment. Dig into his flesh like he did with Aftran for a few months, all the while keeping him VERY close to Kandrona starvation, only to withdraw it at the last possible moment, and THEN he will be close to what he truly deserves.

Offline Canicula

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #31 on: December 06, 2011, 10:14:30 AM »
I finished the book that night and I am really disappointed.
There were a few things I liked but way more things I hate.

I really hated:
- Rachel's dead!
She was my second favourite character and although I knew she would die and I kind of accepted it I really hate how it ends. I mean she died, they were watching it on this screen and after that they just went on like nothing happend? They only person who reacted authentic was Tobias. I would have liked it if Jake would have done her part...

- Tobias got one Chapter in that book.
He watched Rachel's dead and then...nothing. No chapter narrated by him till years later? It was really disappointing for me because I loves the Rachel/Tobias relationship really much.

- Visser One survived
Ax should have killed him for his brother. But then he got a trial? And his sentence is to stay is that box? That is really not enough for the things he have done.

- The end.
The end was one of the idiotic ends I've ever read. They go to a new mission, new enemies were shortly introduced (if you can even tell it introduced -.-) and you know Ax might be dead or something like that and the - end.
What the....? She didn't explain anything, not who or what the one was, or the Kelbirds. You know nothing...And then she replaced the other animorphs, especially Rachel. Jeanne was just like a replacement. Beautyfull and strong. That was so not necessary imo.

What I liked:
- the Ellimist
I really liked that the Ellimist came to Rachel and explained hisself to her. She deserved that.

- The funeral:
I really loved that she was creamted and Tobias flew away with the urn. It was absolutely great.

- The characters after the end of the war:
Jake was authentic. He did horrible things, sendig his own cousin to kill his brother, killing thousands of helpless yirks in the Yirkpool... it was good that he suffered after the war was over because if he didn't that would be crazy. He had to learn to live with it.
Also that Marco could go on fits. He is a person who makes the best out of the worst. And Cassie, well she is Cassie. I never liked her but she did what she had to to deal with everything. The Cassie-way of dealing with it.

I'm from Germany, so don't wonder, if my sentences are a bit weird sometimes...

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #32 on: December 06, 2011, 04:03:29 PM »

- Tobias got one Chapter in that book.
He watched Rachel's dead and then...nothing. No chapter narrated by him till years later? It was really disappointing for me because I loves the Rachel/Tobias relationship really much.

Oh, yeah. I hated that too. Last time, I was flipping though though the book going "Wait, so Tobias really has only ONE chapter in here? Seriously?"
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Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #33 on: December 06, 2011, 07:01:54 PM »

You know, I never noticed that, but it's true. He only got one chapter! The hell?

Offline SitsInCorner1!

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2011, 07:09:44 AM »
I really enjoyed the final book. Part of it may of been because I'd read that a lot of fans hated it so I had low expectations. But I think I would've liked it anyway. It just stuck with me. Nothing exactly happened how I expected it to and I felt it wrapped up what needed to be wrapped up. I found it pretty emotional too. I cried so much...

Offline Noelle

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2011, 08:17:21 AM »
Regarding Visser one being kept in a box...

Wasn't it Elfangor that said something like "any life is better than no life because without life there can be no hope?"

I think KAA gave Elfangor the proverbial finger by keeping Visser One alive....

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2011, 09:34:34 AM »
Oh sure, I liked the final book, let me just be the first to say that. But I didn't love it like I did so many others in the series. But what was so wrong with it? First off, there were too many plot holes left unresolved: What happened to Fenestre? Marco's mom? Tobias's mom? How about the oatmeal bit? David? The Ellimist? I agree, not ALL one-book wonders should be addressed, but they should at least get a mention, even if only in passing. And yes, the cliffhanger was the PERFECT ending to a war is hell story, but seriously, there's so many other ways she could have done that! Killed all of the Animorphs, for example. Hell, I'd settle for THAT over that cliffhanger. That damn cliffhanger... it haunts me in my dreams. I'm anxiously looking forward to what pop will say about that. Hey, pop, if you're out there, wanna give us a hint? ;)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 09:37:09 AM by Darth Zakryn »

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2011, 03:01:53 PM »
You know, with the way my luck works. WIthin a month of my death animorphs will become wildly popular and acclaimed to have the best ending of any book ever.
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Offline Ouroboros

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2011, 03:22:05 PM »
I was not a huge fan of the ending.

As people have pointed out, the war was a letdown and everything just seemed a little off.

I also wish the Ellimist hadn't shown up. I would have preferred being left to speculate more about everything he so nicely explained. I was also not a real big fan of the Ellimist/Crayak thing, though. I understand godlike beings, but I hate how often they were used to explain stuff throughout the series. Besides, "oh Rachel you were a random choice for the team and blah blah blah now listen to me talk about Crayak and our space ships for a while and our games and stuff", WTF, guy.

I wanted a horrible ending. I guess that's more of a personal thing though. I hate happy endings. I love endings where the heroes struggle and struggle and struggle only to lose in the end...or if the do win it's at a cost much greater than one life and their childhoods.

I guess that's just me. Also, WTF happened to Ax?

Thanks to Seal for the sig!

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #39 on: December 12, 2011, 06:43:01 AM »

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi: Lol how old ARE you? :P

Ouroboros: You thought the war was disappointing too? You seriously mean that you didn't like how the war against humans and Yeerks was portrayed? If so, you're the first one to ever say that to me. I mean, even if you're going to have the humans get curb-stomped in every single battle they're in, at least SHOW them in those battles, for Pete's sake! It's a war, not a chess game.

Ellimist: While I thought the Ellimist was a cheap plot device too, there are two instances where it's tolerable, and the books were so great I didn't even care: #26. The Attack and The Ellimist Chronicles.

Happy Ending: I could go either way (wow, that sounded bad), but I like stories that don't really end happily or sadly, though I do like happy endings more than sad ones. I guess it's just all a matter of perspective. Wow, that would make a great song title! ;D

Offline Ouroboros

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #40 on: December 12, 2011, 01:27:42 PM »

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi: Lol how old ARE you? :P

Ouroboros: You thought the war was disappointing too? You seriously mean that you didn't like how the war against humans and Yeerks was portrayed? If so, you're the first one to ever say that to me. I mean, even if you're going to have the humans get curb-stomped in every single battle they're in, at least SHOW them in those battles, for Pete's sake! It's a war, not a chess game.

Ellimist: While I thought the Ellimist was a cheap plot device too, there are two instances where it's tolerable, and the books were so great I didn't even care: #26. The Attack and The Ellimist Chronicles.

Happy Ending: I could go either way (wow, that sounded bad), but I like stories that don't really end happily or sadly, though I do like happy endings more than sad ones. I guess it's just all a matter of perspective. Wow, that would make a great song title! ;D

Yeah bud, I agree on the bit about the war. I felt like I was reading the history class version of it, not reading it as told by people who experienced it, you know what I mean?

#26 was alright I suppose. I didn't really get into that book when I was younger, maybe I should go re-read it. Something about the whole Iskoort and Howlers and cities designed by 4-year-olds didn't quite click for me. The Ellimist and his stupid games just started to irritate me after a while. Plus the "LOOK AT THE POWER OF MY MAKING OUT WITH CASSIE! LOOK AT WHAT IT CAN DO TO YOUR COLLECTIVE MEMORIES, CRAYAK BE DAMNED!" schtick was kinda lame, TBH. I did like seeing more of Erek, though.

The Ellimist Chronicles was alright. There were some cool ideas and all that, but I just really don't like the Ellimist or Crayak.

I should clarify a little, I do like happy endings, when they are appropriate. In a scenario that is as blown up and massive as the ending of the Animorphs, I don't think a happy ending was in order.

Thanks to Seal for the sig!

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #41 on: December 12, 2011, 01:36:32 PM »

If you want, you can read some of my earlier threads, humans vs. Yeerks and so on. It says EXACTLY what was wrong with the final war.

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #42 on: December 12, 2011, 02:08:57 PM »
What was wrong with the war is that we were only treated to one piece of it (if there was even stuff going on at other locations). The truth is, the attacks were localized because a) the Animorphs were there and b) the Pool was there and c) pretty much every other event in the series took place around the Animorphs' hometown, so naturally it would be a prime target.

I just wish it had been more exciting. It was pretty bland for a war, even if it was a quick and centralized war.

Thanks to Seal for the sig!

Offline Darth Zakryn

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #43 on: December 12, 2011, 02:14:50 PM »

But against a species like humans, which greatly outnumbers the Yeerks, fast and furious is the way to go. Like I said, read that thread to get more juicy details. That was my biggest gripe with the final books. It's like K.A. was trying too fast to wrap things up, neglecting her loyal readers in the process.

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Re: Did you like the ending? *SPOILERS!!*
« Reply #44 on: December 12, 2011, 03:44:09 PM »

Hell, even THAT'S too light a punishment. Dig into his flesh like he did with Aftran for a few months, all the while keeping him VERY close to Kandrona starvation, only to withdraw it at the last possible moment, and THEN he will be close to what he truly deserves.

Actually Ax was very not cool with torture.

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