The way the series ended. Not that it was a sad ending, I can handle sad endings where there are no winners, only losers. I get enough of those in other things.
What really killed it for me was the author's laziness. she ghostwrote almost every book in the series, and her contract states she should have made at least 10 book more than she should have, and she can't do it, because her ghostwriters got fed up. Instead, she sends the series downhill, ruining the secrecy of the series that I liked, killing off characters, ruining ones she didn't kill, until eventually, she ended the series on a bloody cliffhanger. not a "Bolivian army ending" like the call it on TVTropes, it's a CLIFFHANGER.
When we object to our once-good series getting destroyed by some ludicrous creator breakdown, she honestly acts as if we are some "Lowest common denominator" trash who don't understand stories that "end in Hi-Fives all around", as she so blithely put it, insisting that "True art is Angsty".
Just so you know, I went back to the bookstore, explained to the owner how the series ended, (She hated it even more than i did) and the owner gave me a refund for the books, she then sent them back to the supplier.
I was wondering, are there any decent fanfic writers that wrote a better ending to the series?
(When the fanfic writers are better writers than the real author, you know something's messed up.)