Author Topic: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.  (Read 3616 times)

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In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« on: May 28, 2011, 12:32:51 AM »
From what I can tell, they're morphing into a tiger, elephant, gorilla, and horse while hundreds if not thousands of human- and Hork-Bajir-Controllers can see them! And then they demorph on the stairs on the way out! Cassie morphs into a horse in the middle of a crowd of freed hosts. Did no one see them?

I know they're way more careful later in the series at not letting themselves be seen morphing (and it even becomes a plot point ~2.5 years later when a kid snaps a photo of them morphing and they have to get it back). But this is ridiculous! Someone had to have seen them! Visser Three was right there at the staircase as a :visser3: , and he didn't see them demorph to get through the staircase?

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2011, 12:48:32 AM »
Also, didn't they demorph in the Yeerk pool in front of controllers when they nearly got eaten by a Taxxon? When they first met the Ellimist?
I think the book said the controllers just stared at them going WTH?

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2011, 04:46:36 PM »
you have to remember their were a ton of human casualties during that mission, hosts and free people, were killed by the dozens byvisser threes most dungeons and dragons like morph or "Mr many headed fire ball shooting monster thingy that is unfair"
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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 06:22:03 PM »
     No. Someone must have seen them. My guess is, those Yeerks decided to keep quiet.

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 03:59:21 AM »
I ask this because I recently finished writing a screenplay based on book 1, and in paying very close attention to "seen" details in the book, I took notice of their rampant morphing. Yeah, maybe witness Controllers did just choose to keep quiet. ...I guess.

Oh, and Cams? In book 7, the Ellimist froze time completely, so no one saw them demorph.

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2011, 09:02:04 AM »
Didn't it say that V3 was pretty much the last Yeerk to suspect the Andalite Bandits may not be Andalite bandits? I'm guessing a lot of Yeerks knew but didn't say anything cuz well....V3 is batsh** insane and decapitates people for fun. Plus they probably didn't get a good luck at the anis faces so telling the Visser wouldn't have done any good.

Minion: Visser Three. We've discovered the Andalites from yesterday are really humans

V3: Excellent. Who were the humans?

Minion: We...uh....don't know

(two weeks later, Visser Three is using that minion's head in the big bowling tournament against Visser 1's team)
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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2011, 09:09:29 AM »
Oh, and Cams? In book 7, the Ellimist froze time completely, so no one saw them demorph.
No, they were definetely running in front of controllers as human.
The Taxxon lay ruined and reeking all around us. The room full of human-Controllers eating
dinner was no longer frozen by the Ellimist.
Now they were frozen by sheer disbelief. "Let's bail!" I yelled. "Before they can think about
We ran. Slipping and slithering through the Taxxon's guts, still forming the last of our fingers
and toes, we tore out of there.
"Get them!" a human voice yelled. "Get them, you fools, or Visser Three will chew your
Suddenly, with a roar, the human-Controllers surged up out of their chairs.
A Hork-Bajir near the door moved swiftly to cut us off. Ax swung his tail with blinding
speed. It hit the Hork-Bajir in his shoulder.
"Head for the dropshaft!" Marco cried as he led the way from the room.
"Everyone but Ax, if you can morph again, do it!" Jake yelled as we raced for the dropshaft.
"We need firepower!"
I didn't need to be told. The only one of us who had any kind of natural ability to fight was
Ax. I was already trying to focus my mind on the bear that I had made a part of me.
Part of me knew it was foolish. I should morph the elephant, or a wolf. I knew both of those
morphs, I could handle them. But I also knew the elephant might not fit in the dropshaft. And
I wanted power.
Something hit me and I went sprawling across the dirt.
A man stood over me. A grown man! He had slammed into me. For some reason, this
outraged me.
What kind of a creep would hit a girl half his size?
Of course I knew the answer. I knew the man was not really a man at all, but a Controller.
The Yeerk in his head didn't know or care about chivalry.
The man bent over me and began to put his hands around my throat. Suddenly, he only had
one hand.
"Aaarrrgghhh!" he cried, falling back.
"Thanks, Ax," I said.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 09:34:36 AM by cams »

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2011, 09:29:35 AM »
Richard is really Anna in disguise!

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Quote from: 12:34:05 AM (horsefan1023)
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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2011, 09:58:50 AM »
it's most probably a KASU :XD:

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 02:35:31 PM »
A wizard the Ellimist did it.

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2011, 04:57:17 AM »
my life was ruined when i found that site :|  :rofl2:

Offline Blazing Angel

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2011, 09:55:54 AM »
mhmmm thank you ellemist for letting alll the little controllers get hit over the head and lose their memory.
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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2011, 04:12:31 PM »
Look, it's very simple.

On the night the Animorphs attacked, everyone was watching a new episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

I once ignored a tornado warning to watch Buffy, so you can bet the rest of the yeerks were like, "Yeah, I just saw four humans morphing from roach, but screw it. Angel just turned evil and I need to check that out."

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Re: In the first book, they morph a bunch at the Yeerk pool.
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2011, 04:48:07 PM »
They were probably in mid morph when they saw them, so no one could recinise the. By the way, the Animorphs term for that would be "an ellimist did it" (I read that somewhere on that SITE!)
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