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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1635 on: August 10, 2011, 03:04:44 AM »
"Of course Sami, from now on I shall address you as such." Larry said in response to Sami's request. He listened to Catie's explanation of her actions while he picked up the needle and brought it close to the wound in Sami's head. "This may sting a little, but I must make sure the wound is clean Sami." With that said he picked up the bowl of alcohol and slowly dribbled it over Sami's wound.

Larry had heard everything that Catie had said and was considering what to say to her. She sounded truthfully apologetic and perhaps he had taken what she said out of context. However he decided it shouldn't be his decision alone. "I accept your apology Catie, however you may join us only if Sami wants you to." Larry said in his normal soft tone.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1636 on: August 10, 2011, 03:11:56 AM »
Sami smiled. "Thank you." Then when he told he the procedure might hurt, she nodded. "Medicine almost always hurts. But it must first hurt before it can heal." Suddenly, a sizzling pain shot through the wound. He had aparently applied the medicine. She gasped and jumped a slight bit in her seat, cupping her hand to her now seemingly burning neck. "Goodness! You weren't kidding!" She whimpered as she tried to calm down, trying to focus on something else to dull the pain, but not too hard. She didn't need to shift shapes. Just ease the pain. She ony then registered that Larry had said it was up to her to decide if Catie stayed. She hesitated a moment, letting Larry do whatever he may need to do with her wound. "Well uh.... I mean, I don't have a big of an objection to her being here... But I don't think you should ask me... I don't even know where I am."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1637 on: August 10, 2011, 07:28:15 AM »
Tamora's eyes widen when Al dims his hologram, and Zorish pushes his chair back an inch or two in awe. " are an android?" he sputters. Clearly this was the least of his expectations.

<<A highly intelligent android that has been created to simulate life down to near imperceptibility,>> Zorish says rapidly, storing the information away. <<I have never heard of anything quite so advanced.>>

"How is it-" Zorish begins, but Al has already turned and walked away. Cursing, he turns his gaze on Jasper warily. "And what are you? A Hork-Bajir dressing up as a human for Halloween?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1638 on: August 10, 2011, 09:46:27 AM »
Van ****ed his head to the side, and forced his muscles to relax. It wasn’t a very convincing gesture, really, but doing so helped Van re-organize his thoughts. “Senrin”, eh? Whatever that means, he’s teasing me with it, baiting me... And I am not up for that kind of sh*t!

“Cute,” Van spat, “But I think the lady disapproves. You’ve overstayed your welcome, anyway.” He felt as if it was a great effort just to act normal, but he desperately needed to save face. He gripped the rifle, and thrust it lightly, indicating that he wanted Rathien to move aside.

Then, Van grinned, and licked his lips, “If things go well, and you want to get along, we won’t see a fight. Shall we ‘get along’, Hunter? Besides, I’m not your precious target, am I? Mmm, it’s no use dirtying your hands on an unfortunate distraction.”

He doubted that his assertion was true, but the bluff made him feel better, and far more confident. An energetic surge of pride raced through his body, and he felt renewed.

Now, his muscles finally relaxed, and his eyes gleamed with a familiar look that anyone back home would recognize. Item number 1, ‘Step up my game’? Check.

Heh. Just one little bluff changes it all… Even if he says I’m wrong, I don’t think I’d care. I mean, what’s wrong with me, anyways? Even if I am being hunted, that’s part of the deal in this line of work, eh?!

Seeing it that way certainly helps. Man, it’s going to be a real pain just to climb out of this hole! It’s no use being mopey, now: I have a reputation to not only keep up, but to make!
I am a little Meglet, I came here to roleplay. And armed with walls of text here, I'm ready to go play!
Meglet, Meglet, Meglet! She came here to roleplay! And with these walls of text here, she'll go and post away!

[Congratulations to weathel for correctly guessing that it was the Dreidel Song!]

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1639 on: August 10, 2011, 10:21:49 AM »
Larry began stitching the wound up as quickly and efficiently as he could. Although his previous wounds had needed the expertise of a healer this wound was similar to some of his previous minor wounds that he had stitched up himself. All in all it was doubtful that anyone else could do a better job with only the tools he was using. Of course Doctor Vallav could do better, but he had his technology to help him.

Larry spoke to Catie has he was finishing stitching the wound "Well Catie since Sami does not have a problem with you staying with us then you may do so if you wish." Larry then spoke to Sami "You are in the Galaxy's Edge Space Bar. I am not sure where we are exactly since I come from a different land all together, but you could ask Catie, she might know. Now let's get something to clean up that blood." Larry turned to the bartender and asked "Could I borrow a wet towel please? Preferably a clean one sir."

The bartender handed him one that happened to be on the counter on the other end of the bar. "Thank you sir." Larry said to the bartender and then turned to Sami. "Please allow me to clean this blood off of you Sami." He said as he began to gently wipe the blood off of her face and neck.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1640 on: August 10, 2011, 11:06:25 AM »
As Al settled back into his chair, he chuckled, "I actually prefer the term 'AI,' but if 'android' works for you, it works for me."

He'd caught the tail end of Zorish's comment to Jasper, and he looked down at his wrist. "Halloween already?" He shook his wrist and held it up to his ear as though there were a broken watch on it- which of course there wasn't. "Good costume, man," he said to Jasper with a grin.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1641 on: August 10, 2011, 04:12:35 PM »
Sami smiled softly and tilted her head to the side some more so that he could get some of the blood that had run down her neck. She pulled the cloak down her shoulder a bit too since it had managed to get that far. As she sat there and Larry cleaned her up, she let her senses open up to the world around her. She could hear many different conversations going on around her, including one about an android. She had heard the term once or twice before, but never really knew what it meant. She wanted to see, but didn't want to move because Larry was still wiping up her blood. Instead, she turned her attention towards his scar. Her hand raised hesitantly off of her lap, but it was still concealed under the cloak, so he could nt see it. "If you do not mind me asking, how did you get those scars?"

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1642 on: August 10, 2011, 04:28:22 PM »
Larry looked down at this beautiful creature that had so enamored him. "They are the scars that prove I was victorious in battle against two of the Prime Evil Lords." He traced the thin scar the started above his right eye and ended below his left. "This one signifies that I killed Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred." Larry traced the thick scar that started above his left eye and ended below his right eye. "This scar signifies that I killed Diablo, the Lord of Terror."

Larry finished cleaning the blood off and put the towel on the counter. He took a seat to her left and asked "Would you like something to eat or drink?" Larry pulled out a pouch that jingled with the sound of coins. "I will pay for whatever you want. Perhaps you could also tell me about yourself as well? I am interested in how you changed into that creature before." Larry said in his soft tone of voice.

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1643 on: August 10, 2011, 04:50:20 PM »
Sami blinked at his first statement. Then as he told his story, she watched him trace his fingers along his scars. Again, her hand raised up a bit, wanting to touch them. But then he sat to her left and she swiveled a bit to keep an eye on him. He asked her if she wanted anything to eat and she nodded. "If I could get just some sort of sweet food, like a...." She wasn't sure what they would be called on this planet. But he asked her something else. She nodded. "I will share my stories if you share yours." She smiled. "But first, I would like some food and drink, please. Do they have water? Also, theres this fruit on my planet. About the size of my fist and bright red with blue spots on it. Is there anything like that here?" Little did she know she had just described an apple, except with blue spots.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1644 on: August 10, 2011, 08:24:45 PM »

Rathien shifts his gaze back to Van.  "I don't believe the lady has shown any signs of disapproval.  Perhaps you disapprove, pirate."  He winks back at Ewa before standing up striaght to face Van, still relaxed with his weight trending on one foot.  "Your vision really is too narrow, especially for a Beryllian male.  Most Beryllians would see my company."  He smiles languorously and moves his free hand up to caress the end of Van's rifle sensuously, careful to avoid the hot bayonet without looking like he was doing so.  "I would be more than happy to 'get along' with you."  He smiles in his most seductive and sultry manner. 
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1645 on: August 10, 2011, 08:28:10 PM »
Larry rubbed his chin thoughtfully and spoke hesitantly "Well it sounds like you are perhaps describing an apple as it is the only fist-sized fruit I know of. However apples do not have blue spots in this land at least not to my knowledge." He turned to the bartender and asked "Could we please have a glass of water and a plate of apples? I would also like a glass of mead if you have any?" The bartender went in the back for a moment and laid a plate of apples in front of them. He then reached beneath the bar and pulled out a glass of water and a glass full of a honey colored liquid. "Thank you kind sir."

Larry picked up his glass and took a sip, enjoying the sweet taste and honey flavor. He then dropped some gold coins out of his pouch onto the bar. He then slid the coins over to the bartender, who took them and put them in his pocket. Larry turned to Sami and looked in her eyes with his mismatched ones, the right an emerald green the left a sapphire blue, and asked "So which stories about me do you wish to hear?"

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1646 on: August 10, 2011, 08:50:12 PM »
Sami smiled when the plate of fruits was placed in front of her. They did indeed look like the fruits from her world, but without the blue spots. Just as Larry had said. She picked one up and carefully bit into it, not sure if it was sweet like the fruit she was used to. But it was. It had a slightly sour edge to it, but it was still sweet and juicy. Some of its colorless juice trickled down her chin, and she just left it. On her planet, they didn't care much about getting messy with food. She smiled at Larry when he asked her a question. "Well, can I know what your world is like? It sounds very interesting, what with magic and all." She giggled a bit, slightly distracted once more by his mismatched eyes.

Offline General Squall Leonhart

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1647 on: August 10, 2011, 08:57:37 PM »
Larry thought back to his lands and got a farawy look in his eyes and in his smile. It was very apparent he was remembering good times. Larry sighed and brought his mind back to the present. "I as well as all Druids live in the forests of Sanctuary. It is a somewhat peaceful existence although it hasn't always been so. Some people considered our brand of magic to be a sin. They felt that only God may have the power to control nature itself. That is what we do and we don't know anything more than that. We do not learn this magic, we are born with it."

Larry took a sip of his mead and looked at Sami. "Perhaps now you can tell me about your land and what it is like?" Larry asked.

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Offline SamiChee

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1648 on: August 10, 2011, 09:10:03 PM »
Sami smiled softly and nodded along with his story. She knew a bit of what it was like to be somewhat exiled like that, but she wasn't exiled from the world, even though she didn't have many friends. He had an entire race to dwell with, even if it was away from everyone else. He was lucky.

He then proceeded to ask her a question. She giggled. "My world is full of trees, or at least, my village is among the jungles. Everyone on our world has the ability to do what I can, but those of the cities have grown tired of it and do not practice it anymore. Many say they have evolved to not need to know how to shift anymore. But I have seen someone from te city, and they can still do it. But usually not all that often. People like me, like my village, we need our ability to survive. It seems we have the same ability as some other species in the galaxy called Andalites, but we do not have the same restrictions as them. Have you ever heard of the Andalites?"

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #1649 on: August 10, 2011, 09:53:49 PM »
Larry thought for a moment as the name seemed strange, but he did know what Sami meant. Tyrael, the archangel who was banished to Earth for assisting mortals, had given Larry much knowledge about this place. "Yes Tyrael told me much of this place and a lot of the creatures that reside here as well. Although he did not describe a species like yourself." Larry told Sami.

Larry reached over to the plate and grabbed an apple. He bit into it, chewed and swallowed before taking another sip of mead. As his eyes once again returned to rest on Sami he noticed that a bit of apple juice had dribbled on her chin, but even so she still looked radiant. He had a strong urge to tell her so and did not think to stop himself before he spoke "You are so very radiant and beautiful, Sami" Larry spoke in his soft tone of voice.

You should see my other Gunblade. ;)

Bazing Angel is my Flaming brother.......No, no, no he's NOT gay, just Flaming. :P