Ok, we all know the Animorphs and a few other characters all crossed these at some point in the series. My question to all of you, my fellow RAFians, is WHEN do you think the characters crossed them? I'll explain mine down below. But first I think I should warn you that what some might consider a Moral Event Horizon, I don't. For example: Alloran killing all the Hork-Bajir could be seen as a justified act, since both A) It was killing Yeerks, and B) Better dead than a Controller anyway, at least to most. And Jake flushing 17,000 Yeerks I didn't view as a MEH (well, ok I did, but as a justified one) because we've lost PLENTY of innocent people, hell just to Visser Three's tail blade alone, so why shouldn't THEY suffer innocent people too? Fair play equals pay back. I lose an eye, I take out the eye of the person who did that. Yeah, I know I have warped views of the world, but at least I can admit it. But enough about me! Here's my MEH moments.
Jake: While flushing the Yeerks into space is, like I said, justified in my mind, it DOES still count as a Moral Event Horizon.
Rachel: I can't remember if Rachel ever crossed it. I guess her LOVING fighting and killing and hurting IS her MEH.
Tobias: Some might consider him killing all the Mercora as a MEH, but for me, that's not as bad as when he ripped out that Controller's eye in #9. The Secret. Discussed in another topic.
Cassie: Where to begin! Cassie, interestingly, has a lot of them, despite being the series' most "moral" person. But I'd have to say erasing John B. is the biggest she's committed. She doesn't know if there's an afterlife or spirits. Does that destroy the spirit too? We'll never know.
Marco: Hmmm... Marco, despite being the most ruthless, has very few, but I'd have to say when he was about to kill Karen and his mother, which didn't succeed in any case, so one could argue it was an Aborted Moral Event Horizon.
Ax: Ah, Ax! Probably when he threatened to nuke that town. Or when he CONSIDERED letting the fleet toast Earth. Open for debate.
Anyone have any others?