Arhareli tucked her identification into her utility belt next to her Shredder, and then she took one of the morphing suits. She started her human morph, and immediately the suit sprang to life in her hand.
The black material looked like a hole in the fabric of space, absorbing light as it grew and spread over Arhareli's hands and arms. In a matter of seconds, it was completely covering her entire body except hooves, tail blade, and everything above her neck. She stopped morphing and examined the material where it covered her wrist.
<It appears that it responds to morphing energy as the activation stimulus; is that correct? This reminds me very much of the veleek. Would I be wrong in guessing that it also uses morphing technology as its nanites' power source? I am detecting a very thin localized exo-magnetic force field from them, presumably what would deflect stray projectiles but not beams. I would guess that unless a blade is a highly magnetic metal, it would not be deflected by this material, either....>
Arhareli caught herself musing and glanced up at the rest of the group.
<A similar material is used for practice tail-fights. Early in a fighter's training, his tail blade is coated in a highly magnetized gel, and he wears an exo-magnetic helmet and wrist-guards. In that way, misplaced lethal strikes are deflected from vulnerable areas, but the student can still learn how to achieve lethality at no real danger to the instructor. On the homeworld, it is still a very simplistic and specialized technology, and I would never have thought to apply it to a full-body morphing suit; really it is a very inventive adaptation of the technology.>
Arhareli didn't even try to suppress the grin in her "voice". This reinterpretation of familiar concepts had her excited, even eager to proceed with the mission.
Finally she addressed the Hork-Bajir seer,
<Yes, Kage; it is intended that you also use the morphing technology. Once you are done with it, I will assume my new human morph, and we will see where we go from there.>