Hey All,
I posted this on another Animorphs forum and then I found this one, so I figure why not share what I have to say here too.
I was a huge-time Animorphs fan as a kid, and I still have fond memories of the series. But since I'm currently in the middle of a spiritual process, I would like to get rid of most if not all of my material belongings. Part of those belongings include my Animorphs books.
These are the books I have:
Books 9 - 30
Megamorphs 1 - 3
Andalite Chronicles
Hork-Bajir Chronicles
I'm fairly certain I have 1-8 somewhere in my room, but since I'm still in the middle of cleaning, I'd have to find them. The books are in really good condition as I kept them in a box and haven't really touched them since 1999 - 2000. Some are torn at the cover, but that was probably from when I would carry them around with me everywhere and read them. They are the english, american editions. Many from their first print.
If someone that would love the books and would treat them with tender-lovin' care, I'll gladly mail them to you if you'd like to cover shipping expenses. I'm not asking for money or payment or whatever, but yeah, I just want the books to have a good home. If you know someone that might like this please let them know. As it stands, I'm going to donate the books to a library if I don't receive a response by this Friday.
And if you're curious about what I'm up to.... mawkishkabob.wordpr ess.com.
Have an awesome day.
And I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong section.