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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5580 on: March 25, 2017, 11:18:16 PM »
Nice to meet you, Luke!  I'm really excited to meet Ossanlin, as Forlin o:  Character is currently in human morph ^.^  And if you have Chrome, a little extension called Lazarus is a lifesaver for RPers like us xD

So many unique characters in this RP, it's so much fun :3  And you can thank Leona for calling my attention to it XD

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5581 on: March 26, 2017, 12:23:59 PM »
OKAY. Today I will post and it shall be grand! XD. ..basically, I'm Shenmue654. Or Kelleh (Kelly), for short. I'm an overworked 20-something public interest lawyer for whom this place has meant a lot over the years, but who usually is more sporadic since she lacks time or energy. But this post will happen! Tonight! XD

There IS one other person involved with Shenmue posts (Mar) whose weird Mary Sue self you might have seen in the 2008-2011 Bar, but it's an awkward thing to talk about. So for now, I'll just say that Kelly has a friend.

Characters are Joanne and Keshin (Human and Yeerk, respectively). They're a well-known turelek, or Yeerk bounty hunter, who will do almost anything for money. Brown hair, hazel-ish eyes, female but kinda tall. Wearing a black workman jumpsuit from the Empire that's been modified half to hell with body armor and padding. Joanne speaks with an odd, coarse, urban accent that sounds kinda like a White woman with an AAVE slant to her voice.....But the only consistency is that it's weird, if the usage of that is uncomfortable.

Jeffrey is from a book universe I created with two friends. Basically a fake Superhero universe. Over there, he'a an infamous Supervillain known as Mind Melter. He hasn't used the name Jeffrey since he was eighteen. He looks ambiguously thirty-four or so, with shoulder length gelled black hair and brown eyes. He's kinda...dapper at the moment, wearing a black vest and pants. His "normal clothes" are weirder than weird (Because Supervillain), and very purple. He has the ability to coerce people into doing what he says, but the ability is on the weaker side---- It's resistable and some characters are immune. He also can't control how the person interprets his orders. He's also a little...cracked, as you'll see if you meet him. XD

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5582 on: March 26, 2017, 05:13:35 PM »
Likewise, Dream.  I use Firefox, and I usually take the precaution of copying all of my text before clicking "Post," I just forgot to do it this time and it was the time that counted.

A little more detail on the ARC since this part got cut off with the first post.  The ARC is the latest combat and support system the Andalites have employed.  The computer itself is the size of a smart-phone, but it stays ensconced in its "holster" at the belt all the time.  Its primary input is thought-speech for commands, but it can take in information about the user's surroundings (and the user himself) with a full barrage of sensors. 

It can output in thought-speech, or through the holo-emitter if the user is wearing one.  The holo-emitter itself is small and almost unnoticeable.  There is a small, metallic ear-mount which wraps around the ear on the same side as the user's preferred eye.  Extending from that is a small, rigid fiber-optic wire that terminates with a very small projector at the outside corner of the eye.  When commanded to output, the holo-emitter will project output in front of the user's eye.  This output is generally translucent so the eye can still see as well.  One of its most-useful combat functions is that it can actually project a HUD over the eye that can highlight and mark things in real-time with what in the real world is called "augmented reality."  The command-com bracelet allows some control over a group of ARC' other words, commanders use the bracelets to access the ARC units of subbordinates, whether for personal data, or to issue orders or give information, etc.

I will also do a shameless self-plug here...if you're interested in reading any sort of fanfic, I've written a few stories about Ossanlin's past HERE.  You certainly don't have to read it by any means, but it does contain RAF canon regarding the Andalites.  I say "RAF canon" because I've thought a lot about some of Andalite society and put it on digital paper by means of these stories.  That's not to say your Forlin can't be from another reality where it's all different, but if you would like him to be from the same 'verse as the majority of the characters in this RP, it's all canon.  The Andalites in this RP are sort of under my mod.  Now yours has lived as a human for many years, so there are a lot of things he might not know about anymore anyway.  But he doubtless remembers some things.  If you have any questions or whatnot, feel free to ask!  ^^

Oh, and a quick-ref you might find useful for all of the tech and such that I've invented in the name of the Andalites....


....might interest you.  It would at least give you some of the basics without having to read through my fiction...and it covers some things that the fiction assumes the reader yeah.  If you get bored and want to check it out anyway.  :p
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 05:19:10 PM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5583 on: March 26, 2017, 07:44:52 PM »
I like to give the GESB a sort of time-space ambiguity for my characters. That is, the place gives off a lot more deja vu than most places do, even flashes of alternate timelines and possibilities. It's not really here nor there, but instead is at the edge of every possible time and space, so this seems to make sense to me. It never goes as far as them actually knowing what's going on, however. It just adds a bit of color. :P So Jeffrey will have this weird sense that he "knows" Ossanlin because his own experiences with another character of mine who was patterned off Ossanlin (Derek/Prospero) and Mar's experiences with the actual Ossanlin are getting jumbled together. As a sort of joking reference to Jeffrey's writer and whose character traits he is the "other side of the coin" of.

And if I'm right, Keshin and Joanne did know what Salem's referring to...But not in this time or place. In another. The one Ossanlin himself is from. So that's what that's about. I like my meta. :P
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 07:50:34 PM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5584 on: March 27, 2017, 11:47:19 PM »
Hey Luke, how old is Ossanlin? Would he have been born after the Hork-Bajir Homeworld, or before it?

Just wondering where to place this guy in Ossy's timeline...heh.

Also: Dreamsleever - whoa, from the original Space Bar? Like, Kimmeree's? Or the earlier version of this bar here on RAF? What was your name back then? I do remember someone named Impulsive Ninja - was that you?

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5585 on: March 28, 2017, 12:07:01 AM »
I'm perfectly fine with Keshin and Joanne getting hints or glimpses from the original timeline...after all as far as we know it's never been shifted so much before.  Anything that helps to give the Rogue Element credence is nice for me, so thank you for that.  Also, I just thought about it...Ossanlin still has all of his knowledge, which means he still has the experience of repairing Joanne's genome during the original nothlitization.  This means it should be a fairly easy matter for him to reproduce those results...basically Joanne staying the same except with her fatal genetic abnormality removed through nothlitization into her own personally-designed, defect-free genome.

As for Ossanlin's age, Tara...I try to keep him about apace with my own age, so he'd be around or a little over 30 (human years) now.  The war was already on when he started I guess they've been fighting for like twenty-five years in this war?  I don't know if that even makes sense.  XD  I might have to rethink his age and make him younger again.  The backstory is set...I'm assuming the war had already been going on for a few years by the time he graduated with that...sooo....idk. ...XD  You're making me think.  :p  So if the Hork-Bajir homeworld happened within the first few years of the war, Ossanlin would've still been in the Academy.  That sounds right.  I've always considered Alloran to be a good fifteen years older than Ossanlin at the least...and maybe more if that makes any sense.  My lack of knowledge regarding the original Animorphs events is coming back to haunt me here.  It's been absolutely years since I've read the books.  I suppose though that we might be in a different reality than the canon Animorphs books...I don't think any of us make any mention of the human morphers.  The war only lasted a couple of years after the Animorphs started I think...and I don't know where that falls into the rest of the war timeline.   Gah...if it makes sense for the war to be on for over twenty-five years, then he's around thirty.  >_>   <_<   >_>
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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5586 on: March 28, 2017, 12:41:27 AM »
I suppose I'm missing the 'proper introductions of my characters' train, yeah?

Salem: for all practical purposes, he's a human male in his mid-to-late twenties with reddish brown hair that falls somewhere between wavy and curly, blue eyes, and, as of late, a five oclock shadow and bags under his eyes. He's wearing a grey cloak, slashed open across the front, with a black body suit underneath. He's not originally from the Animorphs universe, and as such will be seen running around with all sorts of unfamiliar technologies and gizmos. For the most part, they don't give him particularly impressive abilities or anything, but many do come across as strange and exotic. He presents himself as a 'trader' and will gladly talk business or trades with anybody who comes near.

Al: Salem's pilot and closest friend. He's a (non-Chee) Artificial Intelligence currently occupying a Chee body. He appears to be a fit, tall man of mostly Native American descent. He's wearing a trim grey business suit and a black bowler hat with a shiny gold-colored band. His tie is also gold, speckled with smiley faces, and his hair falls into the shaggy-yet-stylish zone.

Kelly, I love the way you're playing Keshin's little flash of memory ^_^ I do miss RE...

Luke: I added Al waving at Rathien to my post, if you'd care to edit to have Rathien react. Sorry-- I posted hastily.

Also... -- maybe something helpful, depending on how you want to play Ossanlin's age. I don't think we need to think all too hard about the timeline between the Rebellion universe and the Animorphs canon. I know I don't :P

Although, Tara and Jessi, I've got to ask, how have you envisioned the Rebellion in relation to the books? Because I sort of picture the war on Earth as still going on more-or-less as it does in the series... though if there are Animorphs, they're quite secret. I ask, though, because I'm curious on your take, since the Rebellion actually deals with Earth comparatively often.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 12:43:42 AM by Aluminator (Kit) »

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5587 on: March 28, 2017, 05:02:26 AM »
By this amount of people, most of them seeming to be Controllers, I have a feeling Forlin's going to panic, run to the bathroom, and demorph.  xD  He's terrified of being infested or something and feels so weak in his human form.  Currently, he's my only character...but I really want to bring Indar/Gerlan into this now.  Old times sake! XD

Dreamsleever - whoa, from the original Space Bar? Like, Kimmeree's? Or the earlier version of this bar here on RAF? What was your name back then? I do remember someone named Impulsive Ninja - was that you?

Oh, no, I wish!  xD  I didn't mean Kimmeree's, that was before my online time I think xD I'm the person who used to have that Jamie character, and Indar 632/Gerlan, and a few others, and a fixation on Yeerks and Andalites.  I remember you by Myitt and by Pink Floyd!  We RPed a lot together (I was so bad at it back then; I hope I've improved but I still find my writing as lacking).  Holy crap the writing in here is so good <333  I know I keep saying that, I'm just totally digging it.

It is so good to see you around!  I have you on Facebook too (I'm Jamie there).  And Shenmue, I remember you, too!  We used to have crazy AIM RPs too xD and they stick out in my mind!  Great memories!  I sorta remember Keshin :3

Oh, and a quick-ref you might find useful for all of the tech and such that I've invented in the name of the Andalites....


....might interest you.  It would at least give you some of the basics without having to read through my fiction...and it covers some things that the fiction assumes the reader yeah.  If you get bored and want to check it out anyway.  :p

Oh wow, I love the detail you've put into all of this.  Makes Andalites feel as advanced as they should be, too!  I'm definitely putting your fic on my must read list too, it sounds amazing.  :3  I'm wanting to stick with him coming from your 'verse.  Forlin was on Earth for a long time, had suffered memory loss due to trauma, and as a result hardly knows anything about his people.  Good chance to learn it from Ossanlin, perhaps!  (And I'll reference your lore when I bring Indar & Gerlan in too once I get more accustomed to things).  ^.^

Off to work on my post!  :3

Also, Aluminator, not sure what two you were talking to.  Forlin and Leona?  I'm not sure so don't take it as me ignoring ya <3
« Last Edit: March 28, 2017, 05:24:45 AM by dreamsleever »

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5588 on: March 28, 2017, 08:43:53 AM »
I was....admittedly fond of our incredibly ambitious little Roleplay, and its interesting implications for Joanne and Keshin. For them to find the freedom they had always sought by loyalty and honor rather than a cutthroat cruelty says a lot about the what-could-bes inherent in them. So I assume it really happened, all of it, in another age and time.

 It's the same mentality that caused me to have everyone in the Superdome universe meet a Highest called the Grey Lady when they died. In a place outside the bounds of reality, where all the character's previous selves existed simultaneously. I'm just glad Caitlin gave me a plot-relevant reason to do that. : P

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5589 on: March 28, 2017, 10:22:08 AM »
I was....admittedly fond of our incredibly ambitious little Roleplay, and its interesting implications for Joanne and Keshin. For them to find the freedom they had always sought by loyalty and honor rather than a cutthroat cruelty says a lot about the what-could-bes inherent in them. So I assume it really happened, all of it, in another age and time.

 It's the same mentality that caused me to have everyone in the Superdome universe meet a Highest called the Grey Lady when they died. In a place outside the bounds of reality, where all the character's previous selves existed simultaneously. I'm just glad Caitlin gave me a plot-relevant reason to do that. : P

o: Oh wow, you remember it!  I wish I had those saved, I really enjoyed RPing with you <3 We get to do it more at least here 8D

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5590 on: March 28, 2017, 12:47:33 PM »
XD Sorry, that was more in reference to Oss And Rogue Element than you. Truth be told I have zero recollection, but I bet it was a blast. <3

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5591 on: March 28, 2017, 06:06:22 PM »
XD Sorry, that was more in reference to Oss And Rogue Element than you. Truth be told I have zero recollection, but I bet it was a blast. <3
Ahhh xD And you can bet it was!  <3

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5592 on: March 28, 2017, 09:32:29 PM »
Although, Tara and Jessi, I've got to ask, how have you envisioned the Rebellion in relation to the books? Because I sort of picture the war on Earth as still going on more-or-less as it does in the series... though if there are Animorphs, they're quite secret. I ask, though, because I'm curious on your take, since the Rebellion actually deals with Earth comparatively often. you really wanna open that can o' worms? The easy answer is this...

Canon: The Animorphs fought for 3 years, effectively ending the war circa 2000-2001.
Rebellion Universe: There are occasional rumors of 'Andalite bandits' thrown in, but we avoid canon people as much as possible, giving room for the Animorphs to exist or not, but certainly not accomplishing so much in such little time. "Current day" in the rebellion rp is 2004, and the war on Earth has been progressing steadily since the early to mid 90s (so same starting timeline as canon...just ongoing). Also for reference, when Terenia first entered the GESB current day was closer to 2001/2002, so for her it's been a good 2-3 years since she's been there, at least.

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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5593 on: March 29, 2017, 02:50:50 AM »
Oh wow...I didn't realize how poorly Ossanlin's timeline lines up with your rebellion timeline.  For my timeline, the war began when Ossanlin was young...perhaps seven or eight by Earth reckoning.  He graduated early at the age of 16.5, which means the war had already been going on for like eight years by the time Ossanlin joined in the fray.  It was another 2.5 years before the battle that would put Ossanlin in command of the Galaxy Tree due to casualty attrition.  And another 4 months after that before the Tyrennian is finished, during which time Ossanlin is actually at the Homeworld learning everything about the new prototype ship he's going to be in command of, among other things...(visiting family and friends, giving guest-lectures/demonstrations at the Academy, etc).  He assumes command of the Tyrennian at 19.5 (Earth years) when it's all said and told.

By the time he'd met Myitt and found the GESB, he'd already been in command of the Tyrennian for at least 2 years.  Which means, in my timeline, Ossanlin and Myitt met during the...14th year of the war at the earliest.  Which would be 2007ish.  In your timeline that would apparently be the future, despite Ossanlin and Myitt already being "old friends."  I realize you and I met before that, Tara, but when we first met, I was a few years younger than I made Ossanlin it follows logically that if I was playing him older than myself, that his present had to be ahead of mine chronologically.  Meaning that while Luke and Tara met in the late 90's, Ossanlin and Myitt wouldn't have met until the latter 2000's going by Ossanlin's timeline.

The way I play Ossanlin now is as if there have been several years more conflict since their meeting.  Which means in my timeline, at the earliest, the current present-day is at least the 19th-20th year of the Yeerk-Andalite conflict.  I guess that would put Ossanlin around the age of 27-28ish (human equivalent).  And I'm playing him like he's over 30, which would make sense I suppose if you've spent over 10 years of your life at war.  So I'd say he's physically about 27.5 human-equivalent years now after thinking all of this through.  If we assume a 1993 start for the war, that would put the present year at 2012-13.  For Ossanlin anyway.  And it's interesting that that would actually give Ossanlin the same birth year as myself...funny how that worked out.  >_>

Can anyone else follow that Crazy Train of thought?  Because NUMBERS!!!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 06:35:12 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: GESB: OOC Discussion
« Reply #5594 on: March 29, 2017, 09:52:25 AM » you really wanna open that can o' worms? The easy answer is this...
Heck yes I wanna. Thank you ^_^

Luke, a lot of Ossanlin's timeline can be tweaked to line up with the Rebellion timeline without too much trouble. The early 90s marks the beginning of the war on Earth, but the war between the Andalites and the Yeerks was raging for decades prior to that. Anijen posted a timeline forever ago that I've taken as my headcanon ever since, placing the start of the war in 1969, or thereabouts.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2017, 12:19:10 PM by Aluminator (Kit) »

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