Brian thought it was weird that Shaun suspected that there was more than just a search going on, but he didn't comment. No, he hadn't been in a search party before, but he'd done drills before in Scouts. Forgetting the fact that this was a Yeerk scheme, it seemed like a standard search party; large groups of people, meeting together in one place, being briefed by the person leading the search effort. Brian thought it should look normal to someone who didn't know better... but whatever. Some people were just always suspicious, and maybe even a little paranoid. "Yeah, sure. We can be in the same party. Let's be sure to keep our eyes open...." He was actually referring to the search with that last part, but he released it pretty much covered the whole event. Don't let your guard down. Brian was worried that Shaun would get in danger somehow, since he himself was such a danger magnet. And identified...
During 'Mr. Woodhouse's' briefing, Brian couldn't help but stare briefly at Jo's family members' faces. He was, quite frankly, scared.