I completely agree with the security issues, if the books were supposed to be released in real-time. Even if finding out that the Animorphs were human wasn't a big issue, there were so many clues left that would have been completely deadly. How many places just like The Gardens can you name? Find their head vet. Do your host have a younger brother and a cousin, both uninfested? If their description fits the bill at all, take them. Oh, hey, does your mall have a Cinnibon? I don't think you'd even have to spend full time at the foodcourt to figure something out.
Beyond talking about the Animorphs, themselves, what about their secrets? The known entrances to the Yeerk Pool? The battle between the Vissers? The Yeerk peace movement? The free Hork-Bajir? For goodness' sake, the Chee.
So, yes, I agree that this had to have been a clever narrative hook. I also completely admit that seeing "My name is Jake Berenson," for the first time was a real shocker. He used his real name. That was his real name. I guess that little hook really worked.