1. I used arial to seem a bit more original. For my first post, I used Times New Roman (I think) and for the second I used arial. (I think.) Following this, I made the assumption that someone would be annoyed if my font face were inconsistent, so I decided to stay with what I had chosen in the past. Starting now, I may convert to the regular text.
1a. Gosh. That sounds oddly religious.
1b. Just to let you know, I would never say "because the option exists." That's just as annoying as answering all questions with "because." It makes me want to bash my head against a wall.
1c. [rhetorical]Why am I organizing this text like some sort of court document?[/rhetorical]
2. My apologies. I try to use emoticons sparingly, but that time I couldn't help myself. I'll try to be more careful in future posts.
3. I want to let you know that I'm not typing this in a snarky manner. I actually want to know the answer to this question: are you bothered by me putting periods before quotation marks? In American English you are supposed to put the period before it, but you are not American and I want to avoid annoying people.
4. I am older than 10. (That's right, Dpsb! My age is even closer to being revealed! HAW HAW, ARREST ME FOR THAT!)