Author Topic: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices  (Read 2792 times)

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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2010, 06:21:20 PM »
I'm not disagreeing with you, Live action transitions such as DB and Animorphs have sucked, but really the most important part of TV/Movies, what many seem to neglect, is script.

I'm sure many love/hate LOST, but as a LOST fan, I feel that JJ Abrams did a great job of balancing Story, Character Development, Mystery, and of course special effects.

When you have story and character development that is well done the product will be successful.

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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2010, 06:58:03 PM »
I'll admit I've given serious thought to what I'd do were I the showrunner of an Animorphs TV series. I'd go live action, for sure. Also, this may be an unpopular choice, but I'd age them up to college. I KNOW that would lose a lot of the children/innocence themes in the book, but it would allow it to appeal to an older audience and push more boundaries in terms of storytelling. I'd hope for SyFy as the network to pick it up.

Having them older would mean I could make a few changes to the dynamics. I'd make Rachel a Marine, not a college student like the rest. Inspired by MM4, I'd give Marco and Rachel a romantic history, even if it ended with a lot of harsh words (when Marco dropped out of boot camp after his mother drowned??). Cassie would have come into their social circle a little bit later--and I don't think she and Jake would have taken as long to hook up. Finally, also inspired by MM4, I'd toy with Tobias a bit. At the beginning of the first episode, he's Jake's total douchebag roommate, student council president, polysci major with big ambitions and perfect hair. Who also happens to be a The Sharing bigwig. And then immediately post-construction site the others realize he's a controller and the resolution of that issue is the first major arc. Of course when they rescue him they learn that without the Yeerk he's the same sweet woobie we all know and love...and then promptly gets himself trapped.

Another thought I've had is maybe dropping Tobias' pokerface once he gets the ability to morph back--I don't know if that would play well on film. Tobias would hardcore be the hardest role to cast. He'd have to be flexible enough to play both ****!Tobias and sweet!Tobias (in the first episode and flashbacks), with an expressive enough voice that he could carry a mostly voiceover role, who could later in the series act without facial expression without appearing wooden. ALSO. Blonde and without a weird biker vibe. Christopher Ralph was a hottie but...I never found him to be a very convincing Tobias.
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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2010, 05:09:14 PM »
I like some ideas such as aging/romantic developments, but college is too far; i think high school is an experience everyone goes through and will be more accessible.

Also your storyline involving Tobias already being infested might be changing to source material a bit too much. Adapting is good, but adding new plot lines seldom works out in the end

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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2010, 07:21:25 PM »
     Both have the potential, but they both have their faults. Honestly, I would want a live action series, but I would accept an animated series, too (just not manga or anime...but that's just a personal issue). As long as they get 1) Unknown actors, 2) solid writing group, 3) decent-above average budget. There should NOT be a movie because that would be asinine. Unless, of course, they release the Invasion as a stand alone, and then release a television series. That way, they have a blockbuster hit focusing on a SINGLE novel adaptation, and a potentionally successful tv series that could lead to future movie adaptations. Sort of like what they did with Spiderman after the film was released; they released an animated show that directly followed the events of the film.

     The major problem that we face with a live action show is the special effects. I have thought about it long and hard, and I can not seem to imagine the Animorphs happening as a live action show; what with the aliens, animals/animal trainers, and morphing, especially. The one thing that really killed the original tv series--aside from the fact that they strayed so far away from the canon series that you could hardly tell they were doing an Animorphs tv series-- was that Power-Rangers-esque style they used for morphing; the one-by-one morphing sequence, where you watch their faces change. It was cheesy, time consuming, and just unrealistic. I still don't know how a live action show--or an animated show for that matter-- would be able to work out the morphing sequence. I think that's something a producer/director should REALLY focus on. How to make this stuff look like MORPHING, and not something any idiot can do with photoshop. How would YOU see the kids morphing? Because I really can't think of anything.

Post Merged: December 07, 2010, 07:33:45 PM
     Another major area to focus on is characters and writing;  deciding what to keep, what to cut, who to cast for these major roles, etc. etc. etc. I would want this new show to be AS TRUE TO THE SERIES AS POSSIBLE. No adding characters/plots/plot devices/ dialogue. Also, try to keep the names of the characters--mainly the parents-- canon. We don't need any Jeremies and Johns, when they're so obviously named Peter and Walter. No more nerdy kids stalking Rachel because they have a crush on Rachel (unless that actually happened in the series?), and no changes to the pairings. Sure, have some hints and red herrings; like the Rachel/Marco thing, since they have some sort of chemistry going on. In short....CONTINUTIT Y IS IMPORTANT!

     This brings me to my next point. I would want the writers to have actually read, or atleast know the important points of the series. There are a lot of stories on that not only trump the cheesy script of the Nick series, but also manage to sound a lot like what K.A would write. Honestly, I know that I constantly boast about this, but Capnnerefir's Neomorphs series is brilliant. I don't know if anyone else has read it, but it sounds like this guy really knows the characters. I mean REALLY knows the characters. He's also a brilliant writer, and smart enough to know what works and what doesn't work. And he isn't the only one. Hotpink Coffee and Alikat are effective writers. There's that guy who wrote Sacred Host and the Garatron Chronicles. Bird of poetry is a decent writer. Powerpen was brilliant for comedy, but I haven't seen anything new from him. And Lady Kino wrote Animorphs 2010, and that seemed to make the idea of Animorphs in modern times work.

     But imagine entire writing staff of Fanfiction writers. Ha-ha!
     It woud be foolish to even consider..good thing we have the foolishness that was ANITV

Post Merged: December 07, 2010, 07:46:21 PM
     I agree with the idea of using unknowns for the show; that applies to all characters--kids and grown ups. If they were doing an Animorphs film, I could see them using some generally known actors, but not for the show. Whether it's animation/live action I would say that it's essential that the actors be above the age of sixteen, but under the age of twenty. The writers may want to boost the ages of the Animorphs to fifteen or sixteen, but only because I can't believe that middle-schoolers would be able to "save the world" and keep their sanity. And I would want the actors to look similar to how they're portrayed on the book covers. But then there's the question of Tobias...Personally, I never pictured him as a blonde (I actually preferred Christopher Ralphs portrayal of Tobias...though I would have lightened up with the leather...geez), but if the fans want a blonde, then they should get a blonde (by the way, how many blondes are in this book? Rachel, Tobias, David, James, Melissa, Taylor, Loren...everyone and their grandmother has blonde hair...Neo-Nazi what?)

     I definitely think they should expand roles of the Secondaries; namely David and Erek, since they're what I consider to be crucial. Make the relationship between the main cast and their families sort of a sub-plot--which I have to admit, the original tv series did rather well. They could also use this new show to redeem a lot of things that we disliked about the series...I'm not suggesting that we change it. I'm just saying that they would have the opportunity to handle certain situations differently (David's return?). I also think characters that appear later in the series--Ax, Erek and Melissa-- into main cast members somewhere into the second or third seasons.


Post Merged: December 07, 2010, 07:53:41 PM
     That brings me to my next point; the episodes. We have a good 54 books (excluding megamorphs and chronicles) worth of material. Now, a lot of people consider most of the books to be filler, and I have to agree. But I would definitely consider using most of those "filler" books as material for the show. I also think that some original episodes would make some sense, as long as they remained true to the series. Just a few episodes that progress relationships between the characters, and expand on ideas. This allows the show to run longer (theoretically) and appeals to the audience. But there's still the question of two-parters, three-parters, beginning/final arcs...etc. Obviously season one begins with the Invasion, but where does it end? How many episodes should be limited to a season? Theoretically, how many seasons could be produced before we reach book 54?

     Episode one might have to be a two-parter, unless the shows run for 45-60 minutes (preferable to a 30 minute show).

Post Merged: December 07, 2010, 08:37:22 PM
     For each season you need something to keep the audience interested. You need a kick ass season premiere that makes the viewers say, "This is deffinitely something I will tune into every week!" And a season finale that leaves them thinking, "Man, how are they going to top THAT!" But what would be the season finale for the first season? One of the logical options would be the David trilogy for the Season Two Premiere, and expand that arc into about five or six episodes. They could end season one with the change; maybe have the last few minutes focus on Rachel discovering Tobias' return to his human form. Obviously, season one should focus on the kids getting used to their powers, the invasion, and trying to balance saving the world with being a teenager. The Chee, Visser One, the Ellimist, the Oatmeal incident, and (maybe) the peace movement should make some sort of appearance.

     Each season--if the show is so successful-- should get darker and darker as the show progresses. In season two you get David, the introduction of the Drode and Crayak, Taylor, and the explorations into the themes of right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, Marco's conflicts concerning his mother, Rachel's own self-conflict, etc.

     I would personally like to see the show having four seasons, atleast. But I guess, if nobody could come up with anything for a fourth season, the third season would mostly focus on the last few books; where our characters are pretty much unrecognisable.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 08:37:22 PM by TobiasMasonPark »
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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 09:57:07 PM »
How would YOU see the kids morphing? Because I really can't think of anything.

If it were animated, I could see the morphing being animated like so:

Only in motion. Really focusing on each part at a time.

Also, try to keep the names of the characters--mainly the parents-- canon. We don't need any Jeremies and Johns, when they're so obviously named Peter and Walter.

In the show's defense, Peter and Walter didn't get canon names until #52, IIRC. I think all of the parents, bar Eva, didn't get named until the final arc. So really, the show just had to make up names.

Hotpink Coffee and Alikat are effective writers.

*blush* And on behalf of Alikat (who is in my dorm room ATM), I would like to add that she is also flattered and blushing. <3

(by the way, how many blondes are in this book? Rachel, Tobias, David, James, Melissa, Taylor, Loren...everyone and their grandmother has blonde hair...Neo-Nazi what?)

Eh, there are a ton of brunettes, too. All of Marco's family, Jake and Tom, Jordan and Naomi, Cassie's family, Erek and Mr. King, Allison Kim, and so on.

Now, as for blondes being villains, you might be able to make a case for that.

Make the relationship between the main cast and their families sort of a sub-plot--which I have to admit, the original tv series did rather well.

Thumbs up!

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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #20 on: December 07, 2010, 10:07:31 PM »
     Alright, that picture was just BRILLIANT! Now that is what I would want the series to look like!
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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #21 on: December 07, 2010, 11:08:36 PM »
From my personal perspective, and from a practical viewpoint, I'd say that animation is probably the way to go. As mentioned by some people, it would be so much easier to nail down certain aspects such as hiring animal trainers, getting the animals themselves, epic fight sequences and of course, the morphing.

However, as much as animation would give everyone less of a headache, I'd still choose to go for live action if I were given total control of the project. In my personal opinion, animation just doesn't manage to capture that sense of, well, energy and passion when it comes to bringing this series alive. Plus, and this is just my personal opinion, animation will struggle a bit compared to live action when it comes to attracting a broader range of viewers. As in, more grown-ups and adults will probably tune in to watch a live action series about kids morphing rather than an animation which may give it away as being a little bit too childish.

And I'm sure many of us here agree that with the current level of technology and special FX, coupled to a diligent group of animators, the morphing will definitely look pretty outstanding.


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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2010, 11:32:42 AM »
I think an animated series is a great idea, because it offers more freedom in how the character looks, as opposing to restricting them to the appearance of the on-screen actor.
As far as voices actors go?

Jake: I'd keep Shawn Ashmore from the original TV Series

Marco: Joshua Gomez (Morgan from "Chuck", the TV series that the U.S [and my wife] has gotten me obsessed with)

Tobias: Zacahry Levi (Chuck from "Chuck". Also in Halo: Reach and Arcade Gannon from Fallout: New Vegas and, so he' already a tested voice actor)

Rachel: Felicia Day (from Buffy, The Guild and Fallout: New Vegas)

Cassie: Rutina Wesley (Tara from "True Blood")

Visser Three: Peter Stormare (Lucifer from the film "Constantine")

As for animation style, I'd have to go with a more anime feels that doesn't overlook or censor what happens in the book. [spoiler]Like flesh peeling away from fingers to reveal fingertips of bone the first time David morphs.[/spoiler]

In that regard, I'd probably use the team from the original Neon Genesis: Evangelion.

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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2010, 08:42:19 PM »
The writers may want to boost the ages of the Animorphs to fifteen or sixteen, but only because I can't believe that middle-schoolers would be able to "save the world" and keep their sanity.

Most of them didn't

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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2010, 06:02:54 PM »
     Also, I would have the original cast make cameo appearances in this new show.

     As bad as most of them were, imagine an episode where Christopher Ralph appeared as a controller, or Paulo Constanzo played on of the other two Andalites on Earth (Mertil and whatshisface?). I think it would make everyone watching the new show feel some nostalgia. I wouldn't say have all of them appear in one episode (though, if you're into the whol reunion thing, then that could work) but have them make guest appearances in a few episodes throughout the series.
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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2010, 06:51:03 PM »
I think if I was gonna do a show, I'd want the Jim Henson company to do it. They did a beautiful job with Farscape, and if it could be at that kind of level, with all the aliens and creatures, and probably CG animals (just because you couldn't use real animals for everything and it would be a noticable switch) it could be fantastic.

I'd probably like to make the characters a little bit older, like maybe early high school or something, like Glee is.

But if we're talking movies here, then I'd go with what they mentioned on Animorphs: the Radio Drama and go with the David trilogy. You have the team already in place, but you get an in with David and the intro that he's given. It seems like a normal teen drama flick, and then suddenly ALIENS AND WILD ANIMALS ARE IN MY HOUSE which throws it into the scifi world and then you get the intro to the whole war and everything there. I'd see that movie like ten times.

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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2010, 07:01:26 PM »
     If it involves David, then I would see it at least once a week :P Untill the DVD came out. And I think I would by one of those special edition DVDs too, just because it's David! :P
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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2010, 06:47:48 PM »
If it was Animorphs at all, that'd be me as well.

OT, but someone on Livejournal wrote a Animorphs/Glee fanfic and it was the most fantastic thing I've ever read. I need more Animorphs in my life. So happy that this place exists. <3


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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2010, 12:43:18 AM »

Tobias: Zacahry Levi (Chuck from "Chuck". Also in Halo: Reach and Arcade Gannon from Fallout: New Vegas and, so he' already a tested voice actor)

Levi as my favuorite Animorph! *faints*


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Re: Creating an Animorphs Series: Your Choices
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2010, 12:46:19 AM »
Levi as my favuorite Animorph! *faints*

It'd just be like replacing the Intersect with the Escafil Device :P