Hi I'm SPARTAN-219 SITHsnipah . . . You can call me SITH (
Note: Not Star Wars related). In RL I'm Chris 21 years old I'm quarter German & very proud of that
I'm also quarter Norwegian which well they were the Viking culture so I have two blood thirsty cultures pulsing through my veins it explains alot. I try to reserve my anger & not show how annoyed I generally am by particular things but @ times I fail & my cynical side emerges to rain destruction . . . Sorry if you become a victim. I've been in the RP scene for a few years mainly on MYSPACE & IM battles through MSN Particularly in HALO but also general Anime/Vampire scenarios. I work in the construction field been @ it since I was seventeen I've become well rounded in many fields including Lathing/Plastering, Flooring, Carpentry.
I have started my own business SITH INDUSTRIES I build custom AR-15's for clients as well as modifying their current firearms, Current Military optics, Parts, Accessories including Body Armour.
I don't smoke But I do drink & Feel that people that drink & drive are ****'s that destroy other peoples lives but never their own. I'm in a dedicated Relationship with my childhood sweetheart Melody, Were planning on getting married in the next year or so either way I'm in complete awe of her & know she is my soul mate.
Best Friends well Cassi, Brandon (Parker) that's about it on that subject. I am a retired gamer in the aspect of lessening the time spent on LIVE along with just general game time. I'm political when it's needed but generally I don't believe either side they all lie 24/7 & they are only out for their own interests as far as I've seen as of late. I'm a conservative & I feel strongly about my rights under the constitution which is under attack constantly now days.
I know it's very random but I'm not very good @ describing myself so feel free to ask me any questions & ill answer
Sincerely SITH