Madrid, SpainA 49 year old man was sitting outside a cafe drinking an iced lemonade, of all things. He was origionally French but moved down south to Spain when he was 23 this was evident in his strange blended accent.
He was interested in aliens since he was four years old and he believed this for all of his life. In his hometown he was considered to be nothing more than an idiot despite the fact that he was very bright. When he went off to college he decided to study Cryptobiology and was forced to stop by his father, who prefered him to go into buisness. He altered his corse and majored in biology but still secretly minored in Cryptobiology. As soon as he got his deploma he literally walked out of the building got in his car and drove straight off to Spain. As soon as he could he became a Spainish citizen and went into law enforcement. Currently he was a Sargent in the Madrid police force.
Then from the end of the street he saw it. A man was walking up the sidewalk towards him slowly an clumsily as if he was walking on stilts. Eventually he got to the table.
"Senor D-D-DePoncede-le-leon."
"Si, quién eres?"
"S-Soy un re-repres-representante del Interpol. pol." The waitress came by and asked the man what he would like to drink he asked for an iced coffee with extra sugar.
"E-Estamos creand-do un grupo de-de trabajo especial p-p-p-para hacer fr-frente a cuestiones intergaláctico. Q-Queremos que es-estará a cargo de uno de estos nnnn-nuevos grupos de-de trabajo. trabajo. ¿Le interesa?"
"ere un andalite?"
"¿C-C-Cómo lo su-supiste?"
Four days later he was in his new office, unpacking the various things from his old office in Madird. "Time to make a new start." he thought to himself.