David: MYYYYyyyy PRECIOUSSSSSsssss!! Naaasss-ty Animorphses, they stole it! They took the Precious! gollum They tooks it from usss, and we wantss it BACK! Tricksss-y Animorphses! Deceivers!
David: NOOOoooo! Thems is NICE Animorphses! Animorphses was GOOD to David. Animorphses LIKE David.
David: LIAR!! They HATES us! gollum They tooks it from us, so we is going to STEAL it BACK from them!
David: But...we CAN'T steal from the master!
David: STUPID!! The master LIES to us! He's not our master!
David: Shut up!
David: NO!
David: I SAID shut UP!! Leave us alone! Go away, and NEVER come BACK!
David: NO!!
David: Go away, and NEVER COME BACK!...wait...where did you go? *crickets*