I voted "yes" (Adam and slushie can call me a traitor all they want, at this point i really don't give a damn) because it started out as a nice idea, a little RAFneighborhood watch, but it quickly got out of hand and led to fights between the members and the REAL RAFpolice, our mods. I stuck by them for as long as I could and i admittedly did take their side in beginning of the fight, which included talking about mods behind their backs which I am sorry for. But eventually I did realize that all this fighting was dumb and tried to bring both sides up on how they're being ridiculous and where does that get me!? well I'll tell you! the mods for the most part agreed with me but as for my fellow officers, I was suspended from the RAFpolice and then demoted, Adam seems to not trust me anymore, i find a whole twitter blog about how im a traitor, and Slushie hasn't spoken to me since, i think he even blocked me on skype(keep in mind that this wasn't supposed to get as serious as it did) and after this post I'll probably be fired. Seriously guys, grow the hell up!
Now regardless of everything that went down, i still DON'T believe that Adam was just hungry for his former mod powers when he started this. I truly do believe that he started this with good intentions but unfortunately some members started taking this too seriously and look where it is now! To any "police officers" i may have pissed off with this post, I apologize but I'm tired of all the drama this, supposedly non-serious, organization has caused and we were better off without it. Now I don't want any tantrums being seen from the police just because they've been shut down (like taking away your contributions to the site that actually did serve a purpose) there's no need for that, like I said before, grow up!
And Adam, despite what you think, up until now, I was not intentionally disrespecting the force I made that post earlier hoping it would end an argument that would have resulted in the RAFspam police thing being shut down a lot earlier than it already was and I'd appreciate it if you slushie talked to me directly about whatever problem you have with me and not talk about me to other people behind my back like little middle schoolers! You know you have to get a reality check when I'M actually telling you to be more mature.