I'd love to see Anati just to know if it was a world or a strategic location, a race on the planet or just rescources. But then again I'd love to see the Yeerk home world, somehow I doubt Visser Three's image of it was all that accurate, since really, when would he have lived on it or seen it with his eyes? He didn't inhabit a Gedd on the world, he became a controller later, I think he just envisioned it as something harsh and horrible because that might have been what he was told, it might have been Yeerk military doctrine, in order to soften the blow of having lost their own home world, to imply that it wasn't that great anyway. Just a thought at least.
And while I agree that the Animorphs should have tried using and obtaining Dracon beams there might be better excuses within their world than we're allowing, morality and anti-gun messages are all well and good in our world but what justifiable reason did they have? Were they so anti-guns that they'd set a hot tub full of yeerks to a boil but never pull a trigger? I doubt it. But these kids refused to speak to the yeerks for ages out of fear they might guess they were humans because of something they'd say, they're clearly very careful.
So what if the Yeerk dracon beams had tracking chips or something? True Ax could probably find and disable them but I personally doubt it because he might lack the equipment, knowledge or worse the tracking device might well be an essential part of the weapon.
In book 19 Atran freaks out about losing her issued dracon beam, she says she'll be punished for losing it but clearly she doesnt get killed for it . . . why not?
Why would an alien species trying to very secretly take over the planet and hide their own existence from us be okay with a high powered beam weapon floating around out in the woods for any hiker to find? They probably had a way of finding the weapon again, otherwise why spare the one who lost it? Controllers were killed for far lesser crimes. That the controllers looking for her knew the general area to look in kind of adds to this line of thought, at least for me, Aftran didn't tell anyone where she was going and Cassie's farm wasn't described as being that close to where the Sharing meeting took place which would have been the more logical place for a search party to be looking for her.
Then again it's been a while since I read that book, maybe there was some great excuse, still to me it makes sense that they would have been homing in on her dracon beam, not her personally, and if Ax knew there was no way to remove the tracking device in the beam he wouldn't take them to his home.
Of course later in the series when the Yeerks know where the hork bajir colony is, this is harder to justify and indeed in the heat of battle when the enemy knows where you are anyway, it's almost pointless not to take up a weapon, maybe Marco just felt more comfortable using his own two hands, and maybe Ax had some sort of reason for not using a dracon beam himself, I'll go out on a limb and say he might not have been able to bend over and lift it off the ground . . . yeah, I know that doesnt really work, but maybe it was seen as a dishonorable act instead.