Quote from: Faerie Larka on Yesterday at 20:53:47
Dare I ask what happened on Night's Omen?
a huge mess involving some guy named darren, i think. he followed them here and started complaining, telling us to ban them for the havok they wrecked on his forum. Ah, the good old days!! I miss being a staff member!! it was fun dealing with that guy
anyways!! welcome back brad!!
Hahaha, yeah, basically that, but the 'havok' we wreaked?
One. Thread.
We contained ourselves to the quietest part of their bored-board equivalent, and from there we had ourselves a good bit of vengful and satisfying fun. Good times, good times.
(Ordinarily, I'd've done nothing of the sort, and certainly I'd not have brought ANna and Brad into it, but... yeah, I was just reeeeally pi$$ed at Darren, that site's unnecessarily dictatorial mod.)