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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9990 on: August 26, 2010, 10:18:31 PM »
Cody was lost in thought, still sulking over his glass when Myitt yelled at the top of her lungs. He jumped three feet and landed on his hurt leg, yelling in pain.

Claxter was also taken by surprise. <Oh, hello Myitt. Keshin was taken away by the Hork-Bajir controller. I don't know where he is.> He said while trying to help Cody up. Cody himself was seething, but seemed torn between blaming Myitt for scaring the crap out of him, or being angrier with Parker as the one indirectly responsible for his current pain.

"Man, I want to go home so bad right now."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9991 on: August 26, 2010, 10:41:51 PM »
At Myitt's familiar voice, the brown-haired woman's head snaps up in surprise. She looks around to spot its owner, which turns out to be a remarkably simple task, considering how wildly the Yeerk rebel is gesticulating.

The woman slides off her barstool but does not make her way towards them. Dr. Pepper still in her right hand, she tells Myitt in private thought-speech. <<I am here--just arrived. Is everything alright?>>
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9992 on: August 26, 2010, 11:11:14 PM »
Silver was grateful for Parker. As he kept his hand woth hers she was able to focus. She could see aman seething towards Parker but wasn't sure why. It was Cody from before. That was when a woman came in and started yelling for a bounty hunter. Silver now had a headache as she realized that she had missed out on more than she thought.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9993 on: August 27, 2010, 12:22:05 AM »
((Crap. I'm gone for two days and it's as if I were gone for two years. XD Sorry about the delay, guys. And thank you for being patient. Looks like the Bar is right back into full swing again. ; ) School will come around, but I might actually be more attentive then. That is, if I get back into my old habits. :P ))

Keshin groans almost as soon as Ossanlin enters the ship. This whole affair was getting a lot more complicated than he really wanted it to be. If he tells Ossanlin onboard the ship that he ordered the hit on him, Ossanlin might see right through him. <He seems to be a lot smarter than these other two guys in my opinion. He'll figure that I'll care more about the difficulty of the hit than the odds of me souring a relationship with someone.>

<You sure, Kess? That's givin' him a ton of credit.>

<He's a freaking Andalite War Prince. He deserves some.>

<And we can't wait for this Salem guy forever. If he doesn't find an opportunity within the next twenty minutes or so...we're just going to have to waste the hit, aren't we? ....damn. And I don't want to sour the deal with Corliss unless I'm sure of Myitt's death.>

Keshin eventually shrugs and states, "Sounds like the Andalite's making the most sense of anyone on this boat. He's put together the evidence he has and figured out the two most likely targets and the most logical client. So what I don't get is why you need the names. Why don't you just warn everyone in your little club that Static Shock is most likely gunning for one of them?"

Keshin then smirks. "You guys are so paranoid that the security you'll put up in response to that'll probably stop me straight off."
Mar then nods at Ossanlin's words, raising an eyebrow at the trapped entities in the cage. He glances over their emotions and smirks as he recognizes their panic. "Hmm. Enough time and you should be able to loosen the lips of the bounty hunter. But whatever you do..."

Mar gives Ossanlin a very strong look. "...make sure Myitt is protected. Regardless of who the hit is on, we did not resurrect her just to be undone by a Yeerk and its pet."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9994 on: August 27, 2010, 03:19:51 AM »
((Sorry Al, don't really know your char's species or looks, I'm gonna refer to him by name for now but I won't post any distinguishing features as I don't know them.  :p ))

Ossanlin looks over at Salem, his main eyes darkening.  <Quite frankly you don't know anything about me.  If you knew even the slightest bit about who I am, you wouldn't have said that.  If you knew the Inferno I've just been through to try and help that conceited, self-absorbed, whining child of a human-yeerk nothlit that many people refer to as Terenia...>  Ossanlin shakes his head and turns to Kesshin in surprise as he speaks.

<You compliment me Kesshin...though it could be a tactic as well, trying to bait me or mislead me or such.  Nevertheless I would believe you given the facts and the current situation.  I suppose you know enough about me to know I'm a little more than a regular andalite, just as your host is a little more than a regular human.  I'm not so interested in names...I'm interested in how Tamora managed to convince you to endanger your deal with Corliss.  Unless I'm mistaken, that drug you two so badly need is worth more than money to you.  Why possibly disrupt such a stable pipeline for mere currency?  I can't imagine it was an exorbitant amount...Zorish was only a Sub-Visser after all.>

As Ossanlin waits for Kesshin's response, he sends a private thought to Mar.  <<Yes, I would like to keep Myitt safe as well.  Unfortunately I think she's already suffered some mental trauma...she's not happy with what she did on the Mirage...I think it will leave a deep scar.  It pains me to think I was responsible for that scar...but physically Myitt can take care of herself...usually.  I don't want to see her dead any more than you do.  Or...well...I don't want to see her dead.>>  Ossanlin's expression stays neutral, main eyes locked on Kesshin as he speaks privately to Mar.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 03:21:56 AM by Roger the Shrubber (Ossanlin) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9995 on: August 27, 2010, 06:05:08 AM »
Tamora nods slowly, looking a bit reluctant to leave now that she has seen not only her own escape route, but a million new possibilities.

"Yeah..." she murmurs, "yeah, let's go back to the bar. Say, so how does it work, anyways? What kind of engine allows you to go to different universes?"


When Terenia enters the bar, closely behind Corliss, and sees that the bounty hunter is in fact no longer there she becomes even more paranoid. She shuffles to the side, out of the doorway, so that her back is against the wall and glares at the various bar patrons suspiciously. When Claxter speaks her head jerks in his direction, frustration and anger clouding her face.

<<He's one of the ones responsible for this mess,>> Terenia growls accusingly to Efaen, <<You and your precious Andalites.>>

<<So is Myitt, and you seem to have forgiven her.>> Efaen points out.

<<Myitt was acting out of self-interest.>> Terenia scoffs, <<Self-preservation. I can respect that. That do-gooder Andalite was just trying to make everything right in the galaxy.>> she snorts, her expression darkening, <<Do all Andalites have delusions of being superheroes? Or just the particularly stupid ones?>>

<<He was trying to help,>> Efaen shoots back, <<Although how anyone would be willing to help a child like yourself, I do not know.>>

<<Hmph.>> Terenia allows her gaze to shift away from Claxter and look around the rest of the bar, confirming that Keshin was no longer present.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9996 on: August 27, 2010, 12:47:26 PM »
Asda was keeping an eye on the vitals, as long as things stayed a certain way, she knew that meant Andromeda was still undergoing changes. Hopefully soon, they would stop. Since the process was accelerated, it shouldn't have lasted much longer.

"Her vitals are stabilizing," Asda said as she stepped away from the computer. "Time to assess the change."

One change was blatantly obvious. In the speedy change, something that at normal pace would have been far from comfortable, in place of forelocks on Andromeda's head were two snakes. Both were very much alive.

"Well," Asda said, "we know now what end results they were trying to achieve. I wish I knew that they hoped to accomplish with all this! It makes me so upset."

Asda pulled off Gaz's jacket to assess any other changes. On each arm, running down to the hand was a stripe of skin that had been replaced with green-blue scales. Pulling off the cloth that had been placed over Andromeda's eyes, and checking them revealed that Andromeda now had very snake-like eyes.

"At least we can be sure that she won't have Medusa's changing power," Asda commented. "I would hate to think if the CG had figured out how to replicate that."

Morgan was still holding his wife's hand, waiting for her to revive. Asda put a comforting hand on his arm.

"It could have been a lot worse, Captain," Asda said to him.

Morgan nodded. "Once again, I'm grateful for all you've done. I'm not sure what this crew would do without you." Glancing at his wife, Morgan commented, "I hope the snakes are friendly."

"My guess is they're connected to her in more than one way," Asda repied, "in theory they should respond to Andromeda's feelings. We'll have to wait and see."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9997 on: August 27, 2010, 01:19:43 PM »
~ niiice!!!!~
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9998 on: August 27, 2010, 02:18:32 PM »
((I totally agree with Mythica on this one. Badass, Gaz ^_^ And Ossy, no worries  ;) Salem's human, looks to be in his early twenties, reddish hair, moderate build, currently wearing a purplish dress jacket and pants that give the impression of looking into a deep lake or ocean. He's actually wanted by the Andalites where he comes from, but very few would know his face, and he's not using his real name. Plus, I'm betting they're not Ossanlin's Andalites ::)))

Human-Yeerk nothlit? Drug? And Keshin's got contracts against friends of clients? I wonder if I'm even needed here, Salem thought to himself. With the way the conversation's going, they may actually let Keshin go. This Andalite seems alright in my book.

He decided he'd best be ready to stir things up anyway.

"An Andalite War-Prince comes to this bar, throws together his own band of thugs, and expects to terrorize and control those who won't join him," Salem muttered darkly, just loudly enough to be heard by the beings on the ship. "Typical Andalite. Arrogant. Always willing to help others by getting them killed." He pulled the small cell-phone like device from his pocket and began fiddling with it. Without looking up, he continued, "Remind me to throw a ****in' parade."


Al altered the hull of the ship to absorb energy on the wavelengths most commonly detected by sensors, especially known Yeerk sensors. The result should be that the ship would seem invisible to most sensors. The ship drifted to within twenty yards of Temrash's parked ship, and Al turned the nose to face the unusual Yeerk fighter.

<<Hey, I should be within thought speak range now. Just say the word and I'll push the button.>> Al called to Salem.

Salem's response came back immediately, <<Okay. Not sure we'll need it, but I should be making it tense enough over here to stir up trouble at a second's notice. I'll let you know.>>

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #9999 on: August 27, 2010, 06:05:59 PM »
(Thanks!  ;D)

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10000 on: August 27, 2010, 08:05:23 PM »
~ -hugs Gaz- no biggie lol ~
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10001 on: August 27, 2010, 10:10:46 PM »
Keshin smirks at Ossanlin, trying to relax as much as he can within a forcefield surrounded by people trying to decide his fate. "Hmm. It's true that either target would threaten my deal with Corliss. He wouldn't be exactly thrilled if either you or Myitt died. But it's also true that managing to kill either one of you will net me enough money to get roughly the same amount of medicine Corliss is offering me."

"After all..." Keshin shrugs. "...a lot of people want you guys dead. Your names are basically up on the Empire's most loathed "list". Though you're just disliked as a powerful Andalite hero. I don't necessarily have to collect the bounty from my specific client. And even if I do...if they can't provide the standard amount they'll owe me quite a bit in cash or service. Money is either way more certain than a promise from a rebel that he'll get me what I need in time. Though it's something to fall back on. I don't trust anyone, War Prince."
Mar nods quietly in response to Ossanlin's statements. Whatever happened on the Mirage was more damaging than he had thought. He should have gone with her, but he was too enamored with his sweet Elayne. What are you doing, you old fool? Getting involved with another woman. Ignoring your Precious. Checking up on some Andalite who plays for the other can you be getting so lost in this Bar? In your humanity.

Mar rubs his forehead and then sends back a message of his own. <Did killing an "innocent" really destroy her so? Myitt is a particularly resilient variation. It would be odd for her to feel such strong emotions about an enemy. Still, I am not one to complain. When we are done here, perhaps I will try to find her. She loathes me, but I need to see the damage done myself.>
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 10:21:11 PM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10002 on: August 27, 2010, 10:50:50 PM »
Ossanlin fights off the urge to press his blade to the red-haired human's throat, and takes a deep breath, calming himself.  He ignores the young human and concentrates on Kesshin.  <Buying the medicine would present its own risks.  You'd have to put your own neck out in some contact within the Empire to get you the drug in exchange for the money.  All sorts of risks there.  If Corliss nabs it independently, you have much less to worry about.  If the theft goes wrong, the blame falls on the rebels and you avoid any implication.  The rebels can be ruthless, but I think they're much more trustworthy than anyone still associated with the Empire.  And you don't have any idea that Tamora can even pay you.  It doesn't make any sense...but if you continue to pursue Myitt as a target, things could become unpleasant, and I'd rather not be forced to do something I really don't want to do.>

Ossanlin continues to keep his gaze level on Kesshin while sending another personal thought to Mar.  <<She did what she thought was necessary, but I think it affected her more than she thought it would.  You see, what she did would be considered a war-crime.  You may not see it that way, but there are certain things that one simply does not do in war...that was one of them.  People who commit these crimes live in a shadow of horrid abomination for the rest of their lives and beyond.  Hated by all forever.  And the emotional implications are even more severe...>>
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10003 on: August 27, 2010, 11:00:19 PM »
"I think you're starting to overstay your welcome Salem." Temrash said as he turned to his computer to input some commands. "Make your way out and back to the bar. You're upsetting my ally, who is already upset enough."

Claxter saw what appeared to be tamora alongside Myitt, with a different set of clothes and dracons. It was a confusing sight. <May I ask what you are doing with Myitt, armed with dracons?> He asked the person likely to be Tamora.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10004 on: August 27, 2010, 11:47:05 PM »
Parker watched as Claxter approached Terenia. It wasn't until now that Parker had even noticed her wardrobe change. Either she was no longer comfortable in her skivvies, or she wanted to use misdirection on her potential assailants. Knowing Claxter's feeling towards Terenia, Parker sat on the edge of his seat, ready to spring to action at any moment. Unfortunately, nudging toward terenia forced his hand slightly away from Silver. He still held her hand, but only with his fingers. He looked back and forth between Terenia and Silver, torn between his duty and his love. If he breaks contact with Silver, she could spiral into a coma again; but if he stays, Terenia wouldn't be as safe without his guarding her. He swore to protect Terenia, but he couldn't abandon his love when she needed him most. He knew a moment would come that would force him to choose; but for now, he'll keep an eye on Terenia, but stay with Silver. The moment may come later, but Parker already knew what his choice will be.
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