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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10065 on: August 31, 2010, 11:23:18 PM »
Corliss watches Terenia depart, in alarm.

"Hey, wait a minute, you'll get yourselves killed!" he calls after her, to no avail.

"Nah, I think we've got it covered," Myitt replies dully to Tora.  She sighs and throws up her arms.  "If you want, you can come with.  I'd just hate to see you in the middle of all this mess."

Corliss runs out the door after Terenia.

"Of course, he loves this mess," Myitt continues conversationally, watching the swinging door.  "He can't get enough of it."

<Jesus, mate, she's nice and all but let's not get ourselves killed for her sake!> Mike protests.  <Hello, are you even listening to me?>

Corliss hurries after Terenia, Dracon drawn.  "Terenia, wait," he huffs.  "You can't just pit yourself against her like this!"


((Poor Hadrin! :( ))

Hadrin shudders, feeling his body shut down.  His life ends with his host's, his human friend.  The Yeerk slithers out of Justin's head and slowly crawls to his uniform's shoulder, where Hadrin withers away into dust.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10066 on: August 31, 2010, 11:53:31 PM »
Silver looked at Parker as he raised her hand to his guard and he mentioned the bubble. She nodded and watched him run to uphold his duty. She kept the device for the bubble close and in quick reach.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10067 on: September 01, 2010, 03:10:45 AM »
((sooo, before i bring in my new character, whats the go with everything happening outside?))

GESB Character: Subject #2218
Intro Rando Character: Hunter

'There are days I hate being me, but then again, I'm not you.'

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10068 on: September 01, 2010, 04:10:56 AM »
((Hunter... um... basically, Keshin's run from Temrash's ship to Salem's, and the former is now flying and shooting at the latter. Ossanlin's injured and on the ground, and this has sent everyone else running around like chickens with their heads cut off :P No, I kid. Most characters in the bar do seem to be gravitating towards the action in one way or another, though. How specific do you want?))

Salem jerked in surprise when Elayne yelled, then stood and followed the direction of her gaze. There was the Andalite, crumpled in the dirt near where his ship had just been, his legs bent at angles that he was pretty sure they weren't supposed to bend at. He cursed under his breath.

Not a week out of Andalite space and I get a War-Prince killed? Especially after I was so disrespectful... Even less time in the company of Yeerks and the person I'm helping blows up a member of some civil resistance? I needed to talk to those two. This is not going well...

He looked up and saw Temrash's ship fire a shot at his own. His own ship then began to move away.

Don't scratch my paint job, Al...

He stuffed his weapon back inside his jacket and looked around. He wanted to help the damn Andalite, but he wasn't sure he wouldn't get caught in some kind of crossfire if he went out there. He raised an eyebrow towards Elayne and Mar, and began to jog towards Ossanlin, trying to keep the two in his peripheral vision as he went. He felt a slight sense of relief when he noticed Thordon descending towards Ossanlin.

Immortal will fix this.


The inside of Salem's ship was dark, and the room was egg-shaped, with walls that curved outward and no sharp edges to be seen. There were no dedicated light sources, but the walls, floor and ceiling themselves shone with light. Currently, the ground was represented by dull green lights, showing contour lines, along the floor and somewhat up the walls. The bodies of those within range showed up on the ship's walls as white, dead giveaways that the people owning them were there. Temrash's ship floating overhead shone as a flashing red version of itself on the ceiling. Al, sitting in his chair near the middle of the room, hands on the controls, only had to look around himself to see the full situation. Standing, bolted to the floor around the room, were a series of stainless steel shelving units. They looked very out of place in this ship's interior. Objects of all sorts, from alien to mundane, were sitting on the shelves, but many of them had fallen off and were now being thrown around the room with Al's motions. The arrowhead shape that indicated Temrash's ship blinked orange for a second, and then his blast rocked the ship. The location it had hit on the ship's exterior flashed white. It was the same spot as last time. The ship was blasted downward and slammed into the dirt, knocking a few more objects off the shelves, before rebounding and continuing to hover.

Al talked as he worked the controls, assuming Keshin was listening. "This Temrash is a good shot. The hull's designed to be strong against energy weapons, but multiple hits in the same place are never good. Hold on to something."

He ignited the ship's engines and the ship began accelerating away from the scene along the ground, weaving between parked ships to make himself harder to hit.

"Catch me if you can."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10069 on: September 01, 2010, 04:29:47 AM »
((basically, i wanna bring in a character [i dont wanna spoil it] but he'll be 'popping' in outta nowhere, and i wanna know where the least violent place is [except for the bar]))

GESB Character: Subject #2218
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10070 on: September 01, 2010, 05:04:13 AM »
((I'd say directly in front of the bar. The only thing you have to worry there is peeps running out of the bar.))

Thordon landed next to Ossanlin and saw Tobias. He gave him a nod and sat beside Ossanlin's weak body. He held out his top hands over his body and said, "He's slipping. His body is too tired to continue to function. I shall do what I can."

Thordon closed his eyes and began to revolve his hands over the unconcious Andalite. His bottom hands were placed together in his lap. His top hands began to glow. Thordon sent a small circuit of electricity throughout the body in front of him. Nothing should happen, he only needed to see where it goes. He followed the circuit and began mapping the new body's anatomy. He isolated Andalite's version of the adrenal gland. He opened his eyes and said, "I've found it."

Thordon then placed his top hands' palms together and hovered his bottom hands over Ossanlin. The glow dimmed from his top hands and intensified in his bottom hands. He began to move his hands around Ossanlin's body again, only in a different pattern. Now that he knew where the Andalite's energy gland was, he could access it, and rejuvenate it. A light emanated from his hands as though they were spotlights illuminating Ossanlin's nervous system. This signified the transferrance of energy from Thordon to Ossanlin. His synapses should begin to increase in activity, and his energy storing organs should begin to recharge.
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10071 on: September 01, 2010, 05:42:22 AM »
Fighting Thead on Pern; Rossan and his beautiful one-of-a-kind pure white dragon Tilth were ducking and weaving burning the little silver devils before they got a chance to land and destroy everything the Pernese people had worked for these last few years.
'****!' Rossan yelled as Tilth was almost hit with a particularly large blob of the deadly stuff. 'Are you ok, Tilth?' I am fine, Rossan. Tilth thought to his rider.

Since Rossan & Tilth weren't paying attention to the battle, Tilth jumped between for the first time and didn't adjust for it.

[GESB - Above the bar & Spaceport]

Misjudging where they jumped from Between, Rossan and Tilth popped in about a mile above the Galaxies Edge Space Bar. 'Tilth,' Rossan asked 'Did you accedentily jump to a different when?' I don't beleive so, Rossan Tilth thought.

Looking around, Rossan saw what he thought was people on the ground way below them. Pointing towards them he told Tilth to head towards them.

((for those who haven't read any of the Pern series by Anne McCaffrey, Dragons are telepathic but the only people that can hear their thoughts are the one that has bonded with said dragon. To everyone else, it just sounds like different noises which vary depending on the dragons mood. Also, here is a picture of what Tilth & Rossan look like:

GESB Character: Subject #2218
Intro Rando Character: Hunter

'There are days I hate being me, but then again, I'm not you.'

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10072 on: September 01, 2010, 06:09:43 AM »
A look of bewilderment and surprise passes over Trey's face at the eerily accurate description Thordon gives him, despite having been taking a nap the entire time.

"Um...alright..." Trey says, but Thordon is already gone, levitating towards the blasts. Trey is considering following on foot when another explosion rocks his ship, the shock making him stumble backwards.

Maybe I'll just stay here... he thinks worriedly, glancing towards the tree line. He turns back towards the ship, fumbling around various compartments until he finds what he is looking for. A Shredder, complete with holster. He gives the weapon an uncertain look before belting the holster around his waist and securing it at his hip. Then, he goes back to what was once the main computer, continuing his efforts to get it operational.


Tamora halts abruptly when she sees The Director following her, waiting for him to catch up without taking her eyes off the retreating figure of Terenia. Her eyes are glistening with some sort of combination of fury, pain and determination.

"Because of Terenia the person I care about more than anything is dead," she tells him flatly, "If I don't try, it'll be letting her get away with murder. That is unacceptable."

She resumes her trek, walking now instead of running. Based on the series of explosions that are resonating from the area, she is headed towards the scene of battle.


Terenia does not slow down when she sees Parker take a place behind her, nor when she hears Corliss shouting after her, diving in amongst the trees and working her way towards the site of battle. She ignores Efaen's internal protests entirely. In her mind she has only one goal. Kill the assassin. Destroy the bounty hunter. Before he destroys her in turn.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10073 on: September 01, 2010, 07:18:48 AM »
((Okay, this seems to work. :3 ))

Joanne has reasonably good balance but the final shudder of the ship becomes too much even for her. She skids across the ship and away from Ossanlin's blades, but he manages to slice a long cut across her neck. Not good. Joanne gasps in pain in between her harsh breathing and tries to slow her descent along the ship's floor when it begins to right itself.

There's no time to talk to Kess. No time to think. She just has to keep herself conscious and alive, which is taking everything she has. She should not have shot Terenia. Should've been...aware that...crud. That consciousness bit is starting to become questionable. She holds one hand on her neck and her other looking for something to hold onto.
Mar follows Elayne towards the scene of the battle and gasps in horror as soon as he sees Ossanlin's current condition. His friend. His only friend other than Elayne. Dying. Mar ignores any sense of sanity in his mind and rushes blindly toward where Ossanlin is standing. He glances around himself desperately, as if expecting to find something behind him other than Elayne that can help but to no avail. Even were he immortal and grand again, his power could not heal Ossanlin. It can't even heal himself.

The only thing he can do is somehow try and slow down the death process. Stop the bleeding and prevent Ossanlin's soul from making an exit. That is, until that four-armed man appears, and attempts to heal him. Mar glances off in slight jealousy. The man can do what is not possible for him. He glances at Thordon with slight suspicion and states, "Do not screw this up."

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10074 on: September 01, 2010, 07:49:06 AM »
((Welcome back, Hunter!))

Tora's eyes widen as Corliss follows Terenia in such a hurry, and she tugs off her worn t-shirt, pants, and shoes to reveal a rather modest morphing suit underneath. After kicking her clothes against the wall, she raises an eyebrow at Myitt and follows her outside, Dracon still in hand. <<Yes,>> she says as she begins her morph, attempting not to stumble at the now-familiar changes between her Andalite body and human morph, <<but I'd hate to see two of Reven's most trusted become injured over something like this. I will provide backup support, at least.>>

Elayne looks between the two ships and, deeming it safe enough to venture out from behind her hiding place, she follows close behind Mar until she reaches what seems to be the edge of the danger zone. Each loud blast makes her wince, temporarily obstructing her vision, and so she is surprised when Salem seems to appear out of nowhere. Where were you hiding? she wonders suspiciously before returning her attention to Ossanlin and Thordon. "I wish we could move him out of the crossfire," she mutters, acutely aware of the skirmish still embroiling the two ships.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 09:27:24 AM by Wowbagger, the Infinitely Prolonged (KitsuneMarie) »
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10075 on: September 01, 2010, 08:49:45 AM »
Salem's ship was starting to move away. "This baby may not be the greatest thing for attacking and detaining, but you won't easily get away from it." He said. He went after it, and raised his altitude a bit while he was at it. Now that he was behind the thing, he'd have to choose a different spot. He glanced back at Hadrin's host, and saw the remains on his shoulder. So Hadrin had made it out, but Temrash was just too busy to wait. The two deaths fueled his determination, and he fired at the backside of the ship with a constant stream of energy.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10076 on: September 01, 2010, 03:16:43 PM »
((Welcome back Hunter!))

Thordon looked up at Mar and replied, "There is nothing to screw up. I am merely energizing his body. He is deprived of energy, his body is fatigued; I am restoring that energy. Only he can heal himself, by changing his body. 'Morphing' I believe they call it. As Terenia healed herself, Ossanlin too must restore his body through transformation."

Parker followed Terenia step for step, but keeping his distance. Whatever she did, he shadowed.

When Tamora slowed to a walk, The Director caught up and matched her speed. He replied, "Hey now, your sister is not the murderer. She never even wanted you rescued. Myitt and the big blue centaur took this mission upon themselves. Terenia never wanted them to 'save' you. She had rants and fits at the fact that they had done so. No, Terenia is not to blame for your friend's death. If she had her way, you'd still be on the Blade Ship working for her blackmailer and your boss; and your friend would still be alive."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10077 on: September 01, 2010, 05:14:33 PM »
Tamora stops short a second time at The Director's calm response to her determination, giving him a look of disbelief.

"Don't you see?" she asks, "Don't you see what a virus she is? Maybe she didn't kill Zorish, but those dapsen rebels would never have kidnapped me if not for their desire to help her, whether she wanted it or not. It doesn't matter what she does, everything she touches is contaminated - poisoned by her very existence. It has to stop."

Her speech is delivered in a controlled tone, without anger. Her eyes are still glistening, but whatever tears are threatening she has clamped a vice grip around. Her lack of emotion, her cold matter-of-factness is so contrary to the emotional outbursts of her sister that any resemblence between the two seems to fade away.


Terenia bursts out from the tree line, looking around frantically, trying to piece together what has happened. Hovering above the battlefield two ships are engaged in a precarious battle - the source of the explosions. She does not recognize either ship, although one seems vaguely Yeerkish, so she assumes that it belongs to the former Visser. Scanning the ground there is no sign of Keshin, but a small crowd seems to have gathered around...something. ..she squints, walking forward a few steps as she tries to make out what it is that they are all circled around. Finally she makes out a flash of blue fur.

<<War-Prince Ossanlin!>> Efaen cries, aghast. Terenia breaks into another run, fueled by both Efaen's disbelief and her own need to track down the bounty hunter. At the outskirts of the group Ossanlin's mangled body comes into view and she stops abruptly, her face paling as control is abruptly seized from her.

"What happened?" Efaen demands, stepping forward on jerky legs that are still partially under Terenia's power.

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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10078 on: September 01, 2010, 05:29:55 PM »
Thordon looked up to Efaen, he could tell it was her by the changes and battles between energy signatures. He answered, "In short, he was run over by a ship. He is alive, but weakened. His only hope is to morph."

The Director replies, "The argument could be made that if you were not in existance, then she would never had to work for your boss, eventually coming across these 'Daspen rebels' as you call them. Then Zorish would be in some other human body, still alive. Your sister is not to blame here. The person who pulled the trigger is. Your sister only wanted your happiness. She never wanted you plucked from that ship. Do not displace your sadness of Zorish's death for hatred towards your sister."
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Re: Galaxy's Edge Space Bar
« Reply #10079 on: September 01, 2010, 06:16:24 PM »
Salem narrowed his eyes at Thordon when he began talking about Ossanlin's need to "transform," but then nodded in understanding. It had never occurred to him to use the morphing technology for medical purposes, but he supposed it would work. He plunged his left hand into his pants pocket and, after rummaging for a second, pulled out three small pill-like objects, one blue, one red and one silver. He quickly stuffed the blue and red ones back in his pocket, and pulled the silver one in half, revealing a tiny needle. He quickly knelt and pressed it into Ossanlin's shoulder, into one of the major blood vessels. He was obviously familiar with Andalite physiology.

"This'll dull the pain. From my War-Prince, to me. From me, to you," he whispered.


"Decades of roller coaster flight experience under my belt, and this guy wants to go toe to toe," Al muttered. He flicked a switch on the console and the ship's shields turned on, with a momentary white glow. He then closed his eyes and began to accelerate, barely ten feet above the ground. He dodged objects on the ground seemingly before they were even visible. Much of the time, he seemed to be in the process of dodging Temrash's shots before he'd even fired, though the few that connected caused the ship to shake violently, passing right through the shield and impacting the hull. When, more than a mile from the bar, a sonic boom echoed across the landscape, he began to pull up, and the ship began to arc upwards towards space. It was only at this point that he opened his eyes again.

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