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Offline wildweathel

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Production plan
« on: January 02, 2009, 03:46:46 PM », just out of curiosity, at what point is the whole audiobook thing? I'm just kind of sitting around waiting for people to need me ...

What do you need? ... Where is everyone? How is the recording going? What's the holdup?

We have voice actors for nearly all of the early parts.  They're passionate.  From the lines I've heard, they're talented--the first chapter of The Message is especially good.  Audio quality needs improvement, and I don't think it can be entirely fixed in post-prod, but we don't need terribly expensive equipment either.

Still, the question remains: what's the holdup?

Simple.  There's no one minding the big picture questions: How is the recording going? Does this sound right? Where are we? and, most important, What do the VAs need to be doing now?

In theater, there are two jobs that look at the big picture: the director and the producer.  The director is responsible for the overall artistic picture.  He focuses on the end product and sees how each individual performance fits with others in the whole.  If disagreements arise, when a decision must be made, he has the last word.  The producer's job is to make sure that everyone else has what they need to do their job.  He coordinates everyone and keeps them on schedule. 

Morf is acting as director, even if he hasn't officially claimed the title. 

We need a producer.  So, I would like to submit my production plan for discussion among everyone working on the project.

Now I'd like to invite you to catch a thermal and join me on a bird's-eye-tour of the big picture as I see it.  In this first post, I'll give the broad outline.  A lot of what the producer does is telling people how to do their job, and so it's only fair that I ask your comments on the plan.

The most important thing to do to keep the project moving is to keep the actors busy.  VAs are the busiest workers on this project (especially the narrators).  So, we can speed up the project in two ways: decrease the number of tasks the VAs need to do, and decrease the time VAs spend waiting for something to do.

So, the first thing we do is infrastructure: the forum is great for discussion, publicity, and recruiting.  For tracking production, a wiki (I assume everyone is familiar with wikis.  If not, here's Wikipedia and tvtropes.  See you in a few days.  Sorry for ruining your life.) is a better choice, especially one on which we can host media files.  Once the wiki is running, the VAs job looks like this:

"Hey, I've got some time to record"
Sign in.
Download script.
Upload file.
Mark as uploaded.
Take a break.


Download directors comments.
Rerecord, if another take needed.

Before I forget: very important point: narration and dialog are handled separately.  Lines may be recorded out of order.  The timers and managers (see below) will make sure that everything ends up in its proper place.

Everything that isn't acting is handled by other people.  The less the actors have to do the better.  So, we create a couple of other jobs:

Redactors edit the text into the form which the actors and timers use.  I'll have more to say on exactly how this works later, but if you take a look at the attached chapters from MM1, you'll get a good idea. 

Scheduling managers (we'll need 1, I'd like 2 or 3, I can use up to 4) maintain the wiki, take care of scheduling, make sure that everyone has something to do, and only if needed take lazy VAs to task. 

Timers combine lines into finished work.  This job requires the best audio production software, plus an ear for dramatic timing.  Much more to follow in post later.

Proof-listeners listen to the finish work and make sure that it conforms to the received text.

The Accent Coach trains actors in their characters' accents. 

Finally Distributors provide bandwidth for distributing the finished audiobooks.  We'll use bittorrent.

I'd like to recruit redactors who double as prooflisteners.  Redactors are busy at the beginning of the production cycle, prooflisteners at the end, so it makes sense for one person to handle both jobs.  We can hold off recruiting distributors until we have something to distribute (and it's an easy job, you basically install some software and leave your computer online).  The only one I'm worried about is the timers.  The job requires digital audio workstation (DAW) software, and in my experience the only one that's both good and free is Ardour--Linux-native software that kinda-maybe runs on OS X, and doesn't at all on Windows.  Audacity doesn't cut it for post-production: Ardour makes it look like Paint compared to Photoshop.

Next post, I'll talk about the wiki and file hosting.  Over the next two weeks, or so, I hope to examine each of the parts of this plan in turn.  In your comments, think about the big picture.  Are there other tasks to be taken care of?  Do some of these seem superfluous?  Thanks for your time.

Now let's get this show on the road!

Peace, Weathel. 
Kony 2012
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Re: Production plan
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2009, 05:29:14 PM »
And away we go. I'd just like to add that Weathel, morf and I have talked about this, and that I think this is exactly what this project needs.

I look forward to getting stuff done and out the door.

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2009, 09:21:50 PM »
I really do not care what we use as long as this project gets going already...

Offline wildweathel

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2009, 12:36:45 PM »
I just realized that I had forgot to attach the redacted chapters.  Here they are.  We'll get around to talking about them once we've covered hosting.
Kony 2012
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Offline Richard

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2009, 01:31:28 PM »
Oh. If you guys need to set up hosting.. just tell me. We have ample bandwidth and space.

Offline wildweathel

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2009, 02:43:47 PM »
Richard, thank you very, very much. 

Once we get going, though, we're going to be slinging around lossless audio, at about 100 kilobytes per second and working on eight books concurrently.  I'm budgeting a maximum of 16 track-hours on the server at one time, 360 MB per hour, so 6 GB of data should be enough for sound and wiki.  I think you mentioned recently that the current RAF database weighs in at 4 GB, so I can understand if you don't have that kind of space and bandwidth.

I'm really not sure about bandwidth, but I don't expect it to exceed 10 GB per month.

Where you definitely can help, besides running RAF is providing a back-up distribution method.  I would like to use bittorrent for final distribution, but not everyone can connect.  So hosting here for the finished product (possibly with post limits) would be very helpful.

All together, and using these maximum figures, nearlyfreespeech would charge a maximum of $60 per month for storage space, $5 for bandwidth, and $0.31 for running a database process.  It's a pay-for-what-you-use service, though, so most months should be much less expensive (I'm still willing to pay).

I do want to keep using the RAF forum.  It's only fair, since this is where the project started, and we need to keep in touch for recruiting and distribution.

Morf, can you reach t and ?  I imagine they might be blocked, due to some of the content NFS hosts (they'll host anything that's legal in this country).  If so, we'll have to come up with something different.

Clarification: some of the other sites that NFS hosts.  Their corporate site and bugmenot aren't offensive.  Please also try m (to make sure that the free domains work).
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 02:52:56 PM by wildweathel »
Kony 2012
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Offline Richard

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2009, 03:40:27 PM »
Richard, thank you very, very much. 

Once we get going, though, we're going to be slinging around lossless audio, at about 100 kilobytes per second and working on eight books concurrently.  I'm budgeting a maximum of 16 track-hours on the server at one time, 360 MB per hour, so 6 GB of data should be enough for sound and wiki.  I think you mentioned recently that the current RAF database weighs in at 4 GB, so I can understand if you don't have that kind of space and bandwidth.

I'm really not sure about bandwidth, but I don't expect it to exceed 10 GB per month.

Where you definitely can help, besides running RAF is providing a back-up distribution method.  I would like to use bittorrent for final distribution, but not everyone can connect.  So hosting here for the finished product (possibly with post limits) would be very helpful.

All together, and using these maximum figures, nearlyfreespeech would charge a maximum of $60 per month for storage space, $5 for bandwidth, and $0.31 for running a database process.  It's a pay-for-what-you-use service, though, so most months should be much less expensive (I'm still willing to pay).

I do want to keep using the RAF forum.  It's only fair, since this is where the project started, and we need to keep in touch for recruiting and distribution.

Morf, can you reach t and ?  I imagine they might be blocked, due to some of the content NFS hosts (they'll host anything that's legal in this country).  If so, we'll have to come up with something different.

Clarification: some of the other sites that NFS hosts.  Their corporate site and bugmenot aren't offensive.  Please also try m (to make sure that the free domains work).

Space and bandwith isn't a problem. No need to shell out extra cash when we have two healthy hosts here.
Just tell me what you need, and i'll set it up for you.

I've gone ahead and ported a simple upload script specifically for the cast. 100MB per file allotted. Sounds enough?
« Last Edit: January 03, 2009, 04:43:48 PM by Richard »

Offline Duff

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2009, 01:18:34 AM »
sounds like great stuff dude. Its way above me lol im getting a headache reading all this stuff but I'm excited to learn it all and I hope this gives the project a good kick

so where should I start with setting all this up for my part?

Offline morfowt

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2009, 03:28:11 AM »
no worries, wild, I can access all three sites (for now...)

Offline wildweathel

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2009, 02:15:33 PM »
so where should I start with setting all this up for my part?

Duff, you're playing Marco, right?  Well, the first thing to do is stay tuned here.  I want to look at each of the tasks that has to be done in turn: we're talking about hosting first, but we'll get to redaction, acting, and timing shortly.

Since you've been assembling and narrating #05, and (so I hear) are at least done with narration, I'd really appreciate your thoughts on these subtopics.

After that, I'd like to suggest doing MM1.  There are two reasons for this:

1) It's a Megamorphs, which means it's like doing a complete narration cycle of 5 books, except in miniature (200 pages vs 600) (except that Terenia will be doing about half of the narration, vs a fifth; Rachel narrates 13 of 44 chapters, many of them with little-to-no dialog)

2) There're no lines already recorded for it.  We start from a clean slate, get the production system figured out, and then we can decide what of the preexisting recording is up to quality--hopefully all of it.

So, if you don't mind, look over the chapters(1-3) I've attached (in post above) from MM1.  Marco narrates Ch 3, and has dialog in scenes 1 and 3.

Re: hosting

First, thank you very much, Richard.  I'll accept on one condition: that I do not have sufficient privilege to interfere with RAF's software or database tables.  As I mentioned in chat last night, I've just started to play around with webmasterly things, and I'd be a lot more comfortable if I can't break RAF.

Last night, I set up Drupal on my personal computer.  It's a very nice piece of software, and I think I'll use it when I put together my personal website, and I certainly would (maybe in conjunction with trac) if I were building a website for a software project.  But, I'm beginning to suspect that it might be overkill for what we want to do, particularly the steep learning curve for new members.  Plus, I'm not entirely sure how to set it up so as to prevent user mistakes from causing data loss (I think it's possible to require that edits produce a revision, but I'm not sure yet).

So, next I'll try Mediawiki.  I'm pretty sure it will do everything we want it to and is specifically designed not only for non-technical users, but even to resist malicious vandalism.

Not that I expect vandalism, I just don't want anyone to make a few wrong clicks and find themselves saying "oh, darn, I just wiped out 3 months of work, and now everyone will hate me."

'Cause that's just plain bad for morale.

In any case, I'll make sure I know how to do backups to and from my server (which is really a couple of programs running in the background; Linux is so cool), before taking anything live.
Kony 2012
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Re: Production plan
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2009, 01:16:44 PM »
Let me know if you guys need funds or whatever. Also remember that i have a deep low voice! ha ha 

Offline wildweathel

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2009, 02:25:45 PM »
Let me know if you guys need funds or whatever. Also remember that i have a deep low voice! ha ha 

Sweet.  Low, but with a profound, strangely sad, in-a-word-epic, joy bubbling up through it?  Or at least you can try?  Perfect!

As far as funds go, I think we're all set, since Richard will take care of hosting.  Thanks for your donation to RAF (made the blog and everything), by the way.

Wrapping up hosting.

OK, I tried setting up Mediawiki, and, there's no contest between it and what I can do with Drupal.

Mediawiki-based site: production managers have to compile to-do lists by hand.  Thus, they remain constantly out-of-date and error prone (unless the managers work insanely hard)

Drupal-based site: Project members get prioritized to-do lists, automatically generated from the status-tracking pages.  On the side-bar of every page.

There's a technical term for that: cool.

Richard has offered to host.  Gator's fine for everything we need except bittorrent tracking (judging by their TOS, they have a policy of shutting down all trackers, no-questions, no-appeal).  Fortunately, nearlyfreespeech is quite inexpensive for low-volume tasks like that ($20 a year, at most), and we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  This takes care of the business end of hosting (except for technical details not needing project-wide discussion) so I'll move ahead to:


Strictly speaking, redactors are editors. 

to redact (R IY D AE K T)
1.  To draw up or frame (a proclamation, for example).
2. To make ready for publication; edit or revise.

(American Heritage Dictionary, pronunciation in CMU arpabet)

But, I'm redefining it to mean those who prepare the text for reading, by breaking it down into individual segments and creating the corresponding nodes on the website.  These then automatically appear on the assigned actor's to-do list.  Above, I've posted a zip containing the first three chapters of MM1.  Open it up and follow along.

  • Identify characters and corresponding nodes to the site
  • Create a node for each chapter
  • Prepare a narration copy.  In this the dialog is deemphasized (blue and small, in my example)
  • Prepare scripts of the dialog.

In the example I've given, I've not kept a one-chapter=one-scene equivalence.  Upon reflection, that would probably be simpler, and I can't see a reason for it not to be one-to-one.  So, imagine scenes 1 and 2 as ch1-dialog, and scene 3 as ch3-dialog.  (Ch2 has no dialog)

  • Attach script and narration to the chapter node
  • Create nodes for new characters
  • Create segment nodes.  A segment represents a chunk of recording and is either: the narration for a chapter, or a character's lines for a chapter.
  • Once nodes are created, the site can create to-do lists for the actors, etc.

So, that would create the following nodes


Chapter: 08 M1:Ch1
Seg: 08Ch1-N:Jake
Seg: 08Ch1-D:Jake
Seg: 08Ch1-D:Rachel
Seg: 08Ch1-D:Tobias
Seg: 08Ch1-D:Cassie
Seg: 08Ch1-D:Marco
Seg: 08Ch1-D:Ax

Chapter: 08 M1:Ch2
Seg: 08Ch2-N:Rachel

Chapter: 08 M1:Ch3
Seg: 08Ch3-N:Marco
Seg: 08Ch3-D:Marco
Seg: 08Ch3-D:Ax
Seg: 08Ch3-D:Tobias

(the 08 comes from publication order, btw)

Once each part is assigned to an actor, that part's segments are added to the actors' to-do lists.

Now, this means that redaction is a bit of a boring data-entry, typo-fixing, web-form filling job.  Sorry.  I'm willing to do part of it myself, of course, and I'll insist that production managers do as well.

So, what I'd like to know from the actors is what do you think of the script and narration style.  Can you work from it?  Any questions?  Comment?  etc.
Kony 2012
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Re: Production plan
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2009, 06:51:31 PM »
I can be a redactor or scheduling manager if you need any more help.  :)

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2009, 07:15:24 PM »
I cant find where you linked chapters 1-3 of MM1 so you might have covered this. When it shows the actor their lines, will it show just their lines, or the entire seen, I would say the whole scene would be better so that they can read the line in context in case they don't remember what the scene and the emotion was for that one.

I'll be reading it straight from the book just cause its easier for me, but for others its just something to think about...

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Re: Production plan
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2009, 07:37:19 PM »