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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #45 on: November 03, 2008, 12:11:03 AM »
good chapteR! now when does the next 1 come out? :P
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

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PART 36: Visser’s thoughts/Coming to an Understanding
« Reply #46 on: December 09, 2008, 10:10:15 PM »
Check it out, estrid! Kept my promise. I'll try and make more updates over the 3 week break since I'll have more time. Thanks for being patient! If anyone else reads this, thanks to you as well. Ya know..if any other people read this..don't be shy! Comments are welcome!

*PART 36: Visser’s thoughts/Coming to an Understanding

When the device had appeared, Visser Three had thought nothing of it in the beginning. But when it was examined more closely, the alien components had caught his attention very quickly. They salvaged what they could, many of the components were badly charred, and it was difficult to tell what they were supposed to have been.

Based on what was left, it was difficult to say what the device was meant to be. Scientists the Visser had summoned had no answers either, much to the Visser’s disappointment.  He had them working virtually around the clock to find an answer.

Then they had discovered the energon crystal. They didn’t know exactly what it was since nothing like it existed on Earth that they had yet encountered. The human controllers Visser consulted said their hosts knew nothing about it and could only compare it to known mineral formations. After a round of tests, however, it was determined that the crystal was not from Earth.

Visser Three was determined to know about the crystal so he ordered extensive tests done on it. Results were to be reported to him as soon as they were available. Certain emphasis was put on “as soon as they were available” so that the scientists receiving their order knew that if the results were discovered to have been the slightest bit late, it would be their heads that went rolling.

In the present time, the Visser was trying to calculate in his head how things had gone wrong. What had happened to the machine during the fight with the Andalite bandits that had resulted in a time jump? From what host memory told him, the circumstances were almost similar to a sario rip. It clearly wasn’t that though. They were still present after several hours; no one had started to disappear.

Time was running out, they needed that machine back before it was too late. Visser Three was running through a mental list of their options. Their numbers were too few to attack either side. The last thing the Visser wanted to do was go and ask the Andalite Bandits for help. Megatron was out of the question as well, he was arrogant and egotistical. In other words, his personality was too close to the Visser’s.

The only thing that could be thought of was the plan the Visser had originally thought of. Wait for the Andalite Bandits to get the machine and then get it from them.


Meanwhile, at the Maximal base, the Animorphs were still recovering from Rachel’s stunt. It hadn’t accomplished anything and two members from both sides had nearly been lost.

Optimus had listened while Jake talked to Rachel about what she had been trying to do and why. Slowly, Optimus was learning more about this young group of humans. He was seeing how much they looked out for each other.

Ax had been talking non-stop to Rhinox about technical things and Optimus didn’t want to interrupt them in case they came up with something about the device.

Jake walked over to Optimus; he figured it was about time the two of them have some sort of leaders conference, or something along those lines. They needed a plan of action, and the Animorphs still needed the Maximals’ help.

“I was talking to Ax,” Jake started out. “About the rescue mission. Everything else was going to hell in a hand-basket, but he tells me the two groups fought well together.”

Optimus understood it to be Jake’s way of saying that it appeared to actually be a good thing that the two teams had joined forces.

Optimus wasn’t entirely sure how to respond to that. Once he thought back on it, the Maximals and Animorphs had made a good team. He sighed; this next bit was not going to be easy.

“And I was talking to Rhinox,” Optimus said. “Perhaps I was wrong to judge you so quickly. You and your friends certainly seem capable of handling themselves. When they’re not being impulsive.”

Jake understood what the gist of it meant. It was pretty much Optimus’ way of saying that he had been wrong to butt in earlier. He was finally accepting that this young group of humans didn’t need constant protection.

“That’s great and all,” Jake replied, “but from what I hear it would have been great if you had come to that revelation earlier. Do you know how long we’ve been trying to get rid of Visser Three? I know you’ve been told what he’s trying to do.”

Optimus sighed. That was the other thing he was beginning to realize, the mistake he had made in helping that strange alien.

“I think,” Optimus began, “that I was, at the time, naively assuming he would react similar to Megatron. The described personality was certainly similar.”

Jake smirked when he said, “That’s the one thing you have to remember about ruthless megalomaniacs. They never react the way you think they will.”

While Optimus and Jake were having their talk, Dinobot was doing some thinking of his own. On the way back, Tobias had been privately explaining some of the mystery behind Rachel’s personality. Sure, she could be impulsive sometimes, but she had never before taken it to the extreme she had a little while ago. Tobias also revealed how much Dinobot’s earlier words had cut into Rachel. He had described some of their fights and Rachel’s role. She was brave and always there to protect her friends.

Dinobot walked over to Rachel, who was standing in the corner. She looked pensive, and was probably thinking about what had happened. When she saw Dinobot approach, she scowled.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“I wanted to say,” Dinobot began. “That perhaps I misjudged you earlier.”

Rachel looked confused; this was quite a turn around from the earlier discussion.

“What are you saying?”

“I have been speaking to your comrades,” Dinobot replied, “and they have told me much of your courage and honor. Perhaps you are more of a warrior than I gave you earlier credit for.”

Rachel’s expression softened. That meant a lot to her; secretly she had been admiring Dinobot’s warrior spirit and code of honor.

“Thanks,” she said. “For that and for coming to help me. You didn’t have to do that.”

Before Dinobot could reply Cheetor made an outburst.

“I totally forgot about something, Big Bot!” he exclaimed.

“What is it, Cheetor?” Optimus asked.

“When I was coming back here I found this,” he said as he pulled out a small CD.

“One of the Controllers must have dropped it!” Cassie said.

Jake snapped into his own leader mode, similar to how Optimus had before the rescue mission.

“Ax!” Jake snapped. “I want you to work with…Rhinox about getting that CD to work. It probably has information about what the Yeerks were doing with that device!”

Yes, Prince Jake, replied Ax.

Jake sighed, but didn’t bother to correct Ax that time.

*NEXT TIME: Will we finally find out what the Yeerks were trying to accomplish with that device?

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #47 on: December 10, 2008, 02:43:29 AM »
we better find out gaz!!!!!!!!!! and sooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!

but good chapter!
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

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Part 37: Project Codename: Time Machine
« Reply #48 on: December 10, 2008, 05:44:43 PM »
Guess what? I got the next part done while I was waiting at the airport this morning! You lucky duck, you.

*Part 37: Project Codename: Time Machine

Optimus was impressed with the way Jake handled himself. When he started talking, the Animorphs listened. Ax was right away working hard with Rhinox to figure out a way to get the small disk to work with the Axalon’s systems.

It took less than an hour for them to get it working, but to everyone in the room it felt like an eternity. This could finally be the answer to what the Yeerks had done to the machine and what their goals were. The Animorphs were probably more on edge about it than the Maximals however.

Prince Jake! Ax exclaimed. We have done it. We are opening the files now.

The Animorphs and remaining Maximals rushed over to the screen so they could see what would come up. The first words on the screen were in large print:

Project Codename: Time Machine

“So it wasn’t a time machine after all,” Air Razor commented.

“Yeah,” replied Jake, “but what is it really?”

“Whatever it is, man,” Marco said, “it can’t be good. Visser Three wants it back bad.”

The Animorphs all leaned in to examine the files as they popped up. However, most of the files were in an alien language that they couldn’t read. It would be up to Ax to fill them in on what it all meant.
There were text files and there were schematics. Most didn’t get much of a reaction out of Ax until he saw something in particular.

Prince Jake, Ax said.

All at once, Jake and the others were nervous. The tone Ax had taken on was not at all good. It was full of concern, shock and maybe, just maybe, a trace of fear.

“I’m afraid to ask already,” Jake said. He took a deep breath to brace himself and asked, “What is it?”

Ax hesitated before he said, I do not know how…but the Yeerks have found a way to Kendrona with the Energon crystal.

Jake’s jaw dropped open in extreme shock, Cassie gasped and Marco shouted, “No way, Ax-man!”

“What….” Cassie said, really shaken up. “What does it mean, Ax?”

The Maximals said nothing; they assumed eventually that the Animorphs would fill them in on what this all meant.

Jake, Marco, Rachel, Cassie and Tobias had an idea what this all meant, but they needed to hear Ax say it.

In essence, Ax explained, the Yeerks have created a…portable Kendrona.

The Animorphs all reeled in disbelief, and Optimus got the idea that this was nowhere near a good thing.

“That’s why Visser Three wants it back so badly,” Rachel said.

“Would you guys mind telling us what dis all means?” Rattrap asked.

Jake took another deep breath to calm himself down. His mind was spinning at the idea.

“Yeerks need to go to a special Pool every three days to soak up Kendrona rays,” he explained. “If they don’t, then they die.”

“That’s what happened to that alien over there, right?” asked Cheetor.

Jake nodded before he continued. “I guess the Yeerks have found a way to fuse Kendrona with those…Energon crystals. I think what they’ve done is create a portable device. Then they wouldn’t have to go the Pools. They’d have something right there with them.”

“But…how would it work?” Cassie asked. “The Yeerks have to come out of the head. And if they do that away from the Pool than the involuntary hosts can’t be locked up. They would run away.”

I believe that it would work like a human scanning device, Ax theorized.

You mean like an x-ray or MRI, Tobias said.

Yes, Ax said. It appears that it would send a beam through the ear of the host directly to the Yeerk. If they gather more of these Energon crystals, get the machine back and recreate the accident…

Ax let the statement hang in the air. It was too much for even him to finish. If that were to happen the Yeerks would be practically unstoppable. They were able to cripple the Yeerks by destroying Kendrona and Pools, but with portable devices…what hope would they have? Elfangor’s sacrifice would have been in vain by that point.

“That can not be permitted to happen,” Tigatron said after a moment of silence.

“I couldn’t agree more,” Optimus replied. “What do you say, Jake?”

“I think it’s time we came up with a plan,” Jake replied.

“Let’s do it!” Rachel and Cheetor exclaimed simultaneously.

They were on either side of Marco who whipped his head back and forth between the two.

“Good Lord!” he exclaimed. “She’s everywhere!”

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #49 on: December 11, 2008, 01:39:33 AM »
most excellent! and it wasn't till u started ur fan fic that i noticed that rach is a good combo between dinobot and cheetor. i always just associated her w/dinobot, but she does that eager cheetor aspect to her
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

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Part 38: Now or Never
« Reply #50 on: January 05, 2009, 12:13:39 AM »
NOTE: Ok, so apologies that this once again took practically forever to get done. Here begins the big climax coming up. And we're coming up on the end believe it or not. There can't be more than 5 parts left, I'm guessing. Anyways, enjoy this part!

*Part 38: Now or Never

Optimus and Jake were firing off ideas left and right as to how the mission should be approached. Jake suggested that the Animorphs go in small to find the device as Jake was somewhat familiar with the ventilation system after his previous adventure.

While the Animorphs would be sneaking in, the Maximals would be outside making a distraction. After the Predicons head out to deal with them, the Animorphs would find a quiet place to demorph and go to their battle morphs.

“We’ll do what we did before,” Jake said.

“Before?” asked Marco uneasily. He had an idea what Jake was getting at and he wasn’t sure he liked it.

“We’ll use the same plan as when we were first going in to get the Time Machine,” was the reply.

“Oh man!” Marco groaned. “That means going fly morph! I hate insect morphs!”

“Care to fill me in on what your plan was before?” Optimus asked.

“We morphed fly and rode on Tobias to where we were going,” Jake explained. “He found us a way into the building by a quiet room. Ax demorphed first and checked it out. When it was all clear, the rest of us followed and went to battle morph.”

“And you have used this battle strategy in the past?” Dinobot growled.

“Works just about every time,” Rachel replied.

The details were worked out. If they ran into any trouble the Animorphs would be able to contact Optimus or one of the other Maximals for assistance. The Maximals watched as the Animorphs turned away from each other to prepare to go to fly morph.

“Why do you turn away from each other?” Tigatron asked curiously.

“Going to fly morph isn’t pretty,” Cassie said. “You’ll see.”

And the Maximals did indeed see, and hear also, as bones crunched, spines slurped, facial features rearranged, limbs got spindly, extra limbs sprouted and bodies shrank. Not even Cassie’s natural ease at morphing could make the sight any more appealing.

“Dat’s disgusting,” Rattrap said when they were mostly done.

Tobias moved over to where the group of flies was and they found their way to the feathers around his neck.

“This is the most unusual day,” Air Razor commented as Optimus opened the overhead hatch so they, and Tobias, could fly out.

Optimus chuckled, “It certainly is.”

With out any other comment, the group took off towards the Predicon base with hopes of finding what the group of humans needed.

Meanwhile, Visser Three was still biding his time. He was starting to get impatient, but luckily, he wouldn’t have to wait for long. At that moment, a group of animals ran by and two robots flew overhead. If Optimus had been looking out for the Visser than he might have spotted him and the small group of Controllers that remained to him. But his mind was elsewhere and so the Yeerks went unnoticed.

We move now! The Visser commanded.

The small group was startled when the Visser’s command rang in their minds. They had been there a while and the Visser had been quiet for so long. But it was finally time to make a move since the Andalite bandits were making their own.

So the small group of Controllers quickly, but quietly, followed the Animorphs and the Maximals. Though at the time the Visser thought he was only following the Andalite bandits.

The group of heroes was drawing close to their mark. Optimus knew that when the Maximals got close enough the Predicon sensors would pick them up and the party would start. He couldn’t talk to Tobias, but that was not a problem. It had been set up earlier at the base.

Tobias, with his friends, would fly down to the underside of the base where they would have relatively no problem getting in. And once the Maximals had the Predicons distracted than the Animorphs would have nearly free reign of their base.

“Time to Maximize!” Optimus shouted down to those who hadn’t yet transformed.

With much yelling and whirring of machinery that was soon changed and each one of them had weapons at the ready.

“Time to let Megatron know he has guests,” Rhinox said.

That was the cue for everyone to start firing on the Predicon base in order to draw attention to themselves and away from the hawk flying curiously close. Not that Megatron was ever one to pay attention to nature.
While the Maximals were starting up the diversion, Tobias was flying near the underside of the base trying to locate the opening Optimus had tried to explain to him. When he couldn’t give an adequate description, Dinobot had jumped in and gave a much more clear picture of where to go.

Any sign, Tobias? Jake asked.

Not…no wait, I see it, Tobias replied. Heading over. Get ready, gang.

Using the stealth that had become part of his life, Tobias flew up and into the opening he had spotted. Once inside he circled for a moment. The ductwork was visible, but he just had to find an opening he could get into. That didn’t take very long because soon Tobias was gliding into a large hole and settling on the bottom.

All ashore, Tobias said.

Good, Marco said a little woozily, I need off this roller coaster ride.

Once all the flies were off Tobias it was the same scene from the Maximal base but in reverse as the group returned to their human forms. Limbs were sucked up, some grew, size increased, bones and organs grew.
Ax morphed to his Andalite self briefly enough to realize that there wasn’t quite enough room in the duct for him. So he quickly went to his own human morph.

“Ok, Jake,” Cassie said quietly. “Do you remember where to go?”

Jake breathed out slowly and said, “I think so. Follow me.”

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #51 on: January 05, 2009, 03:45:00 AM »
excellent gazy! geez i had to bug u enuf! sooo, when is there more?
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

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Part 39: Distractions
« Reply #52 on: February 10, 2009, 12:52:24 PM »
Sorry this part took so long to get up. Hope it was worth the wait. Believe it or not, I think Part 40 is going to be the last part. Enjoy!

*Part 39: Distractions and the Machine

The Animorphs were navigating through the ducts in the Predicon base. They were following Jake, who was picking up where he had left off earlier trying to locate Tarantulas’ laboratory. Some of the duct looked somewhat familiar from his earlier explorations. Time was short however; Jake had no idea how long the Maximal’s diversion would last. How long would it take Megatron to realize what was going on?

“Megatron!” Scorpanok yelled. “The Maximals are outside!”

Megatron rolled his eyes as another explosion hit the outside of the ship’s force field. There was certainly no shortage of someone stating the obvious. If Megatron was anything, it was not a fool. He knew full well what the Maximals were up to. And what could be more fun than playing along?

“Scorpanok!” It was Megatron’s turn to yell. “I want you to send a message down to Tarantulas. He’s going to have company soon.”

While Scorpanok was sending the message, Megatron was getting the others out to meet the Maximals. He would play their game for now, it would be amusing.

“Maximals!” Inferno screamed with his usual enthusiasm. “You will buuurrrrrnnnn!”

For the most part, the Maximals were staying behind large rocks and firing at random to keep the Predicons away. It was easy to tell that this tactic did not please Dinobot, but that’s not why they were there. Dinobot would gripe and complain no matter what. Though, for once, he was one hundred percent behind this mission. No one could disagree on the fact the Preds with this sort of machine was bad news.
However, the worst news was yet to come. Visser Three was still on his way to the battle scene. He knew what this fight was about and he couldn’t stand to the side anymore. No doubt the Andalite bandits were trying to track down the device.

“Megatron is no fool!” Dinobot snarled as he fired at Inferno who was yelling about “the royalty” as loud as he could. “How long do you really think this ploy will fool him?”

“Long enough for Jake and the others to find the device, I hope!” Rhinox replied.

As Optimus surveyed the battle he noticed two Predicons missing. Tarantulas and Black Arachnia were not present. That obviously meant they were still with the device. That was expected but Optimus also noticed that Scorpanok was only just then joining the fight. What had he been doing?

Apparently Dinobot had noticed the same thing because he turned to Optimus and said, “Optimus, I am going to go and assist our human comrades. No doubt Scorpanok was warning Tarantulas and Black Arachnia of their approach.”

“And you believe they cannot handle those two on their own?” Tigatron asked.

“They are human,” Dinobot snarled, “They do not carry weapons. Tarantulas and Black Arachnia, however, do.”

Tigatron gave that statement thought before stating, “I wish to assist the humans as well.”

Optimus nodded. “All right, but I can’t spare anyone else.”

“Dat’s fine wit me!” Rattrap said. “Dere’s no way I’m sneaking into da Pred base for a bunch a humans.”

“I thought you said you liked them!” Cheetor replied in between shots at Waspinator.

“I do,” Rattrap said as he ducked to avoid being shot by Terrosaur. “But not dat much!”

Inside, Jake and the others were getting close. They could hear voices now that were not coming from anyone in their group. Everyone had been strangely quiet since they began their newest mission.

One of the voices the heard was male and sounded kind of raspy. The second voice was female and silky. Jake had no doubts what they were talking about; they were trying to figure out the device and how to make it work.

Jake stopped and whispered to the group. “All right, we need to figure out a way to morph and get over there.”

“Prince Jake,” Ax said quietly, “I believe-ieve-vuh that I can morph my tail and cut us an opening-ing-guh.”

“We’ll have no guarantee where we’ll end up though!” Rachel whispered harshly. “I don’t want to drop in on those two robots before I’ve had a chance to morph.”

The voices are further ahead, Tobias said. It sounds pretty quite below us. Ax can cut the hole and I’ll fly down to check it out.

“That’s too risky, Tobias,” Cassie replied.

We don’t have much choice, Tobias replied.

Jake didn’t want to risk Tobias like that, but he had a point. They were running out of time and options. The distraction outside would only last so long and they were probably nearing the end of their window. He nodded in Ax’s direction, which was his silent approval of the idea.

Everyone sat still and silent as Ax concentrated on de-morphing slowly. One of the first things to start to grow was his tail, which was what they wanted. When the blade was sharp enough he cut an opening in the bottom of the duct.

When the hole was made there was no commotion down below in reaction to the sudden appearance of said hole, so everyone assumed that they had found a quiet spot. However, Tobias was still the first one to fly out into wherever the hold led to.

It’s all clear! Tobias reported. But I think this is like…a hallway of sorts leading to the lab. I can hear the voices further down.

There was only one question on the minds of those still in the duct. Tobias was on the ball though and answered the question without it being asked.

Don’t worry; it’s not a long drop to the ground, he said. I think you can all make it without being heard. But you should start morphing as soon as you hit the ground.

“Let’s do it!” Rachel whispered as she jumped out of the hole.

One by one, the other Animorphs followed. As soon as they hit the ground they began morphing into their respective battle morphs. Rachel was halfway in bear morph by the time Jake hit the ground. Her face was growing outwards into the distinct muzzle and fur was growing from every part of her body.

Ax, who was fully Andalite again, was keeping on eye on the direction the voices were coming from. So far no problems.

Jake was starting to go to his tiger morph when there was a soft sound behind them. In that moment Jake’s heart made a flying leap for his throat and he almost stopped morphing out of surprise.

“Peace,” a soft voice purred. “We are here to help you.”

As Jake’s shifting spine forced him to all fours he was able to turn around to see Tigatron and Dinobot standing behind the group. Jake wasn’t going to deny they would probably need help. These Predicons seemed to be much better shots than the Yeerks were, even if there were only two of them at that moment. This mission was too critical to not accept the help.

Everyone ready? Jake asked.

Let’s do it! Rachel said again, more enthusiastically.

Outside at the site of the distraction, something else was about to happen. A new figure was about to come into play.

“Optimus!” Cheetor shouted. “Over there!”

Visser Three and the remaining Controllers were racing over the horizon.

Dak, the freed Hork-Bajir, who had been crouched behind a rock until that moment saw the group approaching. He jumped up right away and yelled, “Free or dead!”

The Maximals were uncertain what to do, so they let Dak go. They were slightly more distracted with Visser Three. His appearance was changing and they assumed it was not going to be a good thing.

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #53 on: February 15, 2009, 08:39:51 PM »
whatever u do dont get dak killed! u can get cassie killed tho thats fine :P

anyhoo, awesome!
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

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Part 40: Grand Finale
« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2009, 11:57:06 AM »
This part took forever, I know. But I hope it was worth the wait. School has been keeping me really busy lately and I haven't had much time for this. I hope you enjoy this, the last part. It's hard to believe I know, but all good things eventually have to end.

** equals an addition

*Part 40: Grand Finale

“Who’s that guy, Big Bot?” Cheetor asked.

Optimus figured there was only one answer. This must be the Visser Three that the young humans had been worried about! He had probably been waiting all this time for the perfect opportunity to strike. Jake had mentioned his forces were limited since arriving after the accident.

Megatron also noticed the new arrival, but he wasn’t as in the loop as Optimus was. He had yet to witness anyone morphing and had no clue what an Andalite was. So the sight in the distance was enough to render him speechless. And that was something that did not happen often.

Visser Three’s changing form was enough to bring the conflict between Maximal and Predicon to a complete standstill. Every single set of optics was on the Visser who was growing larger and larger.

“Big Bot,” Cheetor asked, “What…what is that?”

None of the Animorphs were around to identify the creature that Visser Three was becoming. If they had been, they would have known in an instant, but none of them would have been able to speak. The creature was none other than the one Visser Three had used to murder Prince Elfangor.

The creature was massive. It had enormous teeth, a huge head and long arms. Inferno barreled towards it screaming in his usual fashion. Visser Three swung an arm and practically knocked Inferno from the sky.

“Waspinator does not like this!” Waspinator buzzed and he swooped to avoid going near the creature.

It was evident that Megatron was not happy with the situation either. As the large creature took a swipe at Terrorsaur and then Air Razor, Megatron realized he was going to have to do something he did not like.

“Optimus Primal!” Megatron shouted.

“Now is not the time, Megatron!” was Optimus’ annoyed reply.

“I believe you will want to listen to this, Maximal,” Megatron said, “yeesss.”

“Make it quick, pred!” Rattrap sneered.

“I was not speaking to you, vermin,” Megatron shot. “Optimus, since it appears we have a common enemy, I wish to proprose a….truce.”

Now it was Optimus’ turn to be rendered speechless.

“A truce?” he questioned.

“Temporarily, of course.”

“Of course,” Optimus replied as he thought.

There was no harm in accepting the offer. Though he was surprised Megatron had been the one to put forth the suggestion. If Megatron had decided that the Predicons could not handle the creature alone, however, then maybe this was an offer to be snatched up quickly.

So, both Maximal and Predicon turned to face the new threat. It would seem that the Animorphs would be getting more time after all. That was if the new combined forces were enough to hold back Visser Three.

Meanwhile, inside the base, the Animorphs and the two Maximals were approaching the laboratory. The voices of the two Predicons were a lot clearer now, and for the moment the group remained undetected.

“I suggest that Tigatron and myself enter first,” whispered Dinobot, “in order to draw their fire.”

Jake was unsure what to think for a moment. Was Dinobot placing himself under Jake’s command? It sure seemed that way.

Ok, replied Jake. Ax, you go for the device. The rest of us will distract those two Predicons.


Don’t say it, Rachel! Warned Marco.

…do it.

Marco groaned with annoyance while Dinobot and Tigatron got into place. For a brief moment, there was a pause. Then in a split moment, the two Maximals went bursting into the room with weapons at the ready.

Tarantulas and Black Arachnia whipped around. Suddenly the proximity alert was blatantly obvious. Why hadn’t they heard it before? Of course, they had been too absorbed in trying to reveal the secrets of the device. All else had been pushed from their minds and ignored.

As Dinobot predicted, the first thing the pair did was open fire. This was cut short as Marco swung a massive fist in Black Arachnia’s direction.

“Why don’t you Maximize, Optimus?” she exclaimed.

Wrong gorilla, said a voice out of nowhere.

The brief stunned pause was all the time Marco needed to swing his other fist and sent Black Arachnia flying across the room.

Tarantulas came to the fast realization that he was grossly outnumbered, but he couldn’t let them get the machine! What else could they have possibly been there for? That was when he saw the strange blue creature reaching to pick it up.

“Noo!” he yelled and raised a weapon in Ax’s direction.

I don’t think so! Bellowed Rachel, and eight hundred pounds of grizzly bear went barreling at Tarantulas.

Prince Jake! Ax exclaimed. I have the device!

Great! Said Marco. Now let’s get out of here.

Jake was happy the machine was in hand, but he couldn’t help but think how ridiculously easy that turned out to be. Though the hard part was yet to come. Even though they had the device, they still didn’t know how to use it to get home. Especially since they learned the machine was never meant to be a time machine in the first place. The whole thing was a freak accident.

Let’s get back outside! Jake said.

Back outside, it was hard to determine who was winning the fight. The combined force of Maximals and Predicons were firing at Visser Three, but it was hard to determine if the creature was taking any damage. Waspinator had been ripped clean in half. His torso could be heard off to the side whimpering.

“Why this always happen to Waspinator?” was the piteous lament.

Everyone was too busy to answer him, though. Air Razor and Terrorsaur were launching a combined attack in the air. While on the ground Rhinox was whipping out both machine guns.

Rattrap let out a triumphant whoop as Megatron’s laser sheered one of the tentacles off. Then he caught himself. Why was he cheering for a Pred? He would be happy when the whole ordeal was over and things went back to normal. Teaming up with the Preds just wasn’t right.

“Look, Big Bot!” Cheetor yelled. “It’s the others!”

Optimus turned briefly enough to see the Animorphs racing away from the Predicon base. Clutched safely in Ax’s hands was the machine. They had it! But now that they did…what would they do with it?

Ax was surveying the scene with all four of his eyes. The first thing he noticed was the Abomination looming over all in the form he had used to murder Elfangor. The thought made Ax seethe inside, but he had to force himself to set aside that emotion. Prince Jake was relying on him to get the group home. That was when he saw one of the few remaining human controllers attempting to defend herself with a dracon beam.

A dracon beam was what had caused this whole mess in the first place! Perhaps, Ax thought, perhaps if he were able to recreate the cause of the accident…that might be enough to reverse the process. It appeared that Tarantulas had restored the machine to the state it had been in when the Yeerks had it.

Prince Jake! Ax announced. I have an idea!

That’s great, Ax! What is it?

I require that dracon beam! Ax said. I believe I can use it to recreate what brought us here.

Jake’s first instinct was to ask if Ax was absolutely sure about that idea. But at that point, Jake was tired of the whole thing and was willing to try anything that might get them back home. He was finally getting used to working with the Maximals, but enough was enough.

Cassie, distract that controller! Jake ordered. Rachel, Marco! One of you get that dracon beam!

Got it, boss, Marco replied.

One can only guess what must have been going through that one controller’s mind as a wolf, bear and gorilla came racing at her from three different directions. What was certain, however, was that she had had enough. Her reaction was to drop the dracon beam and run the other way. She was beyond caring what the Visser did to her.

Though she didn’t have much to worry about, as Visser Three was more concerned with the robots assaulting him from all sides.

Marco reached down and snatched up the dracon beam. He raced to get it back to Ax, but when he was halfway there one of Visser Three’s tentacles whipped him away and the weapon went flying out of his hand.

Marco! Jake yelled.

Ax went into full gallop after the weapon. He tucked the machine under one arm and reached down to pick up the gun with the other. Trying not to break it before necessary, Ax put the machine on the ground and tried to get sufficient distance before he fired at it. He also wanted to be sure that he hit none of his friends.

Visser Three finally noticed what was happening and paused in shock for a moment. He watched as Ax backed up and aimed the dracon beam at the machine. With lightning reflexes he whipped a tentacle in Ax’s direction.

It was too bad that Ax was faster. He was already in the act of pulling the trigger as the Visser yelled.

Don’t you…

A small explosion wracked the area and a bright white light blinded everyone in it.

Here we go again! Marco yelled.

When the flash subsided, the Maximals and Predicons looked around. The animals were nowhere to be seen. Neither were the humans nor the aliens. They were all gone.

Megatron glanced around before turning and pointing his weapon at Optimus.

Optimus rolled his eyes and said, “Haven’t you had enough for one day, Megatron?”

Megatron gave this some consideration before lowering his weapon and saying, “Perhaps you are right, Primal. Another time, then.”

Without another word, the Predicons gathered themselves up (quite literally in Waspinator’s case) and made their way back into their base.

The Maximals, back in beast mode, were making the journey back to their own base.

“Do you think they made it back?” Cheetor asked after a long period of thoughtful silence.

Optimus pondered it over for a moment before he smirked and said, “I think so, Cheetor.”

None of the Maximals said anything, but each of them would secretly miss the brave group of young humans.

Optimus wished he could have spoken more to Jake about their struggle. Cheetor had wanted to talk to Marco more, he had seemed ultra gear. Tigatron would have liked to talk with Tobias and Cassie. They seemed to share his peaceful spirit.

Meanwhile, Dinobot silently saluted Rachel. She would be thrilled to know that, in his mind, Dinobot regarded her as a fellow warrior of honor.

On the other side, when the bright light faded, the Animorphs were greeted with a sight they did not expect. They hadn’t appeared in the lab where the whole ordeal began. Instead they were in the woods by where they had stashed their clothes. In stunned silence they demorphed and changed.

When they looked around, the machine was nowhere to be found. In truth, it was a smoldering and unsalvageable wreck back by the Predicon base.

“How did we get back here?” asked Cassie.

“Any idea, Ax?” Jake asked.

I do not know, Prince Jake, Ax confessed. It is a mystery to me.

“If it’s a mystery to Ax,” said Marco, “then us humans have no chance of figuring it out. I say we just be glad we’re back.”

“I still free,” said a voice.

The group turned and saw Dak standing a ways off. Apparently he had been close enough to them that he had been transported there as well.

“Hey, Tobias,” said Jake. “Think you could show our friend to his new home?”

No problem, Tobias replied. Follow me, Dak. I can take you to other free Hork-Bajir. You can live there.

Before Dak walked away, he faced the group and said, “I fellana. I thank you.”

“Anytime,” Jake replied.

Erik informed the group later, when they were telling him their story, that Visser Three and the remaining controllers had appeared back in the lab. He was pretty certain that Visser Three wouldn’t be trying anything with time machines again in the near, or far, future.

“Hey, Jake?” Marco asked.


“Can we just go back and play video games now?”

**As the Animorphs walked away, they were unaware that they were being watched. The man, if he could be called that, smiled in a knowing way. Little did anyone suspect that the "time machine" was nothing of the sort. If things had been left to play out on their own, the "accident" would have been nothing but a mere explosion with no time traveling results.

Things on the Maximal and Predicon side had been a little more tricky to manipulate. False memories had to be programmed into Tarantulas as well as false files in his computer. It was necessary to add the erase protocol if Tarantulas delved too deeply. So, in truth, Tarantulas had never designed such a machine and neither did Starscream. It had all been planted.

In usual circumstances, the group should have appeared where they began the ordeal. Though the man thought that the group had endured enough. They did not need a renewed battle with the Visser upon their return. So the man graciously returned them to where they had originally began.

Yes, he had bent the rules. He was not supposed to interfere, but they would never know. This mission had served a purpose. The group had grown and learned.

Yes, the Ellimist thought. They have learned well.


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Author's Note
« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2009, 11:59:56 AM »

Well, after a year of writing, we have finally come to the end of the story. It’s hard to believe, and I know it seemed like this thing was never going to end. But here it is. In Word I believe this story ended up being 102 pages long. Quite a lot for something that originally was started because I was bored one day.

I just want to thank those of you who have been reading this story since I started posting it. I hope the parts were worth the often long waits and overall I hope you enjoyed this story.

Thanks also go out to those who posted reviews whether they were suggestions or praise for a part. I appreciate them all.

And I won’t forget those who read this later down the line. Thank you for reading.

I hope you enjoyed this story and it kept you occupied for a while.

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2009, 11:01:58 PM »
finally! soon as i have time to read it im goin 2!
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #57 on: April 04, 2009, 10:49:45 PM »
good ending! i wish u had elaborated more on the whole turantulas making the time maching but having no memory of it thing, and explained how the anis ended up in the woods at the end while the controllers ened at the lab, but other than that, really good read!
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #58 on: April 05, 2009, 12:05:55 PM »
Glad you enjoyed. I thought of something that I can add on to the end to sort of wrap things out.

Just hope it's not seen as an easy bail out for answers. lol.

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Re: Animorphs Enter the Beast Wars
« Reply #59 on: April 05, 2009, 04:49:22 PM »
lol as long as it explains things gazy itll be ok :P
" 'What do you care if he drains a few vegetables?' I asked. 'He's a vampire!' Chester snarled. 'Today vegetables....tomor row, the world!' " Bunnicula-a Rabbit Tale of Mystery

Jess is my RAFbest friend cuz she is way awesome!
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