((Kk, cool.
*Opens mouth* Erm...Got a bit lost while reading over what's happened so far. What, exactly is going on with Ax?))
"What's this?"
Norpo looked up from his work, pushing his host's glasses up her nose to look at the Controller who had walked in. His new assistant. "Oh, it's just a pet project of mine," he replied, looking back down at the blue-prints for the new weapon Zaphod had asked him to look over before his recent promotion.
"What's it do?" the curious Controller asked.
"Transporter. But the only problem is that I have no idea where it sends things at this point if I go beyond two feet. Beyond that they tend to disappear or appear disfigured."
"Cool. Can you show me?"
Sighing, Norpo pushed himself away from the table. "Sure. Come here."
He strolled around and began showing his new assistant the controls. "Can I--"
"Yes, you can have a demonstration," Norpo replied before the other could finish. He calmly walked over and snatched an apple from the table, only vaguely listening to the beeping sound as the assistant targeted the "transporter". Ignoring his host's protests, he walked over to the target pad. "Ok, let me get--"
"Good by, Subvisser," the Controller said, pushing the button and zapping Norpo right in the chest.
Ax stood in the tree-line and swung a stalk-eye up to Tobias. <Perhaps it would be pertinent for you to warn the others,> he said calmly.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Neither human nor Yeerk was sure who was screaming aloud, since they were both screaming pretty badly as Tiamate fell. They had appeared a few feet above the trees, obviously above a forest, but neither could really be sure which forest. All they knew was that she was heading towards the ground, and, by proxy, someone on the ground.