Honestly, I want to know if there ever will be one more voyage into K.A.s universe. I know K.A. finished the series, but writers start up again. I'm sorry but animorphs is just too awesome. I know Warriors changed the protagonist a couple times. Couldn't the same be said about animorphs? Actually that is a good question though? New Team, new characters, forget how it happens, would you like to see a new group of animorphs? Furthermore instead of an andalite imagine the alien on the team being a Hork Bajir, or Yeerk? Cause I think I would be cool with a new group of animorphs, as long as they aren't clones of the old team. I want to see new characters doing new things. I'm not opposed to anti-characters though. Like having a character who is the exact opposite of Marco or something. I just don't want to see match ups to the original team.