Questions and Answers
1) I already mentioned that Ax had a small role in MM1, which was his first role as narrator in the series. This is his first extended narration. What do you think about seeing the war through his eyes? How do you think KAA did portraying an alien for the first time?
I think he's a little bit too distrusting. I think KAA did a very good job. This is the home of the world famous Discovering Chocolate part, after all.
2) What did you think about the prologue?
I think it was very sad. The way that Ax and Elfangor left eachother. Elfangor saying that one day their fighters will fly side by side. When ever I read that I just think, no Aximili, they never will. Maybe someday in that big fighter in the sky but never in life. Not ever.
3) In this book KA delves into the idea of honor and revenge in the Andalite culture. She also goes into the highly ritualistic culture that they have (morning rituals, death rituals, etc). Why do you think KA chose this sort of a culture for the Andalites?
To show that Andalites are very strict and by the rules type beings.
4) This book begins the exploration of Yeerk emotions. Specifically, with Eslin and Derane and their love for one another. What are your opinions on Yeerk love? Especially since they require three Yeerks to reproduce, does that change the concept of love?
Not really. It just shows that love can penetrate even the coldest and most evil of beings and that maybe there is more to yeerks than there seems to be.
5) What did you think about the Diary entries? Do you with KA had continued with them?
I think that they were... interesting.
6) We finally learn about the law of Seerow's Kindness and the origin of the Yeerk threat in this book. What was your reaction? How does this change your view of the Andalites? Does this change the Animorphs view of the Andalites, or do they still view them as the 'wonderful heroes'? Should they (given the little they know)?
1) nothing really. That's pretty much what i expected, some really bad thing. 2) It relieves me to know that even they aren't perfect. 3) no, it didn't but it probably did the same to them as to me. 4) They shouldn't, just look at the finale!