oh and sorry to spam, it's me again... 4 tiny (legs begin to sprout, from everybody round about...lol hooray for Roald Dahl) things relating to the topic:
1. in said cooking class (refer to above post) there were some flies hanging out near the window and Monique went to swat them, and I practically screamed "NOOOOOO!" anyway one seemed injured so I caught it and put it outside, and whispered, "Don't worry, it's safe to demorph"
2. I just went to have a shower, and we recently got a new shower curtain. It's blue and completely un - see through. I clicked on the light, and reflexively, I jerked back the curtain to make sure there were no Andalites morphing behind it
3. I got out of said shower, and I saw a leaf curled up under the sink. It kinda looked like a snail, so I instantly froze up and said "Yeerk". I got changed keeping my eye on it the whole time, and ran back to my room.
4. at dinner, I mentioned that i'd seen some blue rat poison pellets in the cupboard in this way, completely accidentally: "Dad, what's up with the blue box?" I kinda played that back and realized my error, but, too late, he already thought I was insane.
trying to stay up all night tonight, Animorphs help me... I mean literally. I'm reading them to keep me awake.