Author Topic: The Pretender  (Read 389 times)

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Offline Tim Bruening

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The Pretender
« on: July 20, 2015, 02:12:36 PM »
In this book, Tobia's cousin Arias suddenly shows up to offer him a home. She's a world acclaimed nature photographer.  Sadly, in the end, she turns out to be a morphed Visser Three.  Was there a real Arias who was a real nature photographer?  (I assume that the Animorphs would have looked her up on the Internet).

Even more shocking, Tobias learns that his Dad was an alien (the redoubtable Prince Elfangor).

Meanwhile, Tobias has yet another weird problem.  Whenever he tries to snatch up an animal to eat, he has a vision of himself AS that animal, ruining his concentration.  He is therefore starving.  I wonder why he doesn't just eat in his human morph, then demorph, using the hawk DNA to morph a healthy, non-starving hawk.

Tobias solves the problem by acquiring a mother rabbit, eating as much of it as he can hold, then morphing the rabbit to herd her children back to shelter!  I wonder how much time he will have to spend in rabbit morph taking care of the baby rabbits, and how he will find any time for his other duties (Animorphing, hunting).